After Daryl made relevant contact with the correspondent again, Norton hurried over: "How is it? Have you sent a distress signal?"

Daryl nodded vigorously: "I have contacted the headquarters, and the headquarters replied that reinforcements will arrive soon."

"Very good!" After hearing this, the panicked Norton suddenly felt relieved, turned to the scout and asked: "How is the situation outside?"

"The monster has left. He seemed to have some scruples. He only destroyed our tanks and did not attack the city hall." The subordinate replied.

Hearing this, Norton nodded, turned to Rogge and said, "It seems that this city hall is indeed special. We are safe for now."

Rogge smiled flatteringly and whispered: "Lieutenant Colonel, the little girls I brought back to you are in your room."

"Nowadays, this city hall is easy to defend but difficult to attack. As long as we guard the main windows and doors, no matter how fierce the opponent's firepower is, we can hold on until dawn."

"And the reason why we were attacked before was because our troops were too spread out. Now that all the troops have gathered together to take care of each other, and there are ten superhuman warriors as back-up, those crazy people naturally don't dare to be too presumptuous."

After hearing this, Norton was very satisfied and nodded and said: "I think so too. I will leave the entire defense work of the city hall to you. Remember, we only need to defend the city hall and never be tempted to go out." !understand!"



At the same time, the temporary guest room located in the middle of the third floor has been transformed into Norton's room. At this time, the six little girls captured from the Arkham Flower Club and the three previous female soldiers are being held here. .

In the room, three female soldiers with numb expressions and dull eyes were surrounded by six girls, who seemed to be saying something.

There is even a special voice lingering in their ears, outlining the madness and darkness in their hearts.

Xina, who was in the invisible state, looked at the anger and resentment in the eyes of the three people with a look of satisfaction.

She studied under Lilith. Although she did not have the magical ability of Lilith, as a professional agent, she was quite proficient in alienation and related psychological hints.

In addition, these three female soldiers have been oppressed for a long time, and all they need is a gentle inducement by Xina to lure out all their scars and inner madness.

"As long as we can kill him! As long as we can kill him! We are willing to do anything!"

The three female soldiers clenched their fists and said through gritted teeth.

At this time, Xina's body gradually emerged, showing a smile that was exactly the same as Lilith's. She reached out and touched the heads of the three people and said, "What a good boy! Now, let's start this enjoyable game!"

The remaining approximately 150 soldiers were reorganized under the deployment of officers at all levels, and then divided into groups for deployment.

The time came to ten o'clock in the evening. The soldiers who had experienced so many things were already a little tired, but they still tensed up and looked at the situation around them vigilantly.

I heard that those four people were elusive, very strange and powerful.

At this time, two strong men, fully armed and covered with long hair, walked by.

Seeing these two monster-like humans, the soldiers who usually hated them felt inexplicably relieved.

This group of superhuman soldiers is their last guarantee and their hope to persevere.

A team of five people was guarding the stairs from the first floor to the second floor.

"Why is there a faint smell of blood?" A soldier gradually tightened his grip on the gun and asked in a low voice.

Next to him was Rogge's subordinate who had returned from the business district and whispered, "Don't you know?"

"Know what?" asked another soldier.

The soldier looked around and whispered: "I was patrolling the business district in the afternoon and heard some information about the city hall."

"According to local residents, Los Arkham had a falling out with the Hand of Chaos when he first took over as mayor. The Hand of Chaos' subordinates came here at night with gasoline barrels to burn down the city hall."

"Then what?" This immediately attracted the interest of the other four soldiers.

The soldier rolled his eyes and said with a faint light: "Then more than fifty people were attacked by unknown people while passing through this corridor. Then this group of people started killing each other like crazy, and more than forty people tore each other apart. Biting, scratching, and finally died here."

The other four people immediately took a breath of air after hearing this.

The soldier seemed to have seen the scene at that time and said seriously: "When they were discovered, these guys were piled up in the corridor, with blood and internal organs everywhere, and some of them even had their whole sheets chewed off. His face and eyeballs were all crushed.”

"For example, right here, it was said that two people here were eating each other's flesh and organs."

"I heard that those people eventually turned into ghouls, specializing in eating people."


Hearing this, the two soldiers couldn't bear it anymore and retched twice.

At this time, the leading team leader said dissatisfiedly: "It's just a rumor, don't deceive the morale of the army here!"

"Who was a rumor?"

At this time, the cold and long voice came from the mouth of the soldier just now.

Then, under the incredible gazes of the four people, this guy's body gradually grew taller, bursting through his military uniform.

Under the dim light, the purple-black skin, the sharp and slender claws, the horrifyingly intertwined teeth exposed, and the ulcerated skin...

"I haven't eaten anyone for a long time!" The ghoul made that unpleasant sound.



Two minutes later, a fat captain who was passing by looked at the corner of the empty corridor with a slight frown.

"How dare these guys dare to be lazy! Let me know who it is, and I have to skin him!" The fat captain said and quickly transferred a few soldiers not far away to this place. After all, this is the place. It's an important position.

"What's going on?" A voice came from not far away.

The fat captain turned around and saw Captain Gerry walking over with a gloomy expression.

"Captain Gerry! There are a bunch of people here who are neglecting their duties. Are they your soldiers?" the fat captain said dissatisfied.

Captain Gerry frowned slightly after hearing this: "My soldiers are not in this area, you are mistaken!"

The fat captain then said, "I heard that Captain Rogge brought back some young and beautiful girls to the lieutenant colonel. I wonder if we will have any soup this time."

"If you want to drink, you can ask." Captain Gerry replied calmly.

"Oh, the Lieutenant Colonel is in high spirits now, who can make him unhappy?" the fat captain said, taking out a cigarette and handing one to Captain Gerry: "Let's go find a place to smoke."

After hearing this, Captain Gerry showed a strange smile: "Okay!"

Several soldiers standing guard not far away were full of dissatisfaction, but they only dared to be angry but did not dare to speak out.

After all, the first level of officialdom is overwhelming.

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