Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 107 The Descendants of the Evil God and the Ancient God

Loss naturally noticed Kos's little move, and said calmly with a smile on his face: "There are indeed no dragons in this world. The last twisted dragon died fifteen years ago."

"But that dragon seems to have a child..."

Before Loss finished speaking, Kos's weird eyes turned blood red in an instant, and his usually dull expression became extremely hideous and crazy.


His palm suddenly pulled out from the plush vest at this time.

At the same time, a large amount of bright red tissue that looked like some kind of animal viscera was pulled out.

These tissues seemed to have life at this time, and instantly turned into countless hideous tentacles that directly entangled Loss tightly.

At the same time, a thundering sound rang out, and the invisible force directly closed all the windows and doors on the first floor.

In less than ten seconds, the tattoo shop that was just very normal turned into an evil room filled with dark light and terrifying flesh and blood tissues.

"Who are you!?" At this time, Kos had completely lost his usual appearance. His expression was extremely ferocious, and his mouth full of ferocious fangs kept spitting out bloody breath.

At this time, his plush vest had been completely torn apart.

It can be clearly seen that there is only a small amount of skin tissue on his chest and abdomen, and his heart, intestines and various organs are exposed outside.

The flesh and blood that are extended at this time are his intestines.

Los, who was entangled, found that these flesh and blood were extremely hard. Although they looked like flesh and blood, the actual texture was more like steel.

Los even saw a large number of hidden blades under these flesh and blood tissues.

And the result of this is that even if these tentacles are drawn, it is no longer a simple impact damage. The person will be directly cut in half by the hidden sharp blades.

"Sure enough, it is not fully developed. It seems that you were born at least five years earlier." Los said calmly.

This word immediately hurt Kos's nerves. He swung it casually, and a bloody big knife made of countless flesh and blood appeared in his hand.

At the end of the knife, you can see that the big knife is connected to his abdomen through the umbilical cord.

A normal person would be scared to death or fainted when seeing such a horrible scene, but Los is completely different.

Seeing this scene, Los' eyes suddenly lit up: "How did you hide such a huge organization? How did you solve the energy conversion problem?"

Looking at Los's appearance at this time, Kos felt that the guy's performance was completely different from what he imagined.

"Is it because I am not fierce enough?" Kos thought in his heart.

Then he directly swung the heavy flesh and blood knife on Los's neck and asked ferociously: "Tell me! Who told you so much! Is it those despicable humans! Are you sent by those despicable people?"

"Despicable humans? Sure enough, Kos's background has also changed a lot." Los thought to himself.

According to his original design, this weird guy was directly borrowed from Kos's orphan design in the bloodline dlc. Its main function is to make this town more dangerous and cause enough trouble for the investigators.

And after successfully killing him, you can get the knife in his hand. This knife is the only weapon in the whole game that can cause great damage to the headless mayor, and it is the key to clear the hidden boss.

As a tool man, Los did not design a too complicated background for him, just saying that he was the orphan of the evil god, an evil god's offspring who was born five years prematurely because of his mother's death without full development.

However, now it seems that he found that Kos's background has been greatly improved, and the details of the whole character have far exceeded his original design.

Los looked down at the things on the big knife. Los could clearly see the gradually formed internal organs, placenta and bone-like tissues on it.

And all the tissues on the knife are like alive, and they are still wriggling at this time, which is extremely weird.

He saw the extraordinaryness of this knife, but he couldn't see through the setting behind it.

According to the original, he didn't have too many settings for this knife.

At this time, Los looked at the ferocious Kos and said lightly: "Don't get me wrong, I have nothing to do with that group of people. I am just the mayor of Arkham City. The main purpose of coming here this time is to reach a certain cooperation with you."

"No? If not, how do you know my past!?" Kos is still rational, after all, he has lived in the human world for fifteen years.

Los smiled: "Because, you are the descendant of the evil god, and I am an ancient god."

As soon as the voice fell, Los moved his body very casually.

For a moment, Kos felt a terrible pressure, because he found that his tentacles that could easily crush steel could not stop the movement of this guy's body!

"Ancient God!? Impossible! All ancient gods should be sleeping in the dungeon maze!" Kos seemed to know a lot of things. With incredible eyes, he swung the big knife in his hand without saying a word and cut off Los's head directly.

Then the sharp blade hidden under the flesh and blood tissue appeared instantly, and hundreds of sharp blades began to cut madly on Los's body with the creeping of the tentacles.

But after a few seconds, Kos unexpectedly discovered that his blade could not cut the guy's skin.

"This is impossible!" Kos' eyes flashed with madness.

Then there was a violent wriggling behind him, followed by a puff, and four pale white wings seemed to appear.

But if you look closely, you will find that they are four wide pale tentacles, which are like ribbons floating behind him.

"Entering the second stage directly?" Los laughed. At this time, he was very interested in Kos's body structure.

He thought that his body could be transformed according to Kos's body.

With the appearance of the four wings, Los's body gradually appeared dazzling lightning.

Just as he was about to explode, Los said calmly: "Okay, I can't let you destroy this block."

As soon as the voice fell, a huge shadow appeared out of thin air, and then a breath of cold air fell from the sky, directly extinguishing the lightning on Kos's body, and instantly freezing him into an ice sculpture.

After this breath of cold air, Los immediately felt a slight hunger.

"You should be thankful that I have eaten more these two days." When Los spoke, his body deformed and crawled out of the grip of his tentacles like a piece of meat paste, and then turned into Los again.

"If I'm not full, I might not be able to resist eating you."

Hearing this, the frozen Kos's eyes shrank and his whole body trembled.

He was much stronger than the Pope of the Hand of Chaos. This freezing could only restrict his body, but could not kill him directly.

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