In the dark night, from time to time, there were some heart-wrenching or terrified screams in the narrow and twisted streets of Arkham.

These arrogant guys vividly performed for the residents of Arkham how many ways screams can be called.

At the border between the North District and the Central District, Dr. Laban stood on the roof, and the cool night breeze blew his collar constantly, like an arm swaying back and forth in the dark.

"The monsters in the Central District have awakened." Dr. Laban said solemnly.

Now the screams in the center radiate to the surroundings, resounding throughout the northern part of Arkham.

"Quick! Quick!"

On the street, the army patrolling in the North District received the message at this time, and quickly returned to support the Central District.

"What are the monsters in the Central District? Doctor." Standing next to him, the young man asked curiously.

Dr. Laban said lightly: "The geographical location of the Central District is not good, and the economic development level is not as good as the College District and the Commercial District. Do you know why it is called the Central District?"

"Could it be..." The young man seemed to have thought of something.

Dr. Laban did not continue: "The already restless monsters saw a new future, that is Los Arkham."


In just half an hour, the army that had extended to various places in the city was quickly withdrawing, as if it had encountered something terrible.

In the rich area, Elizabeth looked at the military vehicles and tanks leaving in the distance and exhaled. She didn't want to fight the army here.

"Leader! Leader!" A young man in black hurried back.

"Did something happen in the central area?" Elizabeth asked.

The young man in black nodded vigorously and said: "For some reason, the monsters hidden in the central area attacked together tonight. The patrol soldiers had no room for resistance. These soldiers gathered to support the central area."

Elizabeth's eyes flashed, and she asked: "Who did you see?"

"Mark Crawford, the messenger of the cat god; Kenneth Yass, the devil's left hand; Garrison Sindelwal, the faceless doctor; Art Lil, King Kong." The young man said four names and titles in a row.

Elizabeth gritted her teeth and said, "He actually has the ability to reach a cooperation with them?"

As the future intelligence chief here, she has a very detailed understanding of these people.

None of these four guys is normal, and they can be regarded as big figures in the Arkham underground world.

"What about people in other areas?"

"They are all watching and not moving around." The young man said.

Elizabeth fell into deep thought after hearing this, and then asked again: "What actions are there in the commercial district?"

She has been paying attention to the commercial district recently, and her intuition makes her feel that something seems to have happened to the Danny Gang, but she can't find out where the problem is.

The young man said dissatisfiedly: "Danny O'Banion of the Danny Gang seems to have completely turned to the army. Now he is returning to the central area with Captain Roger of the army for support."

"Now? Why is Roger still in the central area? Even if he is a waste, he should know the priorities, right?"

The young man whispered: "O'Banion seems to have captured the little girl in the Arkham Flower, and then took Roger and his adjutant in. It took six hours for them to come out."

Elizabeth's pupils shrank. She had a good impression of the dozen little girls. After being rescued by Los, they worked hard to improve themselves, work hard, and live hard.

"Wait, you said O'Banion took them in? What happened next?"

"After that, he went back with Roger and took five girls away." The subordinate replied.

"No... this is not right. With Arkham's character, he will never sit and watch these girls being abused." Elizabeth said with certainty.

The subordinate whispered: "Chief, that mayor is not a good guy, right?"

"You don't understand... There must be something we don't know. The relationship between the Danny Gang and the Flower of Arkham is not as simple as we see it."


In the dark night, a team of ten people quickly left Marsh Street while on guard.

Although they didn't know what happened, they knew they couldn't continue to fight in such a scattered manner.

"Why should we suppress our dissatisfaction? Why should we obey their orders......"


Suddenly, all ten people felt that someone seemed to whisper in their ears.

They looked around at each other warily, then picked up their guns and shouted: "Who is talking!"

Unfortunately, no one answered them.

"Let's go! This place is a bit too weird." The captain who led the team said hurriedly.

As the ten people continued to move forward, the voice that scratched their hearts like a cat's claw came again.

"Reason is the shackles of the spirit, madness is the premise of freedom, why should we suffer such fear? Why not embrace the vast freedom together."

"Listen to me, pick up the weapon, pull the trigger..."

This strange voice has an indescribable special power, constantly bewitching their thoughts, regardless of the darkness in their hearts.

Suddenly, ten people stopped at the same time, and then in the quiet night, heavy panting like a beast sounded.


Instantly, the ten people's eyes were red, their expressions were ferocious, they suddenly raised their guns and started to shoot at their companions.

Tu Tu Tu...

After about 20 seconds of shooting, the ten people fell powerlessly in a pool of blood, staring at the night sky with lifeless eyes. At this time, they didn't know why they came to such a ghost place and suffered such inhuman suffering.

In the dark night, a tall and thin young man wearing a white shirt, black vest, black trousers and shiny black leather shoes walked out.

His hair was neatly divided into three-seven points, his cheeks were angular, and his face was slightly long, giving people a sharp temperament.

Take a deep breath, the smell of gunpowder in the air has not dissipated.

"The taste of disaster and madness is still so wonderful." Portland Chambers said intoxicatedly.

"Can't the disaster lawyer suppress his loneliness?" A sturdy young man wearing a casual sweatshirt walked out of the shadow blocked by the moonlight.

The young man had a cross-shaped scar on his cheek and dark scaly tattoos on his arms.

"Long time no see, old friend." Chambers said with a smile.

The man who came was naturally the owner of the billiard hall, Art Lear, known as King Kong.

Lear walked over and looked down at the bodies of these people, and said casually with his hands in his pockets: "The others are moving too. They have been staying here for so long and want to move their bodies."

"The mayor really keeps his promise. I like this courageous mayor." Chambers looked satisfied.

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