Sindwal Plastic Surgery Hospital, 568 Marsh Street.

Arkham's most outstanding and famous plastic surgeon, Garrison Hindvall, stood at the door of the plastic surgery clinic and looked at the passing patrol troops.

"Go back to your house!" Two passing soldiers pointed their guns directly at Sindvall and shouted.

Sindvall returned to the house without changing his expression and closed the door.

The two soldiers expressed their satisfaction and took out the butter bread they grabbed from the Honey Restaurant from their bags and ate it.

Sindvall's plastic surgery clinic is less than fifty meters away from Los's home, and he saw clearly the several battles that took place at Los's home.

After that group of crazy witches broke into the mayor's house, just like the Hand of Chaos before, they completely lost their trace.

As the first among the six people to know the true power of Los, he had no objection to the previous meeting, and instead accepted the rule of the new mayor with great joy.

Because he knows that only such a mayor has the qualifications and ability to manage Arkham today.

In silence, Sindvall turned and walked to the basement of the plastic surgery clinic.

At this time, there are various containers in the basement, and each container is filled with light yellow preservatives.

And among the preservatives were human faces.

"So, whose face should I use today?" Sindvar said, casually taking off his "face", revealing a hideous face full of terrifying scars.


Time passed slowly in a strange atmosphere.

Soon, the time came to ten o'clock in the evening.

Today, the central area of ​​Arkham is extra deserted, but also extremely lively.

Because citizens who used to walk on the streets were forced to stay at home by the army, public squares where children used to run freely have become military camps. Soldiers are everywhere on the streets, and the air in the entire central area is filled with the smell of killing and gunpowder.

"Damn Roger! Why haven't you come back yet!" Lieutenant Colonel Norton said angrily in the city hall.

Daryl on the side said flatteringly: "Sir, don't worry, Captain Rogge is on his way back. I heard that he brought you six beautiful girls, all of whom are only sixteen or seventeen years old."

Hearing this, Norton's eyes lit up at first, but then he couldn't help but think of Lilith's dignified, elegant, saint-like posture, which made him feel a strong and blasphemous desire in his heart.

"Don't wait for him now! Take my personal guards and go find Los Arkham!"

"We lost one hundred and twenty brave soldiers today. I can confirm that Los Arkham is colluding with the cult to attack us. I want to execute this traitor now!"

After speaking, Lieutenant Colonel Norton turned around and left with his five personal guards.

These five personal guards were assigned to him by his father, and they were all level 20 genetic warriors.

This kind of defense ability can definitely ensure that he survives safely until the end of the mission as long as he does not seek death.

Of course, the premise is not to seek death.

In addition to these five people, he also boarded twenty heavily armed sharp knife elites.

Instead of stopping the stupid guy, Daryl turned to call Danny.

"how's it going?"

"The first batch has been completed. They have changed their clothes and started to return. I will lead the team myself." Danny's steady and rich voice sounded.


At this time, Los had just finished dinner and was lying comfortably on Lilith's lap pillow, receiving Lilith's massage.

Carrington's voice sounded: "Master, the bug is coming."

Los said with a smile: "Let me know, the hunting night can begin."

Two minutes later, the door that had just been repaired at Los's house was violently kicked open again.

"Hey! Who did you mess with at my door?" Ross sighed and stood up.

As soon as he got up, he saw Norton striding in with a group of soldiers. Before Los could speak, he pulled out his pistol and shouted loudly: "Los Arkham! I am now sure that you are colluding with the cult and killing the imperial soldiers. I am now According to imperial law, you will be shot on the spot!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldiers beside him raised their guns.

At this time, Lilith hurriedly stepped forward to block Loss, and said with a stubborn look on her face: "As long as I am here, none of you can even think of hurting my husband."

"It's really infatuated!"

Norton took a step forward with a smile: "I like infatuated women. In fact, there are other ways to save your husband's life."

"What?" Lilith asked tentatively.

Norton walked over with a smile, but before he could speak, a soldier from behind hurried in with a pale face: "Sir! Sir! It's not good! It's not good!"

Norton, who was about to succeed, suddenly turned dark, turned his head and asked gloomily: "What on earth is going on?"

"Attack! We are attacked by metahumans!"


In the night, on the west side of Kewen Street, a team of five people was standing furtively outside an alley.

You could vaguely see a soldier dragging a pretty woman in her thirties into the alley.

"Hurry up! There will be patrols later!" the soldier waiting outside whispered.

In the alley, pale women kept struggling and pleading.

She just came out to put away the signboard of her hotel, but she never expected to be dragged here by these five soldiers.

She never imagined that the soldiers of the empire could be so disgusting.

The sturdy soldier took off his pants skillfully and then began to tear the woman's clothes. It seemed that he had done a lot of similar things.

"Be good, or I will kill your whole family now!" The soldier whispered viciously.

When the woman heard this, her body was frightened and trembled constantly, and she gradually gave up resistance.

"That's right!" The soldier walked forward proudly, and under the moonlight, his face was set off like a devil.

"Sure enough, the devil is not in hell, but in the world."

At this time, an ethereal voice came.

"Who!?" The soldier drew his gun instantly.


A black shadow flashed by, and the woman suddenly felt a warm liquid scattered on her face.

The panicked pupils gradually regained focus, just in time to see that the soldier's head was gone, and the blood was gushing out of his neck like a fountain.

Kenneth, a private detective wearing glasses, slowly walked out of the shadows.

At this time, his entire left arm turned into a demon covered with scales and sparks.

At this time, the demon's mouth was full of blood, and he chewed the man's head and swallowed it.

"It's comfortable, and the human head is still the most delicious." The horned demon made a happy sound.

The woman asked tentatively: "Mr. Yas?"

Kenneth nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Mrs. Thompson, don't be afraid, these damn guys will not see the sun tomorrow."

After that, he walked out of the alley with an evil smile on his face.

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