Compared to the tension of the two people, Armitage was much calmer. At this time, he praised Lilith's beauty and gave her his sincere blessings.

Lilith was overjoyed when she heard this and replied happily: "Dr. Armitage, you are really an upright and knowledgeable gentleman as the mayor said."

Armitage's words greatly relieved the tension and frustration of the two people.

After all, they were experienced in many battles and took a deep breath at this time, trying to adjust their mental state to the best to deal with the mayor who was most likely level 50.

Lilith led the three people to the reception room on the second floor. At this time, Los was sitting there, looking down at a book.

The name of the book was "Fear and Submission", and the author was the founding emperor of the Rosas Empire, His Majesty Rosas. The book described in detail the fear and submission he experienced in his life, as well as the fear and submission of others to him after he came to power.

As soon as the three people walked into the living room, Kingston's eyes could not help but fall on Los's body.

At the moment he saw it, Kingston suddenly felt a tremor that he didn't know how to describe rising from the depths of his soul, and then quickly spread to his whole body.

This is a natural fear, the most primitive fear of people for completely unknown existence.

This kind of tremor appeared in Kingston for the second time, the first time was when he was twelve years old.

His father is a doctor and his mother is a nurse. He has learned all kinds of knowledge about the human body and medicine since he was a child, and he often dissected animals and even humans. Therefore, his psychological endurance is the best among his peers and the most emotionless.

Because no matter what happens, he can deal with it calmly, because he understands the principles and has seen many bloodier things than this.

However, when he was twelve years old, he witnessed a person who had been completely dead for five days suddenly sitting up, and his body had undergone incomprehensible mutations.

"Why can the dead come back to life!"

When he had doubts in his heart, the guy whose face had begun to decay killed his parents like crazy, and he ate them crazily, like a group of crazy beasts.

At that moment, he felt boundless fear, all of which was far beyond his cognition.

As a firm believer in science, he was not afraid of corpses because he knew the principles, but at that time... he discovered his ignorance and how terrifying it was to not understand.

His brain lost control of his body at that time, and he felt that boundless fear was about to overwhelm his reason, his knowledge, and his world.

He felt like a frog that had just jumped out of a deep well, seeing a brand new world, but completely unable to understand this brand new world.

The mind of wild thoughts gradually calmed down under the strong will.

Kingston found that his body was stiff and his palms began to tremble uncontrollably.

Although he had become thousands of times stronger over the years, at this moment he found that the young mayor in front of him was hundreds of millions of times more terrifying than the zombies at that time!

The gap not only did not narrow, but was infinitely magnified.

Kingston looked at the mayor he had never met. He had enough strength and special intuition, and he could clearly feel how terrifying this person was.

For more than 30 years, he kept working hard to understand the unknown existence, to exercise hard, and to become stronger. He thought he had gradually come into contact with the origin of this world and that he had completely gotten rid of the fear of childhood.

However, at this moment, he suddenly realized that what made him maintain that ridiculous bravery and strength was not his own strength, but the weakness of those monsters he encountered!

Fear never left him.

Unlike Kingston, although Joseph had been completely suppressed, he did not have the same fear as him.

At this time, he was already crushed by too many levels at level 35, forming a huge cognitive bias.

At this time, he only vaguely felt that this person was very dangerous.

"It is worthy of being a terrifying existence at level 50. With this kind of oppression, I feel it is difficult to move my fingers casually!" Joseph, whose perception limit is only level 50, has defined Los as level 50.

At this time, he turned his head and glanced at the captain, but found that the captain's face was extremely ugly at this time, even worse than his own.

"What's wrong with the captain? It's not like he hasn't seen a super strong man at level 50, how could he be so out of control?" Continuous shock and oppression have made his brain a little unusable.

And Armitage, who was only level 18, could not feel anything and only thought that Los was an ordinary person.

Everything about the three people was seen very clearly by Lilith on the side, and a hint of joy appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Seeing these people frightened and cautious, she always gets a strong pleasure from their fear.

"Mayor, Dr. Armitage and two experts are here." Lilith walked over and said.

Ross put down the book, looked up at Armitage and said with a smile: "Please sit down!"

At this time, Kingston and Joseph saw the monster in their impression at the same time. This person is much more handsome than ordinary people, with a restrained melancholy temperament, and looks like an introverted and shy big boy.

It is hard to imagine that such a person is the iron-fisted mayor who rectified Arkham and wiped out the cult.

Armitage smiled and sat down and said, "Mayor, this time I mainly come to apologize to you and explain the misunderstanding."

He turned his head to look at the two people, who were frozen there, motionless.

"Captain Kingston, Deputy Captain Joseph!" Armitage reminded awkwardly.

The two woke up from their dreams when they heard this, and hurriedly came to their senses, walking towards this side stiffly.

At this time, Los turned his head and set his eyes on the two people, and then gradually lifted the concealment of his form.

Kingston, who was walking stiffly, could no longer control his inner fear, and sat on the ground with a plop.

His face was extremely pale, and his eyes gradually widened. A lot of sweat oozed out of his forehead in an instant, and kept dripping down his cheeks.

At this moment, Kingston, who was sitting on the ground, felt that Los' body was infinitely enlarged.

Soon, he turned into an ant sitting on the ground, and Los had become a terrifying giant standing tall.

"What on earth is this... What on earth is this... I don't understand, I can't comprehend... No..."

At this moment, Kingston felt that his brain was not enough when facing the existence of Los. All his wisdom could not understand what kind of existence this was.

And Joseph gave up his reason directly, accompanied by a stupid laugh, and became a fool who could only babble.

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