At the same time that the Green Covenant arrived, the Second Infantry Division of the Massa Province, which had vaguely surrounded Arkham, was already stationed in the valley four kilometers away from Arkham.

In the military camp in the center, Major General Pigou, the commander of the Second Infantry Division, was sitting on a chair. In front of him stood two young men in their thirties very respectfully.

"Remember, your mission this time is to investigate the dungeon maze beneath the city, while ensuring that the Arkham people will not notice what is about to happen in Innsmouth." Major General Pigou said in a deep voice.

This major general can be said to have been on the battlefield for a long time, and he is a real killer. When he speaks at this time, people can faintly smell the smell of blood.

The two nodded and turned to leave.

Walking out of the temporary camp, Captain Gerry, who was wearing a military uniform and a scar on his cheek on the left, said: "Is the lunatic I just met an investigator belonging to your organization?"

The person on the right, wearing casual clothes, Barlow, a senior investigator affiliated with the Eye of Insight, nodded: "Well, he came here before to investigate the batch of stolen drugs."

"It's best to investigate why he went crazy. According to our intelligence, the situation in Arkham today is not optimistic."



Ross had already learned about the army from Elizabeth and was combing his hair with a wooden comb.

Looking down at the head on the table, the wooden comb in his hand slid gently, as if he was combing a doll's hair.

"It seems that my estimate is not wrong. The thunder in Innsmouth is about to explode. It may even be the result of the operation of the army."

After speaking, he picked up his head and put it on: "Does this hairstyle suit me better?"

Daryl, who was standing opposite the desk, had gotten used to it and answered seriously: "This formal three-quarter length has fixed your temperament. I still think the previous hairstyle is more suitable for you."

After hearing this, Ross smiled and said, "Okay."

"Mayor, what should we do next?" Daryl asked curiously.

Ross said: "Aren't you a spy from the Military Intelligence Agency? We should still carry out the previous plan. I will send Carrington to protect you."

After transforming the Danny Gang, he had a lot more cards.


As soon as Daryl left, Sheena walked in.

"Mr. Mayor, the Green Covenant people entered the city half an hour ago. They are now divided into two groups. Three of them are men living in the Miskatonic University dormitory, and the current whereabouts of the other four are unknown."

"What about configuration?"

"Captain Kingston, nicknamed Titan, is level 40. His main ability is to greatly strengthen his muscles and make him bigger."

"There are seven people, and the leader is the boss. He makes his body bigger and stronger. Emmmm, isn't he a big boy?" Los said with a smile.

Xina was not quite sure what the great master meant, and continued to report: "Vice-captain Joseph, nicknamed Goshawk, is level 35. He has super vision, super grip strength, and can fly briefly."

"Among the remaining five people, there is nothing that requires attention. They are all ordinary superhumans around level 25."

Los nodded: "According to the plan, push everything to the Tide Pirates."

Xina asked tentatively: "Mayor, why don't we just kill them all?"

Los looked at Hina with a loving look and said with a smile: "My little Hina, the best way to deal with the enemy is not to kill the enemy."

Xina was stunned: "Then...what is it?"

"It is to turn them into knives and guns in our hands, so that they can willingly help us deal with other enemies."

When Xina heard this, a wonderful light suddenly flashed in her eyes, and then the corners of her mouth rose crazily, revealing a twisted and ecstatic smile.

"My great Lord Mayor, Master of Masters, your wisdom makes Xina surrender."

Ross smiled slightly: "Go ahead. Although Carrington is going to leave with Daryl, you can go find Danny now."

"Understood! Great Lord Mayor."

After saying that, Xina left happily.


Bi-monthly calendar September 9, 1930, Saturday.

Tracy, who has a day off today, is going to go out with her friends.

It has been a month since Tracy fully recovered. Tracy's health is getting better and better, her person is becoming more and more beautiful, and she is more lively and agile.

It is hard to imagine that such a sunny, lively, beautiful girl full of vitality and aura would have encountered such a gloomy life before.

And all this is because of the great mayor.

"Come back early for dinner!" Laila reminded at the door.

Nowadays, the public security in the central area is completely different from before. All parents can safely let their children out to play.

And Tracy, who has mastered super strength, naturally does not come out simply to play, but to carry out her justice.

Just as he walked out of the apartment door, a girl with a few freckles and thick chestnut hair walked towards her.

"Oh! My God! Are you...Kama!?" Trish's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

Karma, who had changed into a plaid skirt and turned into a very ordinary girl next door, ran over happily and hugged Trish: "Oh my God! My Trish! I finally see you again."

Tracey was also full of excitement and joy, hugged her back and said, "It's so great to see you again, Karma."

Karma is two years older than him. His parents are both successful businessmen and they lived here before.

The two of them grew up together, playing together since childhood, and their relationship was like that of real sisters.

Then because of some things, Kama suddenly left here, and the two had no contact since then.

Later, Tracy learned that her parents were killed, and she chose to leave here and go to other cities.

The two sisters hugged each other happily for a while, and then Tracy happily took Kama back home.

Leila was also full of surprise and joy after seeing Kama, and enthusiastically invited her in.

"Wait here for a while, I'll go and inform my friends that I won't go out today!" Happy Tracy decided to cancel today's activities, so she ran out quickly.

Looking at Tracy's back as she left, Kama's eyes flashed and said, "Aunt Leila, I heard that Tracy has been suffering from illness in the past two years."

Leila smiled and said, "Well, her eyes were almost blind before, but now they have been cured by the mayor."

"Mayor? Is it the newly appointed mayor of Los Arkham?" Kama asked.

Leila brought over a fruit plate and nodded with a smile: "Yes! Mayor Arkham is the best mayor I have ever seen. Haven't you noticed that the security in the central area has improved a lot?"

Kama was stunned, and then said suddenly: "If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have noticed it. The central area now seems to be a different city."

"This is all thanks to Mayor Arkham." Leila said with gratitude and admiration.

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