Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 111 Arkham's Little Hero (3rd update)

In the next hour, Los and Lilith used some very "common" and "easy to understand" methods to help these people understand how to be good enthusiastic citizens.

Debbie and Rum, who were waiting outside the conference room, naturally heard the screams coming from inside.

The two people looked at each other. They had just heard Dr. Kurwin say that the great mayor was teaching these six people some special knowledge, but why was there such a piercing scream? This made the two children a little confused.

"Maybe there was a spy among them, who wanted to attack the mayor, but was subdued by the beautiful Ms. Lilith?" Rum asked tentatively.

Debbie pondered for a moment and said, "It should be possible."

"Hey! Why are you two little guys here?" Dr. Boqi, another attending doctor at the hospital and a former spy of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce, asked curiously.

These two little guys are now considered familiar faces in the sanatorium. Everyone knows that the two little kids are students of Dr. Morsi.

Rum smiled and said: "Tell Mr. Pochi that we are waiting for the mayor to assign tasks."

There are four attending doctors in the sanatorium, all of whom are very knowledgeable. The two hard-working and studious little guys will also consult other doctors when they have time.

These doctors are naturally very willing to teach, and they can be regarded as half of their students.

Pochi smiled and nodded: "Then you have to work hard!"

After that, he left in a hurry.

"Dr. Poch seems to be very busy." Rum asked curiously.

Debbie said: "Of course I'm busy. Don't you know that two patients have suddenly gone crazy recently? They have even begun to awaken special abilities. Dr. Poch and the others are conducting detailed experiments and investigations with the permission of the mayor. ”

"Ah!? Why didn't I know?" Rum blinked in surprise.

Debbie pursed her lips and said, "You have no interest in psychiatry."

Rum immediately understood.

Although the two grew up and studied together, they have different focuses on talents and hobbies.

Debbie, who is bold, careful and calm, focuses on knowledge of psychiatry and psychology. Her favorite thing now is to explore the principles of human mental variation and knowledge related to human emotions.

So she often hangs out with the doctors and patients at the mental hospital.

Rum, who is aggressive and expressive, is more direct and pragmatic. He learns practical knowledge.

For example, fighting, human anatomy, biology, the evolution of the human body, etc.

Therefore, he spends more time in Morsi's laboratory every day.

"What abilities do those two patients have?" Rum asked curiously.

Debbie did not hide it: "No. 03122, his divided spirits began to take shape, and each had different consciousness control wishes. They began to compete for the body of No. 03122. At the same time, under the influence of different personalities of No. 03122, his body will gradually Change towards different character traits.”

After finishing speaking, Debbie said seriously: "It was a real change. When he thought he was a wolf, I saw with my own eyes that his skin started to grow hair!"

Hearing this, a normal person would definitely be frightened, but Rum looked excited when he heard this: "This guy seems very interesting. Can you draw some of his blood for me if you have time?"

"You have to ask Dr. Culvin about this." Debbie couldn't make the decision.

Rum nodded and took note and asked, "Where's the second one?"

"The second one is number 04134. We temporarily call him the Gatekeeper. He has a special influence on doors. He can open all locked doors with his bare hands, and can connect two different doors."

"Connect? What do you mean?"

"It's a bit difficult to explain. You'll know when you have time."

While the two were talking, the door to the conference room opened.

The five people who were just invited here today came out with pale faces and flickering eyes. At this time, they were like eggplants beaten by frost, and they had no appearance at all when they first arrived.

At this time, Los came out with Lilith and said with a smile: "My dear citizens, I believe that with our joint efforts, Arkham will get better and better."

Everyone raised their heads, looked at Los with a smile on his face, showed a reluctant expression, and nodded in agreement.

After the five people left, Lilith asked, "Can they trust you?"

Los said confidently: "Don't worry, they are all smart people and know what choices to make."

"Mayor! Ms. Lilith!" The two children stood up straight and saluted solemnly, looking quite cute.

Lilith seemed to like children very much. She smiled at the two children and said, "Cute little ones, don't be so reserved."

Ross walked over at this time, reached out and rubbed the two children's little heads, and said with a gentle face: "You two little heroes, you performed very well this time."

The attentive Debbie deduced Karma's arrival only through Trish's decision to cancel the operation, allowing Los to know their existence and details in advance, and thus start in advance and plan a nearly perfect plan.

And the clever Rum sent Kama to prison at the last critical moment, catching all these people in one fell swoop.

Being praised so highly by the great mayor and having their heads rubbed so affectionately made the two children feel overwhelmed with happiness.

The expressions of the two little guys were full of enjoyment and excitement, their little faces were red with excitement, their eyes were shining, and their hearts were full of excitement and motivation.

After the praise, Los said: "Next, there is a key task for you."

"Please tell us! We will do our best to complete it!" The two people said enthusiastically at this time.

Los said: "In two days, there will be some thieves like today in the city, but this group of thieves is more hateful than the previous group of thieves. I am going to kill them all."

Hearing such cruel words, the two children did not feel any problem. Rum said loudly: "If you want to kill them, it means they are the ones who deserve to die."

"Yes!!" Debbie agreed and nodded.

Now in the eyes of the two children, Los is everything to them.

"I have prepared an interesting game for them, and this game needs a guide. I hope you can be the guide." Los said with a smile.

Debbie gradually became excited: "Is it the kind that leads them gradually into the trap?"

Los nodded with a smile: "Yes, we want to let this group of foreign destroyers know our unity and our strength!"

"No problem! No problem! Mayor, this is not a task for us, it's simply a game!" Rum got excited.

Ross turned to Lilith and said, "Tell the two children the details of the situation. I'll go see the two patients first."


There are two more chapters today

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