Although Chambers and Leal were very close to each other during the conversation, they did not get too close to each other. It seemed that they were still jealous of each other.

"Where are you going next? It's better not to be together." Chambers said flatly.

Leal agreed and said sideways: "My side."

"Then I'll be right here."

Just when the two were about to separate, a crisp and pleasant voice sounded.

"Two enthusiastic citizens, please stay."

The two of them turned their heads to follow the sound, and happened to see a girl wearing a pure white dress, who looked beautiful and refined, like an elf in the night standing not far away.

This girl looks to be about fifteen or sixteen years old, with curly chestnut hair now scattered behind her.

The night wind blew by, and the hair was flying in the wind, giving it an ethereal and unreal feeling.

"Who are you?" Lear frowned slightly. When the two of them were talking, they didn't notice the girl approaching, which made them feel a little wary.

A smile appeared on the girl's face: "My name is Nancy, and I am now a messenger on behalf of the mayor."

After hearing this, the two of them understood that since they were the mayor's subordinates, it was normal.

They still remember Lilith's terrifying power during the meeting.

Together, the five of them could not get close to Lilith's body.

Nan Xin said in that clear voice: "The mayor just said that the enemy is retreating and defending. He hopes to reduce the number of enemies to 100 people within an hour, and then let these 100 people enter the city hall."

"Within one hour? The mayor should know that there are still at least 700 soldiers in the central area." Chambers frowned slightly.

Nancy was a little dissatisfied with his tone and said calmly: "Please pay attention to your tone, Mr. Chambers."

Chambers slowly clenched his fists but said nothing. This little girl was nothing, but he knew very well who this girl represented.

Lear was more mellow: "Does the mayor have any other plans?"

Nancy said calmly: "The great mayor naturally knows everything in this city, and naturally also knows your progress."

"So the mayor is going to have a hunting contest."

"Hunting competition?" The two raised their eyebrows at the same time.

Nancy continued: "The great mayor will reward the person who kills the most enemies within an hour with a drop of blood."

"A drop of blood?" The two of them felt their heartbeats speeding up. This drop of blood was definitely not ordinary blood.

Sure enough, Nancy added: "A drop of the blood of an ancient god."


In an instant, the two people's hearts beat rapidly.

As old people in the extraordinary world, they know many things that ordinary people don't know, such as becoming stronger by ingesting blood, and gaining special abilities by ingesting different blood.

However, among them, the blood that is regarded as the highest holy object by everyone is the blood of the ancient gods that everyone dreams of.

Why are so many forces entangled with Arkham? Because they are all seeking this underground labyrinth and the completed blood of the ancient gods.

"You said...the mayor has the blood of the ancient gods?" Chambers swallowed and asked tentatively.

Nancy said calmly: "What kind of existence do you think the mayor is?"

After saying this, Nancy turned around and left.

The two of them stared blankly in the direction Nancy left, watching the elf in white disappear into the night. Neither of them came back to their senses.

They recalled the mayor's pressure on them, and recalled the secret that even someone as powerful as Lilith surrendered to the mayor.

There was a brief silence for two seconds, and then the two began to run wildly.


On the other side, Hyde Street.

The person who made the announcement at this time was another beautiful girl with golden silky hair, Kay.

After hearing what Kay said, Kenneth and Mark looked at each other, and then said: "I have no interest in the blood of the ancient gods."

"What a coincidence, neither did I." Mark said with a smile.

Kenneth smiled and said: "I just want to drive away these outsiders as soon as possible! All this is for Arkham!"

After saying that, the two people ran faster than anyone else and disappeared into the night.

At the end of the southern slum street, Kos stood at the door. Opposite him was Ruixue, who had fiery red hair like a living flame.

"I know." After Kos said this, he turned his head and looked at the public square not far away. The lights were brightly lit, and the sound of car engines kept roaring, making the surrounding glass make a shrill sound.

There is the military camp of this army.

Ruixue reached out and tucked her wind-blown hair behind her ears, and said with shining eyes: "The mayor said that he is looking forward to your performance."

When Kos heard this, he pulled out the terrifying flesh-and-blood knife from his abdomen and asked, "Are you afraid?"

Ruixue shook her head slightly, looked at the flesh-and-blood blade that seemed to be alive and said, "He seems to have a special meaning to you."

"very smart."

Kos said something, stretched out his hand to touch the squirming flesh and blood blade and said, "He is my brother."

After hearing this, Ruixue smiled and said, "I can see that you brothers have a good relationship."

"Of course, we... have the same mind."

After speaking, he took a step forward and said: "Although I don't need the blood of the ancient gods yet, since the mayor wants to see my strength, I will comply."

Then he jumped suddenly.

With a bang, this guy jumped at least dozens of meters high and completely disappeared into the night sky.

At the same time, the soldiers in the entire public square were going crazy.

The entire central area was filled with screams and shooting sounds.

Soldiers gathered from various areas were constantly being ambushed, and almost all those who were attacked were annihilated. They still didn't know how many people the other side had and what kind of capabilities they had.

The deputy commander who came this time, Major Reagan, shouted: "Quickly establish a defensive position, surround the entire public square and the city hall, and hold on for three hours so that we can wait for reinforcements!"

At this time, Lieutenant Colonel Norton, who was surrounded by everyone, was extremely angry. He thought it was a very easy job, but it turned out like this. At this time, he shouted: "Take out all the mortars! And the tanks are ready to shoot! I want to bomb these guys to death!"

"Lieutenant Colonel! This is the city area. The consequences of rashly firing are very serious!" The staff officer on the side reminded.

"Seriously! They are just a bunch of lowly people! All the people in the whole city are not as valuable as my life! Do you know who I am? I am the son of General Eisen!"

"Boom! Bomb all these bastards and bitches to death!"

"Reload completed!" the gunner reported.

Before Lieutenant Colonel Norton could give the order, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky.


The thing smashed a tank like a meteorite falling from the sky, and then swung it, cutting the scrapped tank in half.

There will be another chapter later

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