Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 112 No. 03122 (Fourth update)

In the ward on the third floor of Arkham Nursing Home, Dr. Poch had just tested patient number 03122, and then took out his notebook to record it.

"The little girl's character is fully formed, and her overall cognitive level is around eight years old, but her IQ level is different from ordinary people, having reached 130. It is currently known that the little girl's character has a strong insight ability, which can be said to be spiritual clairvoyance , without any desire to attack or any ability to fight.”

After saying that, Pochi looked down at the little girl wearing adult clothes on the hospital bed.

This little girl looks very cute. She has golden hair and blue eyes that are as clear as gems. The clear eyes have the innocence of a child, which makes people look loving.

But at the same time, her special pair of eyes also made Pochi feel a little uncomfortable. There was an indescribable sharp insight hidden in those eyes, as if she could completely understand people's hearts with just one glance.

At this time, the security personnel on both sides held the little girl's petite and slender arms, and then Boqi lifted up his pants and took a look.

"Uncle, you don't have to be so afraid of me. I'm very cute and won't hurt anyone at all." The little girl's voice was very nice, as clear as a bird's song, and her milky voice was filled with innocence and cuteness.

Pochi smiled and casually took out a sharp scalpel from her hand covered by her sleeve.

Throwing the scalpel aside, he picked up the notebook and continued to record: "With the complete formation of personality, the physiology has also been completely changed."

"The patient spent an hour starting at 6 a.m. from an adult man with a height of 1.8 meters and a weight of 70 kilograms, to completely transform into an eight-year-old girl."

"This form is currently the patient's third form. According to observations in the past three days, the patient undergoes transformation at six o'clock every morning, and it takes an hour to complete the transformation."

"The currently known forms include a highly aggressive werewolf, a little girl with high intelligence and insight, and a forty-year-old killer."

"It is currently known that each form will last for at least 20 to 24 hours, and there is no switching state at any time."

"Memories are shared between personalities, but the special abilities of the personalities are not shared."

"Physical transformation requires a large amount of biological energy."


It took half an hour for Boqi to fill up the notebook in his hand, his eyes still filled with shock and wonder.

He has been working in psychiatry for twenty years, but this is the first time he has seen such a strange situation.

The little girl's innocent eyes had disappeared and became extremely cold and heartless.

"One day, I will kill you." He said the coldest words in a baby voice.

If you were a normal person, you would probably be instantly frightened by this change.

But Boqi didn't. Their attending doctors had already visited Dr. Morsi's laboratory and learned a lot of novel knowledge.

Pochi smiled lightly and said, "Maybe you will change your mind in the future."

"Inform Ms. Mary to prepare suitable clothes for him." Poch said, turning around and preparing to leave.

Just when he turned around, he happened to see Ross standing at the door with a smile, looking at the situation inside.

"Mayor!" Pochi hurriedly tidied up his image, then saluted and said hello.

Ross smiled: "Don't be formal, it's not like outside here."

With that said, he walked in and said: "You have performed very well recently. When the research equipment is ready, I will impart some special knowledge to you. By then you will have a comprehensive understanding of the human spirit." ”

Hearing this, Pochi's eyes suddenly lit up. He knew about Kurvin's palm and knew that Morsi's incredible knowledge was given by the great mayor.

Upon hearing this, Pochi was extremely happy and excited.

With the arrival of Los, the little girl who had been very indifferent just now suddenly turned pale, her young body was shaking constantly, and fine sweat oozed from her forehead, as if she had seen the existence that scared her the most.

Ross: "How's it going?"

Boqi immediately reported the situation he had just recorded along with the situation of the previous two days.

After hearing this, Ross nodded slightly and walked to the bed in a few steps. He looked down at the little girl with a dangerous-looking smile on his lips.

Like a perverted adult staring at an innocent little girl.

The little girl was immediately frightened and struggled violently, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

Los smiled and knelt down, stretched out his hand to wipe away her tears and said: "Little guy, your potential is far from being tapped. Others don't know what you are, but I know your existence very clearly, and I also know it very well." Your talents.”

The little girl's face was pale, and her lips and teeth were trembling as she said with difficulty: "Please...please...don't...kill me..."

"Don't worry, how could I be willing to kill you?" Los smiled and reached out to wipe the sweat off the girl's forehead.

"I know your desire for this world and your doubts about this world. You can carry out your final transformation with peace of mind."

With that said, Ross stood up and said to Pochi: "From today on, there is no need to impose any restrictions on her. She can move around as she pleases in Arkham Sanatorium."

"Mayor, he is... dangerous." The two people used completely opposite names.

Ross looked at the little girl with a smile and said, "This is a good child. She will be very obedient."

"Understood!" Pochi said without any hesitation.

In Arkham Sanatorium, Los's orders are absolute.

Seeing Los's appearance and listening to his words, the little girl's body kept shaking, and her face was so pale that it was almost transparent.

But deep in her fearful eyes, there was still a lot of curiosity and confusion.

"If you want to get in touch with the reality of this world, if you want to wash away the shame of yourself and your family, show your talents as much as possible."

"Use your talents to please me, and then you may be able to get a little gift from me."

After saying that, Los turned around and left with three medical staff.

He did not take away the scalpel on the ground, and did not even close the door, and just left casually.

After five minutes, the little girl got up carefully, and her eyes full of divine light carefully looked outside the door, as if there was some terrible monster hidden there.

Silently, she landed and picked up the scalpel, and then countless emotions flashed in her eyes.

Anger, resentment, coldness, madness, hatred, etc.

However, all these emotions finally settled on Los' smile.

In an instant, everything disappeared.

She knew very well that if she did something wrong, no matter where she escaped, she would be wiped out in his rage.

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