Several people waiting at the entrance of the alley did not hear the expected screams. One of them said sarcastically: "How can this guy Shan Te? Can't he make a sound now?"

"I'll show you my style later!"

"But it's not like there's no sound at all, right? This guy won't kill people, right?" Another soldier said worriedly.

While several people were talking, a cold voice came: "Have you... ever seen hell?"

Hearing this cold voice, the four people suddenly got goosebumps on their skin. Then they immediately pulled out their firearms and turned their heads suddenly, just in time to see a young man with glasses and a weak temperament looking at them with an evil smile.

If they were ordinary young people, they would not hesitate to shoot a bunch of bullets.

But... there is a ferocious and terrifying monster floating next to this guy.

"Enma, dinner is ready."

Naturally, the four soldiers would not sit still and wait for death, and they retreated suddenly.

Chug tug tug...

A series of gunshots rang out.

Facing such a shot, the demon's body instantly expanded and turned into a huge shield blocking Kenneth's body.

Then two blades shimmering with cold light extended directly from both sides of the shield. Along with the arms that seemed to be infinitely extendable, like a meteor hammer, with a sudden sweep, the bodies of the four people were cut in half.


Pain, fear, and screams echoed in the dark night, seeming to represent the beginning of some kind of ritual.

Two patrols a block away from here heard the sound and quickly ran towards this side for reinforcements.

At this moment, a huge thing fell from the sky.

With a scream, a soldier was bitten to death without even having time to shoot.

All the soldiers were shocked and suddenly turned their heads to look. They were shocked to find that this was a terrifying lion that was two meters tall.

The hair on this lion's body was like gold, exuding a metallic luster, and the sharp nails on his claws were like blades.


With an order, hundreds of bullets poured out like raindrops, accompanied by grenades and other explosives.

However, these attacks made a clanging sound on the golden lion, like the sound of stones hitting a steel plate.

"Damn it! What kind of monster is this!" At this time, many soldiers shouted with pale faces while shooting.

"I don't know! Retreat! Retreat! Call for reinforcements!" The soldiers yelled crazily.

At this time, a fat figure gradually appeared in the dark night.

This is a fat uncle wearing a white suit and looking very amiable.

"God said that anyone who harms a cat will be punished."

As soon as he finished speaking, more than twenty dark figures suddenly appeared around the soldier.

In an instant, blood spurted out, and the sharp claws cut into their skin and bones, even shredding the firearms in their hands.

When it was all over, nineteen of the twenty soldiers were dead, and the remaining one was seriously injured. The soldier who had a mental breakdown stumbled away.

Mark smiled like an uncle next door: "Fear is starting to spread."

Kenneth came over after hearing the sound and clapped his hands and said, "He is indeed an apostle favored by the great cat god."

Mark turned to look at Kenneth: "Devil's Hand certainly deserves its reputation."

Kenneth walked over, skillfully picked up the heads among the broken corpses and said, "It seems that I was lagging behind from the beginning."

Mark seemed to be able to smile at everyone. He said in an easy-going tone: "It's a long night, and this is just the beginning."

In the dark night, the civilians of Arkham heard the piercing sound of gunfire in their homes again.

However, this time it was not the hateful gangsters that disturbed their peace, but the empire's army.

Arkham prison.

Captain Gerry is here screening the undercover agents they had arrested and related gang figures.

This group of people who have lost everything is easy to grasp, and this group of local snakes is also very suitable to help them understand Arkham.

Just when Captain Gerry had just selected more than 20 prisoners and was about to release them, a soldier hurried in and said with a pale face: "It's bad! Sir! Our patrol soldiers were attacked by extraordinary beings one after another. Massacre! Go and see!"

Captain Gerry's face became cold after hearing this, and he stood up quickly: "Let's go!"

Just when he passed by the soldier, he suddenly felt as if his chest was electrocuted, and then his whole body felt sore and numb, and he lost control of his body.

"You!!!" Captain Gerry's eyes gradually widened, looking at the very ordinary soldier in front of him in disbelief.

At this time, the soldier raised his hand, and there was a silver-gray scalpel in his hand.

Then he put his palm on his face and pulled it down, and the whole face was torn off by him. It was none other than the plastic surgeon Sindvall.

"Captain Gerry, can I borrow your face for a moment?" That hideous face, paired with the white teeth, was like a devil in the night.

Captain Gerry desperately tried to gain control of his body, but to no avail.

"Guards! Guards!" Captain Gerry kept shouting, but found that no one responded to him.

At this time, Sindvall pulled Captain Gerry's hair and dragged his body out of the office.

"Your men are here," Sindvall said with a smile.

Captain Gerry looked up, his eyes suddenly tightened. At this time, there were six bodies lying in the corridor.

Among these six bodies, there were even three genetic warriors.

"Impossible! This is impossible!" Captain Gerry roared.

Sindval squatted down and grinned his mouth that was hideous because of the lack of lips.

"Nothing is impossible. They are just a group of small characters at level 19. As a level 27, it is not easy for me to kill them?"

As he said, he gradually stabbed the scalpel along Captain Gerry's forehead, slowly cutting his skin, and a lot of blood flowed down along the skin.

At this time, even Captain Gerry, who had experienced hundreds of battles, was on the verge of collapse: "No! No! Let's talk it over! Our army has a lot of technology! We can heal your face! I can give you money! Give you powerful power! We can cooperate! If you want power! Arkham can let you rule in the future!"

Hearing this, Sindval seemed to fall into deep thought. Just when Captain Gerry felt that he saw a glimmer of hope and was about to continue speaking, he felt that the sharp scalpel had cut into his skin.

Sindval squatted down, his ferocious face gradually approached Gerry, and whispered: "I want a god, do you have one?"

"God? God?" Captain Gerry was completely stunned at this time.

The scalpel gradually cut off the skin on Captain Gerry's forehead, and the piercing pain made Captain Gerry struggle continuously.

In extreme pain and fear, he... went crazy.

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