When Los left, he was in a military camp fifteen kilometers away from Arkham City.

A total of six people were sitting quietly on chairs. Some were reading, some were cutting their nails, some were putting on makeup, and some were sleeping.

In the middle hall, Ivan, who had gone crazy, twitched and fell to the ground. His eyes rolled white and he was breathing weakly. It seemed that he could not survive.

Barrow, the senior investigator of the Eye of Insight, stood beside Ivan and frowned slightly: "Ghoul? Crazy woman?"

Ivan, who was overly frightened, had gone completely crazy. Even with the special interrogation ability in his hand, he only got some fragmentary information.

"How did the analysis of the pus on his wound go?" Barlow turned to ask the young man with glasses who was looking down at a book.

The young man raised his head and said skillfully: "It is a special biological virus, a toxin belonging to the carrion system. Its main effect is to dissolve human body tissues. The source comes from Innsmouth. Judging from the tooth marks, it should be canine." , most likely caused by mutated dogs.”

"Where's the antidote?" Barrow asked.

The young man took out an injection and said, "It's all ready."

"Very good." Barlow nodded with satisfaction.

"In other words, Ivan's madness is not directly related to the newly appointed mayor. It means that he still doesn't know about our existence. This is good news."

At this time, the tall, thin, cold young man with pale skin who was sharpening his nails with a knife asked: "When will we set off?"

"the day after tomorrow."

"So slow!?" The cold young man expressed dissatisfaction.

Barlow said calmly: "What we are facing this time is a well-established city government. According to internal information, he has at least thirty superhuman police officers under his command who are around level 20. This is indeed a police force that cannot be underestimated. the power of."

"In addition, we don't know much about this Los Arkham. If we want to hit it with one blow, we need to be fully prepared."

The cold young man expressed disdain and said: "I can kill them all by myself. Your action efficiency is really slow."

"Yingui, since you chose to participate in this battle, you must obey our command!" Barlow said in a cold tone.

After hearing this, Yin Gui's eyes flashed with cold light, and then he snorted coldly and did not continue to speak.

"You can rest for two days. Remember, don't act alone! The meeting is dismissed."

Several people stood up and turned to leave.

"These guys are really difficult to manage."

These six people are all elites with the Eye of Insight nearby. Each of them is at least level 30 and possesses a strange ability.

The level of the ghost just now is level 32. He moves without leaving a trace and is a famous murderer.

He even once killed a level 34 superhuman, and he was a notoriously dangerous guy in the circle.

"I hope that guy hasn't discovered the dungeon maze beneath Arkham." Barlow thought to himself.


No. 443 Fish Street is located in the southernmost part of the entire central area, at the end of the slum street, close to the Miskatonic River. There are not many places to live here, and the overall look is a bit deserted.

Ross parked the car on the side of the road, got out of the car and looked at the small tattoo shop.

This is a two-story single-family building with a history of at least thirty years. The walls are seriously aged, and even the windows on the second floor are somewhat deformed after years of wind and rain.

The door of the tattoo shop is half open, and through the gap, you can see that there is some chaos inside.

The first floor is where Kos works, with a huge workbench, a tattoo bed, and two cabinets for storing various materials.

At this time, Kos was sitting on a chair, sitting beside the workbench, lowering his head and processing something.

Tattoo shops have indeed been deserted recently. In the past, the main group that Kos catered to was gang members.

However, after this period of purges, those gang members have gone to jail, and he naturally has no business here.

However, this does not seem to affect Kos's life. He still sits on the counter all day every day as usual, lowering his head to deal with something. Even the neighbors cannot see him eating.

After knocking on the door, Ross walked in with a smile and smelled a strange smell.

The taste has a faint smell of blood and a fishy smell of seafood.

"Is Boss Cos here?" a clear voice sounded.

Kos, who lowered his head, turned his head and looked at Los with a pair of oval, somewhat weird eyes.

Kos looks quite weird, with a long and narrow head and seemingly no hair on his body, including no hair or eyebrows.

The brow bone is slightly high, causing his eye sockets to be sunken. It seems that long-term malnutrition has caused his cheeks to become thinner and his cheekbones to protrude.

His skin as a whole is pale white. If you look carefully, you can't even see the pores. It looks like a white and smooth white film.

He is very tall, almost 1.9 meters tall, and his arms are much longer than a normal person, which makes his body shape a bit weird.

One of his legs seems to be longer and the other shorter, as if he was not well developed from his mother's womb.

He wears a thick plush vest all year round, and there seems to be something wrapped around his abdomen, making his body a little bloated.

"Mayor...Mr.?" Kos's voice was low, but had a delicate childishness, sounding very much like a child's voice.

It's hard to imagine that a person with such an appearance has such a special baby voice.

Ross walked in with a smile and said, "It seems that I am quite famous."

Cos rarely had any expression on his face. He pointed to the wall beside him and said calmly, "I have seen your kill order. A few days ago, many guys who came to my tattoo threatened to kill you."

Los happened to see his own photo on the wall, with a blood-red cross on it and a big "kill" written below.

Los walked over and picked up the kill order and smiled, "It seems that I am quite popular."

"Then those guys disappeared." Cos said calmly.

Los nodded, "They are picking up soap in prison. The one who comes out the fastest will probably have to wait until five years later."

Cos is not a talkative person. He asked directly, "What does Mr. Mayor want to see me for?"

"I want to find you for some cooperation." Los said with a smile.

"Cooperation? I am just a tattoo artist. I am not qualified to cooperate with the mayor." Cos refused directly.

Los sat beside him casually and happened to see that he was tattooing something on a piece of skin that he didn't know what it was. He could vaguely see a sea.

"In fact, I appreciate your "one-stop" service." Los said with a smile.

"One-stop service? I don't have such service here." Kos said with a slightly cold look in his eyes.

Los smiled and said, "The one-stop service I'm talking about is a real dragon."

"Where are the dragons in this world?" Kos said lightly, stuffing his left hand into his plush vest.

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