Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 103 The Importance of Flattery

Armitage's face was pale at this time, and the corners of his eyes kept beating. He could not imagine that this kind of scene would happen in front of him.

As a fairly senior expert in this field, he knew very well that it was very difficult to scare someone completely crazy.

The human body has its own protection mechanism. When people's brains accept too many things, the protection mechanism will be triggered, causing people to lose consciousness and faint.

Only the kind of fear that is so powerful that it is indescribable can be exerted at the moment of meeting, before the protective mechanism of the human body has reacted, and the fear that is tens of millions of times beyond the human capacity can make a person completely go Ape.

When I was only at level 15, I felt endless fear when facing the descendants of the evil god, but it didn't reach the point of fainting, and it was far different from going crazy.

Now, at level 35, Joseph's endurance in this regard must be many times stronger than that of his original self.

But now, at level 35, a super strong person who was untouchable in their cognition was actually frightened crazy by Arkham's look! ?

Armitage felt his heart beating rapidly at this time, and he could not imagine what kind of existence Los was like when he came here.

Joseph's demented ravings awakened Kingston from his boundless fear. After all, he had experienced many horrific experiences, and his mental endurance was much stronger than Joseph's.

At this time, he struggled to maintain his rationality that was oppressed to the extreme, and said in a trembling voice: "Arkham...Mayor...we...we have no...malice."

Hearing Kingston's answer, Ivan raised his eyebrows and instantly gathered all his momentum back.

The next second, Joseph felt that the endless wave of fear in the sea receded quickly as if time had gone backwards. The world in his mind gradually returned to normal, and his will that had been oppressed to the limit finally recovered to some extent.

He gradually came back to his senses, and when he looked at Ross again, he found that this young man with a smile had nothing special except for being a little handsome. He seemed to be an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary.

Ross's calm and clear voice sounded with a smile: "Stop chatting, Uncle Carrington, are the teas ready?"

"Ready, Master." Carrington walked in pushing the dining cart.

Armitage turned to look at Ross, who had not changed at all. He tried to control his trembling will and said, "Mayor, we really don't mean any harm."

Ross said with a smile: "Of course I know that they were introduced by my respected Dr. Armitage, so they will naturally not have any ill intentions towards me. In the future, I believe that we can reach a very happy decision in some aspects."


The sound of coffee being poured into the cup sounded, and Armitage's attention turned to the coffee.

Ross said: "Mr. Kingston, sit down!"

Kingston, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly woke up from a dream. At this time, most of his sanity had recovered, and his brain had regained control of his body.

The superpower known as Titan wiped the sweat from his face, stood up and sat carefully next to Armitage, and said in a bitter voice: "On behalf of the entire Green Covenant, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you. apology."

"Oh? Where does this apology come from?" Los asked.

Kingston looked at Ross carefully and said seriously: "We previously thought that you, who cured Tracy through extraordinary means, was a dangerous person contaminated by the evil god without complete investigation and evidence collection. This is our ignorance and narrow-mindedness. Please forgive me." For the sake of the fact that we will soon be able to help you deal with the Dagon Esoteric Cult, please accept our apology and goodwill.”

Los took a sip of coffee, looked at Kingston and said lightly: "We don't seem to have any contact, right? How did you judge that I am not a dangerous person infected by the evil god? Maybe I am an evil god. ?”

Upon hearing this, Kingston's face suddenly turned pale, sweat oozed out again, and he explained seriously: "No, your power is as deep as the sky and as vast as the earth. If you want, you can destroy the entire Ah at any time." Cam can even destroy the entire Rosas Empire."

Hearing this, the corners of Armitage's eyes kept shaking. Destroying an empire by one person? What kind of existence is this? ?

Kingston observed Ross's expression as he spoke. When he saw that Ross's expression did not change for the worse, he continued, "But you didn't. Instead, you worked so hard to improve Arkham and help ordinary people." civilian."

"Your character is as noble as a legendary saint, and your kindness is as kind as an angel. Such a person will definitely not be an evil god."

After hearing these words, Lilith couldn't help but echoed: "What you said is barely correct, but it only describes the corner of the mayor's greatness!"

Kingston nodded hurriedly and apologized respectfully: "Yes, you are right. My stupidity and narrow thinking allow me to only think of these clumsy and humble words to describe it. Please forgive me for my ignorance and helplessness." present."

The gesture shown by Kingston at this time, as well as this series of boasts, made Ross very satisfied.

"I like honest and self-aware people, Captain Kingston. Your honesty and self-awareness have won my favor." Ross smiled and raised his hand, snapping his fingers.

Lilith came over and came to Joseph who was completely crazy.

Then her hair formed two palm-like shapes and pressed on Joseph's temple.

"Lost and ignorant child, you can wake up!" Lilith's eyes emitted a faint red light, and she said in a demonic voice.

Hearing this, Joseph's body began to twitch violently, and then after five seconds, he suddenly coughed violently, and his lifeless eyes regained focus again.


As Joseph gasped in shock, Lilith returned to Los's back.

"I am very generous to my friends and allies. Let Vice Captain Joseph come and drink coffee together!" Los said lightly.

Seeing Joseph regain his sanity, Kingston was immediately filled with gratitude and excitement.

He stood up, bowed deeply and said: "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for your kindness, thank you for your forgiveness, thank you for your gift!"

Then he hurriedly helped Joseph, who didn't know what happened, up.

At this time, he was really grateful and grateful from the bottom of his heart, because he thought Joseph would go crazy forever and become a useless person.

Unexpectedly, this mysterious and great existence actually restored Joseph to normal.

Seeing that the two people were safe and sound, Armitage was relieved: "Thank you, great mayor."

Today, I will start with one chapter, and then deal with the military investigators. I will sort out how this group of investigators should die.

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