Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 104 The beginning of a crazy game

After some cautious flattery, the smile on Ross's face became more and more intense, and the atmosphere of the whole conversation became more relaxed.

Although Joseph had just temporarily lost his mind, from the expression of his captain and his own state, he already knew what kind of horror he had experienced.

At this moment, he had completely abandoned his ridiculous and humble self-esteem, false principles of justice, lowered his proud head, and smiled flatteringly, expressing his friendliness and harmlessness.

As the conversation deepened, after the two people were sure that Ross had completely abandoned their extermination, the two people's thoughts suddenly became flexible, and the atmosphere of the conversation was no longer as rigid as before.

Kingston said: "Great Mr. Mayor, when we arrived, we found that the army had blocked all the roads leading to the inland of Arkham. They seemed to have brought a lot of superhumans this time. I think they are not good."

Ross nodded lightly: "I know, the investigators of the Eye of Insight came with them."

"The Eye of Insight again!" Joseph clenched his fists after hearing this.

Kingston hurriedly explained: "We don't have a good relationship with the Eye of Insight. Although we are an organization in this field, our way of dealing with things is completely different. We advocate protecting humans and killing monsters, while their style of doing things is to put interests first. We have fought on many issues and have irreconcilable hatred."

Loss raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at the two people, and said: "It seems that we also have certain possibilities of cooperation in some other aspects."

As he said this, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly: "If the investigators of the Eye of Insight dare to enter this city, I will let them know the truly dangerous and cruel side of this world."

Hearing this, the trembling from the soul instantly crawled over the bodies of the two people, making them shudder.

Afterwards, the two people told all the information they knew without reservation, and vowed never to tell what happened here, even to their other team members.

This immediately won Loss' satisfaction and praise.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, after talking for more than two hours, Armitage took the two superhumans away from Los's mansion.

When the three people sat in the car and watched Los's house gradually disappear from their sight, they breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Armitage was lying on the chair exhausted at this time, panting and saying: "His existence is absolutely a good thing for Arkham, don't provoke him again!"

The two people who heard this nodded without any hesitation, even Joseph, who had been very radical before, was like a sick chicken, completely wilted.

"Do we need to report to the organization about Los?" Joseph asked tentatively.

Kingston said lightly: "If you want our covenant to be completely destroyed, you can report it."

Joseph shuddered after hearing this, and then fell silent.

Kingston said seriously: "We are all people who bear the madness here on behalf of ordinary people, and in this matter, we are the people who bear the madness on behalf of the entire covenant. Remember from now on, the Arkham we are pursuing can only be a good mayor who is dedicated and loves the people, and everything that happened here is the work of the Tide Pirates, understand!?"

"Understood! Understood!" The two nodded repeatedly.

After half an hour of going back, the three people quickly dealt with their mentality and returned to Miskatonic University.

Under the enthusiastic gaze of the crowd, Kingston said in a hearty voice: "There is nothing wrong with the mayor of Arkham. He is normal and a truly great man."

"There is no need for us to continue investigating Arkham City. I have a new clue here. In the grove on the north side of the Baptismal Scripture Church in the East District, there is a transaction about the Dagon Cult. Now everyone is ready to fight!"

Without giving these people a chance to react, Kingston directly arranged the next task.


"Your majesty is like that of a god. Your few words and a few looks are enough to convince these people completely. At this point, there is no need for Sina's subsequent plan." Lilith said with praise.

Los smiled: "My subordinates have worked so hard, I can't be too lazy. I am just an insurance, a deterrent bottom line. And what Sina prepared is not useless."

"The battle between the Green Covenant and the Dagon Cult tonight represents the official start of the war between the two sides. At the same time, the traces left after their battle can be used as our next plan."

As he said, Los turned his head and looked out the window: "New bugs are about to come in. We don't need to show any mercy to them."

"Understood, my great and wise master."

Los turned around and took out the map of the entire Arkham.

"The central area has been completely controlled by us, and the commercial area is also completely controlled. After this incident, the college area is also at our fingertips. Elizabeth is in the rich area, and she is on our side when dealing with the military power faction."

"These four areas already represent the core area of ​​Arkham and are also the main activity venues."

Lilith looked down at the map and asked: "What do you mean..."

"Let's officially play a game, a game of abnormal madness and death." Los said, with a wicked smile on his face.

This way of dealing with the Green Covenant gave Los many new ideas and also made him realize the power of the people.

There are many situations where you don't need to show up yourself. As long as you can mobilize these people, there will be no possibility for those foreigners to hide here.

At the same time, through these people, he also thought of his old business: the design of team adventure games.

Ross stretched out his hand, put it in the center area and said: "Their core purpose this time is me. They need to completely control the government of Arkham, so that they can complete the control of Innsmouth and control future events."

"In other words, the chessboard of this game is the center area. This time I will design it myself. I will let them know the true face of the legendary Arkham."

Lilith heard this and her expression gradually became excited: "Master, this must be a very interesting thing."

Los smiled and nodded, his eyes swept slightly, and circled three key places.

Arkham Sanatorium, City Hall Building, Courthouse and Prison.

These three places are places where they have fought with the Hand of Chaos before, and they are also places where a group of gang members have been completely driven crazy. At the same time, they will also be the focus of this group of investigators.

"Their purpose in coming here is nothing more than to overthrow my regime and secretly control the government."

"That's right, I like to act in secret..."

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