Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 116 The Joy of Being a Human

After designing these five forms, Ross immediately began to execute them.

Reaching out to hold the three bottles of blood in his hand, Ross sighed: "Why does it feel like if this continues, it's like marrying a wife and not being able to play outside?"

The five forms are regarded as five shackles, which will completely lock Loss in his current form, and he will no longer be able to change into other forms to play.

"Forget it, do it!"

Then Los took off his head first, and countless tentacles with needles appeared on his arms.

These tentacles pierced directly into the glass bottle and sucked the blood into Los's body.

In an instant, the tissues all over Los's body began to squirm rapidly, and soon Ross's body turned into a soft ball of unknown substance.

The huge softness is constantly squirming in the room, sometimes getting bigger, sometimes getting smaller.


The next morning, when the first ray of sunlight shines in from the window, you can see a headless human body getting up from the ground, and then putting the head on your own as if you are expertly putting on glasses. neck.

After moving his neck, Ross nodded with satisfaction: "The plan went quite smoothly. Although most of the changing forms can no longer be used, the ability to change details is still available."

In one night, the overall transformation plan can be said to be quite smooth.

After moving his body, Los felt that his body seemed to become more real at this time.

Yes, more real, more like a human body.

Before, his body was like a lump of ancient god's body that could go berserk at any time, without a clear shape.

Even the human form is the result of Loss' deliberate maintenance. If Loss really frees his mind and does nothing, his body will turn into the most primitive tentacle monster form.

But it's different now. His body has been customized and fixed, and he is now a real "person".

With a sudden punch, Ross said with a smile: "This feeling of weakness is even a bit nostalgic."

Los's current human form is no longer that powerful in combat, and his overall combat level is about the same as a level 20 ghoul.

The advantage of this is that he can continuously accumulate his own energy and make himself more durable.

Of course, he is still unkillable in this form. Although he has no fighting ability, the active cells of his body can give Los a powerful self-healing ability that can be called immortal.

"This real feeling is extra comfortable, and some of the lost fun has returned." After all, Los was once a human being, so instinctively he still moved closer.

Then he unbuttoned his pants and looked down: "Well, it's not bad, at least it didn't turn into a tentacle."

Speaking of this, Loss showed a smile on his face: "This will make it very convenient to spur Lilith."

After becoming an ancient god, the changes in body and spirit caused Los to lose many things, even losing the desire to mate as a low-level creature.

After all, his form is strictly hermaphrodite and does not require the help of other individuals to reproduce.

But it's different now, he's human again!

"Well, I can sleep normally now." Lose checked around and was very satisfied with his current very weak body.

He doesn't want to become a monster mayor who only develops flesh and blood technology day and night.

In the hard life before time travel, he had been with the fifth girl all year round, and he had already killed hundreds of millions of creatures with his hands. When he came to this place, there was no need to hold it back anymore, right?

“Life is short, take advantage of the moment!”

Lose, who became a human again, felt that a new happy life was waving to him.

At eight o'clock in the morning, at the dinner table.

Today, Los's food intake has decreased somewhat, but his food intake is still about five times that of a normal person.

Carrington poured Ross some toothsome chocolate coffee and said, "Master, Daryl just called. The army has arrived outside Arkham. They are preparing to enter from the northern suburbs and pass through Arkham." Peabody Avenue next to the nursing home opens directly into the central area.”

Ross nodded: "I know, just let them in."

"How are the preparations going?"

"Everything is ready and waiting for your orders." Carrington said with a smile.

Ross teased: "I hope they know that Arkham, which is full of urban legends, is very unsafe."

At nine-thirty in the morning, Los had just changed his clothes and was about to go out when he suddenly heard a rumbling sound.

Then he turned around and looked through the window, just in time to see a motorcade slowly passing his home and heading to the city hall.

This convoy has a total of twenty vehicles, at least two hundred soldiers, and there are even tanks and related mortars in the middle.

The soldiers and civilians standing on both sides of the street looked at this heavily armed army with very indifferent expressions, and there was even sarcasm in their eyes.

This group of domineering soldiers is here again, but unfortunately, the mayor of Arkham is no longer as weak as before.

Today's Arkham is no longer the small town where human beings can be exploited!

This is the inner thought of all residents at this time.

"These guys really have no sense of public morality. Is this exhaust gas trying to choke our citizens to death!?"

Los said dissatisfied, opened the door and walked out: "I'm going to sue them for polluting the air!"

City Hall.

In the off-road vehicle, two people got out at this time.

The leader was a slightly fat middle-aged man. He was Lieutenant Colonel Nolan who came to take over the Arkham City Government this time.

Standing next to him was Captain Gerry with scars on his face.

The two got out of the car and looked at the relatively new city hall. Lieutenant Colonel Nolan said lightly: "It's really shabby. It's hard to imagine that we will be working here in the next month."

Captain Gerry smiled and said, "I can only feel aggrieved temporarily."

Then the two people strode directly into the city hall, just in time to see Daryl walking out quickly.

Lieutenant Colonel Nolan frowned slightly: "Daryl, why did you come out?"

"I happened to have something happen just now. I'll come down as soon as I can handle it!" Daryl said with a smile on his face.

Lieutenant Colonel Nolan didn't say much. He turned around and asked, "Where is the mayor who just took office? Why didn't he come to see me?"

Daryl replied calmly: "The Mayor of Arkham was just at home and is walking this way now."

Captain Gerry suddenly said with dissatisfaction, "What a big arrogance! He doesn't even know who he is, and he dares to let Lieutenant Colonel Nolan wait for him!?"

"You didn't notify me and asked you to wait for a while. What happened?" At this time, a voice came from behind the two of them.

The two turned their heads after hearing this, and saw Lose walking over with Lilith with a smile on her face.

After Lieutenant Colonel Nolan glanced at Ross lightly, his eyes were immediately completely attracted to Lilith.

He swore that in his forty-six years of life, he had played with countless women, but none of them could make his heart beat so much.

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