After coming out of Arkham Sanatorium, Ross returned directly to the city hall and worked in his own office.

After a while, Daryl knocked on the door and walked in: "Mayor."

"What's wrong?"

Daryl said: "I just received news from above that the military will send a lieutenant colonel over tomorrow to prepare to take over the city government."

"Take over the city government?" Ross was a little surprised. He didn't expect the army to enter the city in such a direct and brutal way.

Daryl nodded and said, "Yes, the lieutenant colonel will bring about a company of troops to take over the government and activate the wartime response system."

"Did you tell me the reason?"

"They said it was to clear out a cult organization that was fleeing nearby. This evil organization was preparing to launch a large-scale terrorist attack in Arkham and surrounding areas."

A glint flashed in Los's eyes: "There is something, and I have to steal it openly!"

Daryl continued: "I told them about your plan to go to the capital, and they agreed with me to leave. This makes me a little unsure."

"If they want to take full control of this place, they should need me as their undercover to stay."

Ross smiled: "It seems that my recent development has touched their nerves. They want to bring me back to my original shape as quickly as possible while I am still developing."

Daryl agreed with this analysis, and then asked tentatively: "Mayor, what are you going to do?"

Ross smiled slightly: "What else can you do? Since you are here, you have to do as the Romans do! I can give them the city hall, the court and the prison." Ross showed great generosity.

Daryl smiled knowingly, seeming to have sensed the end of this group of guys.

After Darryl left, Ross walked out of the office and said to Janet, his current clerk and secretary, "Call all government personnel for a meeting."

Janet's eyes lit up as she seemed to have thought of something.

"Yes, mayor!"


Meanwhile, Miskatonic University.

The Green Covenant team has conducted a very detailed investigation of the eastern suburbs and obtained some key evidence.

Now they are back and preparing to pack their things and head to Innsmouth tonight to prevent this disaster from happening.

In the small living room, Dr. Morgan asked: "Are you so anxious?"

Kingston nodded: "The matter seems a bit serious, we must get over it as soon as possible."

Morgan immediately warned: "You have to be careful. I'm afraid you will face more than just those monsters. The army has completely surrounded Arkham and Innsmouth. I suspect they are planning something evil."

After hearing this, Kingston smiled reassuringly: "Don't worry about this. The Mayor of Arkham is here in Arkham, and those troops will never be a burden to us."

The others heard this and nodded in agreement.

After experiencing this incident, they knew very well how powerful and terrifying the energy this young mayor possessed.

With the mayor's character and mentality, he will never give up his city.

Joseph, who was very confident and prickly before, sneered and said: "Those narrow-minded and ignorant guys, they have no idea what kind of horror they are about to face."

Gina on the side said calmly: "Just like a certain guy."

"..." Joseph opened his mouth and was speechless.

This matter, fear of trouble will become a shadow for his life.

"Okay, let's go as soon as you're ready."

At seven o'clock in the afternoon, seven people in simple disguises and their luggage got on the long-distance bus to Innsmouth in twos and threes.

Departing at this time, it will take three hours to arrive at Innsmouth at ten o'clock in the evening.

This time period can be said to be very dangerous in Innsmouth.

After watching the group of martyrs leave, Los turned back to his yard.

"Great master, can they succeed?" asked Xina standing aside.

Ross shook his head: "No."

"But maybe when I'm in a good mood I can help them out."

After hearing this, Xina immediately said with admiration: "They will be grateful for your gift and greatness."

Ross smiled slightly: "Okay, these little bugs are working so hard, we can't fall behind, everything must be dealt with before dawn tomorrow."

"Yes, great master."

Eight o'clock in the evening, Arkham Sanitarium.

Four trucks entered the sanatorium compound under dim lights, and then boxes after boxes of supplies were carried into the sanatorium building by a group of strong young people.

Dr. Morsi stood aside and opened a box. Among the fluffy weeds, he saw a silver-gray spherical machine.

This is the blood separator he needs most this time.

In the future, there will be a need for a lot of such machines.

As the supplies arrived, there was also a middle-aged man wearing a very casual jacket.

The middle-aged man looks about forty years old, 1.8 meters tall, with a fairly strong build. He wears an ordinary brown jacket on his upper body. His brown-black hair has natural curls, making his head look like a chicken coop. .

The middle-aged man has a very broad Chinese character face, a pair of glasses on his tall nose, and gray stubble on his chin. He looks quite vicissitudes of life.

The middle-aged man who got off the car looked around cautiously, and his eyes tightened slightly when he saw the main building of Arkham Sanatorium.

"Hey! My old friend! Wayne!" Dr. Morsi walked over enthusiastically after seeing the middle-aged man, and then opened his arms.

The middle-aged man who was cautiously looking around at this time was relieved when he saw Dr. Morsi, and then greeted him happily: "Long time no see, Morsi."

The two hugged each other very happily, and it seemed that the two had a very good relationship.

"To be honest, I was still hesitant after receiving your call, because... the scene you said was a little too dreamy, and the dream was a little unrealistic." Wayne sighed.

After hearing this, Morsi laughed: "I understand, if you suddenly told me, I would also feel it was unrealistic."

"But you are still here, my old friend."

Wayne smiled: "Anyway, I have nowhere to go, so I can only come here to try."

"Are those people still chasing you?" Morsi frowned after hearing this.

Wayne nodded: "They have been trying to capture me, but unfortunately, these idiots are not as smart as me."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hands and murmured: "I don't know how many of their people I have killed now."

The two of them fell into silence.

Wayne's past was very painful, and even though he was free now, the organization would not let him go.

"Don't worry! This is Arkham, you are absolutely safe here, and those guys will only die if they come here!" Murthy vowed.

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