At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, Los returned home after finishing his work.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, he looked down and saw three bottles of pure red liquid, which looked like blood at first glance.

Strictly speaking, this thing is indeed blood, the red blood of the guilty, which contains special blood that can be called terrifying biological energy.

This is what he asked Mursi to prepare for him.

And the function is to complete the further transformation of the body.

Today during the day, he saw Kos, and naturally saw his body structure. He was very curious about the body structure of this indigenous ancient god belonging to this world, and unexpectedly learned a lot.

The default structure of Los's body is still human. Although such a body can make any changes when he needs it, if he wants to make changes, he needs to consume huge biological energy.

So after so much research and preparation, he is ready to make some changes.

Limiting the changes in the body to a certain extent will greatly reduce the consumption of biological energy.

And this method is to make several fixed templates.

After having a fixed template, the body will have relevant memories after activation, and then directly reduce 70% of useless work, and instantly transform the body into the shape specified by the template.

It's like you want to make a hexagram-shaped ice cube. If there is no mold, it will not only be very strenuous, but also consume a lot of time and a lot of water and cold air.

But if you have a fixed hexagram template, you only need to pour a small amount of water and freeze it for an hour to complete it easily.

For Los, although the previous transformation can make him become a variety of strange things, it consumes a lot of his energy every time.

But next, after having a fixed template, he only needs to change according to the designed template, which saves time and effort. The only disadvantage is that he can't change his form as arbitrarily as before.

Close your eyes, and the knowledge and plan in your mind quickly emerge.

He has now designed five fixed templates for himself to deal with five completely different situations.

Once this template is determined, it will form a kind of shackles, which can only be broken after he successfully enters the ancient god.

Although the disadvantages are great, what Los needs now is not that kind of weird form, but persistence!

Yes! Men all hope that they can last long enough.

Los didn't want to change into a cool and awesome form after facing a real strong enemy, and then wither after one shot.

I went up and shot him in one second, what can I say?

"Sure enough, no matter what form, persistence is the king." Los's mouth curled up slightly.

Five forms, each form corresponds to a special ability, which is enough for him to be invincible at this stage.

The first form: martial arts form.

This form looks not much different from normal humans, but the surface of the body will be covered with a very close-fitting, high-hardness, high-flexibility and special bone armor.

In this form, Los will abandon other special abilities and let his 85-level terrifying physical energy burst out completely.

And the special ability of this form is airflow control.

The streamlined form and special armor allow him to obtain the minimum resistance, and the armor can be changed according to Los's wishes, and can accumulate air, then compress and explode, forming a terrifying air cannon.

At the same time, those bone armors can also transform into various weapons for easy combat.

The second form: stealth form.

In this form, Los is a large mass of soft tissue, just like the slime in the game, which transforms the entire body into a special gelatinous substance, which can be almost immune to all physical attacks.

In this form, Los can change into any form, and the volume can be greatly compressed, with the smallest volume being the size of a human head.

When lying on the ground, it is no different from a puddle of water, and this mass of tissue has the ability of a chameleon, which can camouflage according to different environments.

It can even become completely transparent directly.

The special ability of this form is parasitism. Los's body can completely penetrate into a person's body through the seven orifices of the human body, and obtain complete control of a person, but without memory.

This form has no combat ability. If discovered, it is either parasitism or passive beating.

The third form: flying form.

In this form, Los will become a form similar to an eagle, with feathers that are ten thousand times harder than steel, abandoning all other abilities, gaining the ability to fly rapidly and a powerful field of vision far beyond a telescope.

This form has no direct combat power, but it has claws that can crush steel and can easily cut the wings of a tank.

The special ability of this form is the Eagle Eye, which can obtain extremely powerful vision. Conservatively estimated, it can easily catch an ant from a kilometer away.

The fourth form: perfect form.

This form is the most perfect form of the entire creature. Los will become a non-human monster with many tentacles. In this form, Los can obtain super strong defense and super strong power.

At this time, all of Los's cells will be together. He has no internal organs, no mouth, and no brain.

His whole body tissues are all brain cells, digestive cells, muscle cells, and bone cells...

In this form, Los can burst out the most powerful physical activity and strength of a half-step ancient god.

In this form, Los will become a perfect tentacle monster, which can shake things that are more than a million times his weight.

He does not need traditional eating, and can directly obtain energy from nature and the sun.

He does not need to excrete, because all energy conversion can reach 100%.

He does not need to mate, because this form is hermaphroditic.


The fifth form: the ancient god form.

In this form, Los will directly unfold the special form he obtained from the knowledge of Yog-Sothoth, and directly turn himself into a mysterious existence wearing special armor, holding a black bell and a spear.

In this form, Los can produce a low temperature that can be called absolute zero, which can instantly freeze everything.

Because it is a normal body size, it consumes less energy than before.

Not only can it spray cold air, this body can also produce a large amount of cold mist, forming a large frozen form, and can give Los an indescribable sense of oppression.

In terms of combat power, this form is not as good as the martial arts form and the perfect form, but if you pretend to be cool, no one can beat it.

I came back very late today, so I will write two chapters first

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