"What! What!" Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Just when everyone's eyes widened and their faces were full of horror, a tall and thin figure fell from the sky.

Pale skin, a hunched body, deep eye sockets, looked very creepy.

At this time, in his hand, he was holding a strange weapon that looked like a huge cow's leg. The flesh and blood on it were still wriggling, and even the underdeveloped internal organs and beating heart could be seen faintly.

"What kind of monster is this!?" Norton's eyes widened and he screamed shrilly.

The next second, a large number of bullets poured towards Kos like a tide.

However, these attacks had no effect on Kos's body, and not even a trace was left.


A shrill and high-pitched inhuman cry sounded, and at this time Kos's body suddenly jumped up more than ten meters high.

Then the umbilical cord connected to the flesh and blood sword instantly extended, like a meteor hammer thrown out by him at high speed, instantly sweeping across the entire military camp.

Boom! Bang! Crack! Puff!

The umbilical cord of flesh and blood was 20 to 30 meters long, and the blood and blood blades that were thrown out destroyed everything.

The soldier and his gun were cut off neatly, a huge hole was smashed in the tank, and the shells were cut in half before they even exploded.

The military tents and facilities kept rolling, and in an instant, the whole military camp was in chaos.

Screams were endless, and the blood splashed like countless small fountains. Broken limbs and corpses were everywhere, and the whole air was filled with a pungent smell of blood.

"What kind of monster is this!" At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded, and the palms holding the guns and the tense thighs were trembling unbearably.

Unfortunately, the existence they are facing now will not stop because of their despair and fear.

After this blow, Kos jumped again, and then the blood and blood knife fell from the sky again, harvesting all lives.

"Protect me! Protect me! You guys! Protect me!" Lieutenant Colonel Norton was running in a panic at this time, without any desire to fight.

Soldiers were constantly pushed in front of him, but they were killed instantly by Kos. Norton felt that he was going crazy.

"Lieutenant Colonel Norton! This way!" This was a voice.

Norton turned his head and saw Captain Rogge standing in front of the city government with a group of soldiers waving at him.

"Yes! Go to the city government! That building has been specially reinforced! Even tanks can't penetrate it! It's easy to defend and difficult to attack! We will stay there!"

Norton saw the last hope when he saw this, and ran there like crazy under the protection of his personal guards.

At this time, Kos didn't care about him and killed as much as he wanted.

Looking at this bloody body and listening to the desperate and fearful screams, Kos's mouth curled up slightly.

He hated meaningless killing, but now, such killing is meaningful.

When the public square was wailing, four enthusiastic citizens who came from different streets also came to the periphery of the public square.

"Damn it! Why is this monster here!?" Seeing this, the four people's eyes tightened at the same time.

They naturally knew Kos, but they had a deep taboo.

Although they didn't know the real situation of Kos, they knew very well how terrifying and dangerous this guy was, so they had almost no intersection with this guy.

"It's over, how can we compare with this monster!" Kenneth took off his glasses and wiped the blood on them and sighed.

Chambers, who came over at this time, combed his hair and looked at the terrifying fighting power in front of him and exclaimed: "I didn't expect the mayor to call even this guy over."

Mark touched the lion's mane beside him: "Just watch it like this?"

Lil suddenly said: "Look, this guy's main target is not people, but those tanks, and his attack focus is on tanks."

Several people turned their heads and found that Kos's first attack target was tanks, and soldiers were only secondary targets.

At this time, after Kos smashed the last tank and mortar, he let out a piercing scream, then turned around and jumped, completely disappearing into the night sky.

"Did the mayor call this guy to clean up these artillery?" Several people looked at each other in surprise when they saw this.

After a brief silence, several people turned their eyes to the military camp that was completely destroyed by Kos, where there were still about 200 soldiers.

"To be fair, I will count one, two, three, and we will rush up together, and then we will rely on our abilities and cannot interfere with each other." Kenneth suggested.

The others nodded and then stood together to prepare.

Kenneth whispered: "1..."

As soon as the voice fell, Kenneth suddenly rushed out, shouting while rushing: "Haha! You were fooled..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly found that the three guys also rushed out almost when counting 1.

"Despicable villain!" Kenneth cursed.

"Same here." Lil chuckled.

In the military camp, the people who had not yet recovered from the horror just now met these four plague gods again.


When the enthusiastic citizens began to do the final cleanup, Los stretched his body and said, "It's almost time for us to move. After all, as the mayor, you can't let the enthusiastic citizens do everything, right?"

Lilith smiled and nodded: "They will appreciate your sympathy."

Los walked out of the room and saw the moon in the sky was just covered by clouds: "It's a dark and windy night for killing people. It seems that hunting tonight will be very interesting."

"Then now...Los will join the hunt."

Then, the skin on the surface of Los's body began to wriggle violently, and then under Lilith's gaze, these tissues quickly combined with each other to form a gray-white shell that completely covered Los.

About ten minutes later, a terrifying force emanated, making Lilith faintly want to kneel down and worship.

At this time, Los's height has reached 1.9 meters, and his whole body is covered with gray-white shells. His head is a triangle, with only a pair of eyes exposed at this time, and there are four streamlined sharp corners on his head.

The ears cannot be seen, and the mouth and nose are blocked by the horizontal shell, as if wearing a fully enclosed helmet.

The shell fits the body perfectly, and even the texture of Los's muscles can be seen. At the same time, there are protruding spikes on the shoulders, elbows and knees.

This form looks full of streamlined beauty and smoothness, and at the same time has a fatal elegance.

Lilith's whole body was shaking when she saw this, because... Los's current form was simply the most perfect masterpiece in the world in her eyes.

"Let's go! Let's welcome the climax of this hunt!" Los' voice came from under the carapace mask.

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