Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 113 The Door Underground (Fifth update completed)

Walking in the corridor, Los asked: "Tell me about incident No. 03122, what happened before she entered the nursing home."

Pochi nodded and said skillfully: "Number 03122 was originally named David Charlemagne."

" does this sound familiar?" Ross raised his eyebrows.

Poch explained: "The Charlemagne family, the legendary first Paladin, descendants of Saint Charlemagne, were once famous nobles in Massa Province."

"Oh! I remembered it! Continue."

No. 03122 is not a patient he designed, but an aborigine who belongs to this world.

Poch said: "No. 03122 is the only son of this generation of the Charlemagne family. Legend has it that he is handsome, rich, and very wise. He is a model for the younger generation in the entire Massa province. Eight years ago, when he was twenty years old, , married the eldest daughter of the Roman family, Judy Roman, which was a very popular event at the time. "

"The Pearl of Massa, Judy Roman, is now the president of Marble Group and the youngest mayor of New Massa?" Los asked in confirmation.

Boqi nodded: "Yes, the marriage of two leaders of the younger generation can be said to be a talented man and a beautiful woman, and they have received the blessings of most of the empire."

"However, things quickly went wrong. About a year after the marriage, No. 03122 suddenly became mentally ill. Judy Roman took him for a lot of treatments, but none of them had any effect. This incident shocked the entire horse race at the time. Saskatchewan."

"After many treatments failed, No. 03122 spent two years recuperating at home. Then No. 03122 suddenly escaped and killed fifteen people in the dark."

"In the end, although he was spared the death penalty due to mental illness, he had to spend his life in a mental hospital. So four years ago, he was sent to us by Judy Roman."

After hearing this, Los asked: "Where is the property of Charlemagne's family?"

"Naturally, he was perfectly inherited by his wife and son." Pochi said this with a bit of sadness.

"There are many doubts about this matter, but no one has conducted an investigation?" Los asked.

Pochi shook his head and said, "I'm not sure about this."

The corners of Ross's lips raised slightly and he said, "Then I understand."

It seems that there are still many things that can be done with No. 03122, and you can even use him to extend your tentacles to the capital city of New Massa.

"Now Judy Roman sends someone to visit every two months, number 03122, and there are still five days until the next visit." Porchi reminded.

Ross nodded slightly: "I understand, let's go and see the number 04134!"

Mentioning No. 04134, Poch suddenly said with a headache: "Since No. 04134 awakened his ability, his whereabouts have become more and more elusive. He seems to have opened all the doors of Arkham Sanatorium and can go between any two doors. Keep moving and we can only catch him when he gets tired."

Ross said unconcernedly: "This is a good thing, Poch, remember, human beings are most likely to tap into special potential in many situations, especially when they are mentally disturbed. The patients in our nursing homes now "These two are definitely not the only ones with special abilities. What we need now is not to control them, but to let them unleash their talents."

"I obey your orders, Mr. Mayor."

"Of course, all this must be within our control."

While the two were talking, they followed the stairs to the ward on the fourth floor.

"This guy is very dishonest, but he is very active in eating. It is not meal time, so he is probably not in the room yet."

As soon as Boqi finished speaking, the big black iron door was opened directly, and then the blond-haired energetic guy immediately knelt down remotely and rubbed his knees against the ground for a full two meters to Loss's. In front of you.

This operation immediately made Pochi dumbfounded. No. 04134 lowered his head and kissed Los's shoes, and said with a respectful expression: "Ah! Great gatekeeper, great unifier, your believer, your heirs offer you their humble sacrifices." Greetings."

Los was not surprised by this scene. Most of the abilities related to the door were related to Yog-Sothoth, and he not only accepted the knowledge of Yog-Sothoth, but also received the approval of Yog-Sothoth. A silver key that can open all doors.

Pochi kept blinking as he watched, completely unaware of what was going on.

Los asked calmly: "Did you take care of the monster behind the door?"

Hearing this, No. 04134 said excitedly: "Yes! I tried my best to kill him, proving that I have the ability to pass through the door."

Then, he said in a low voice: "But the monsters I killed were very low-level, and the only door I can open now is the Arkham Sanatorium."

"That's enough, you have proven your worth." Loss heard this and roughly understood this guy's situation.

"Thank you for your approval. To me, your approval is like the gospel of creation, like God's guidance, and like the sacred sky!" Number 04134 immediately praised with great excitement.

Ross didn't care about these things and asked directly: "Have you opened the door below?"

Hearing this, No. 04134's face flashed solemnly and he said: "I can't open it yet, but I can faintly hear weird sounds coming from the underground door."

"Has the sound begun yet?" Los lost in thought.

Now there are a lot of dungeon mazes from ancient times buried under Arkham. In his design, these dungeon mazes are used to imprison those terrifying old gods, so that those terrifying and frenzied gods will not come to the world again.

However, with the continuous excavation of people, the door of the underground maze has been opened, and the existence below is reconnected with the world.

And there is such a maze under the Arkham Sanatorium, where an ancient god is sleeping.

Now there are constant sounds coming, indicating that the silence of this maze that has been maintained for tens of millions of years has been broken.

"We need to speed up the progress. I am too weak now. I am not an opponent for any complete god. Arkham Sanatorium cannot suppress it now."

"We must build a strong enough fortress before the door is opened to completely suppress this dungeon maze!"

All along, the real threat faced by Los is the ancient gods underground.

"Help me keep an eye on this door, and you need to rearrange the entire sanatorium. I will be useful in the next few days."

The ability number 04134 is very suitable for playing games.

Los has decided to design a weird maze here that you can never get out of.

Five chapters today, and more tomorrow

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