In a military camp fifteen kilometers outside Arkham City.

"What's the situation over there? Is there any movement yet?" Pigu asked.

The liaison officer who was summoned immediately said: "According to Lieutenant Colonel Norton's report, they were attacked by some superhumans after nightfall, but they were quickly dealt with by the army. They had officially entered the city hall to take over Arkham, and there were no other attacks." question."

"Are you sure this is a message from Lieutenant Colonel Norton?" asked Char on the side.

The liaison officer said: "We are using specially encrypted communication, and there is a special password that only Lieutenant Colonel Norton knows. There should be no problem."

Char turned to look at Pigu and said, "There's something not right about this."

Pigu said calmly: "No matter what, we will see the result tomorrow morning."

"How are your people doing?" Pigu asked.

Char said with a smile: "I can't control it anymore."

"That's good."

On the watchtower on the southeast side outside the military camp.

Barlow, who was wearing casual clothes, looked in the direction of Arkham with deep eyes.

"I heard there are a lot of urban legends here."

In the dark night, a random and sharp voice sounded.

Barlow turned around and saw a long-faced young man with a feminine temperament and blond curly hair appearing on the tower at some time. He was holding a knife in his hand and trimming his nails carefully.

Barlow nodded slightly: "It is a forgotten place. Many monsters that are not tolerated by the world live there."

"It's true! I read some information about Arkham, and it's nothing more than that. It's just a bunch of fabricated rumors with no basis." The feminine young man looked unbelieving.

Barlow did not explain: "I know your ability, Crow, but I want to warn you not to ruin our overall investigation plan because of yourself."

"Hmm, I hope it's as interesting as you said."


Going south along Peabody Avenue, you can see corpses whose heads were bitten off by monsters or burned to charcoal, as well as weapons scattered everywhere on this street.

When Ross saw such a scene, he raised the corner of his mouth slightly and asked, "What do you think they will look like when they see such a scene tomorrow?"

"Emm... I must be very happy." Lilith said with a smile.

"Haha, you are indeed my Lilith."

Just when the two people came to the edge of the public square, Lilith felt an extremely powerful air pressure that blew her back several steps.

When she came to her senses, she found that her master had disappeared.

It was at this time that she heard a loud bang.

This is... the sound of tanks firing shells.

Looking forward again, I saw Ross standing in front of the residential building on the left, holding an iron lump in his hand that had completely deformed and had no idea what its original shape was.

In the square, the four people who were slaughtering almost all the soldiers were immediately frightened by the sound of the cannon.

He turned around quickly and saw a cool, elegant and deadly figure.

They could clearly feel just now that this being was running faster than the speed of cannonballs.

The streamlined body shape, the indestructible carapace, the ferocious barbs and horns all declare his power and danger.


The man flicked his hand casually, and the iron lump in his hand was like a randomly thrown pebble, passing directly through the remaining armor of the tank and smashing the soldiers hiding inside into a pulp.

It was he who had just fired this shell from a broken tank, hoping to pull a few backers before he died.

Seeing this casual flick, the eyes of the four people tightened. They were all professionals in the industry, and they could tell with this move.

They knew very well how terrifying the muscle strength required to achieve such accuracy from a distance of one hundred meters and to throw a twenty or thirty kilogram warhead with such force.

"Lil, are you okay?" Mark asked tentatively.

Among the four, Eliel is the most physically strong.

Lear shook his head: "If...if I can become three times stronger, maybe I can."

Hearing this, the other three fell silent.

At this time, the figure gradually walked towards this side.

For a moment, a terrifying sense of oppression hit me. It felt like a group of children looking up at a high mountain.

"This... this has at least level 50 power... not level 60!" Kenneth said with a pale face.

"What should I do? Is this guy a friend or an enemy? Is he from the army?" Chambers panicked.

While they were talking, a scene appeared that they would never forget.

The last time he blinked, he was still on the other side of the square a hundred meters away. The next time he blinked, he seemed to have taken a step and instantly crossed the distance of a hundred meters and came to the front of the five people.

Faced with such terror, they had no room to react or even the desire to resist.

"When did Arkham hide such a terrifying existence?" the four people thought at the same time.

Just when the four of them felt panicked and at a loss, a familiar voice sounded.

"It seems that Coase's work was not done well. Why is there still a hidden danger left?"

Hearing this voice, the four people were stunned for a moment, and then the fear of the unknown in their hearts dissipated like an ebbing tide.

"Mr. Mayor?" Chambers asked tentatively.

Los nodded slightly, his voice was no different from his usual easygoing tone.

"Why are you so pale? Are you injured? My dear citizen."

Hearing this, the four people breathed a sigh of relief, because at least this was an acquaintance they knew, and they had chosen to obey the mayor, at least they didn't have to worry about their lives.

But then, their hearts were filled with awe.

At the last meeting, they only knew that the mayor was very strong, much stronger than Lilith, but they couldn't imagine that the mayor... could become so strong, and even completely change the structure and form of his body!

This is completely beyond human ability.

"Wait... the blood of the ancient god... reward..."

In an instant, the four people seemed to have figured out something at the same time, their hearts kept beating faster, causing waves of dry mouth.

They seemed to have thought of something extraordinary.

They had previously thought that the drop of blood of the ancient god promised by Los was something that Los dug out from the dungeon maze through the mayor's power.

But at this time, they thought... that drop of blood of the ancient god was the mayor's own blood!

Los seemed to see through their thoughts and said in a satisfied tone: "You are not stupid."

After hearing Los's personal admission, the four people felt their limbs trembling constantly.

Ancient gods, that is the existence in ancient legends, the source of superpowers in this world, and even the ancestors of mankind, the most powerful and mysterious existence in this world.

And now... their mayor is actually an ancient god! ?

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