Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 129: The Kick That Cuts Off the Family

"These lousy officers are no better than the last." A soldier muttered in a low voice.

Another soldier nodded in agreement and said: "Captain Rhodes played inside for a few hours this afternoon, so we can only wait outside, damn!"

The two of them said as they walked toward the restroom on the west side of the city hall.

But just as he was approaching the bathroom, there was suddenly a scream that seemed to be muffled by someone, and the sound of a body struggling.

The young soldier suddenly felt something was wrong. When he turned around, the soldier next to him pinched his neck.

"You!" The soldier's eyes gradually widened, his face filled with disbelief.

The two have known each other for two years, and he never expected that his comrade would suddenly take action against him.

"you you……"

"The past me is dead."

As the soldier spoke, his face gradually changed into the form of a ghoul.

The soldier's eyes gradually widened, and his body continued to struggle to no avail.


The neck was broken directly with a crisp sound.

At this time, the fat captain ran out for some unknown reason. At this time, he ran out with blood on his face and opened the door in a panic. When he saw the soldiers at the door, he suddenly seemed to see an extremely bright hope and trembled. The voice roared: "Help me! Help me quickly!"

Hearing his cry for help, the soldier turned his head slowly sideways, revealing his terrifying purple-black skin and his terrifying fangs.

In his palm, he held a soldier with bleeding from all his orifices, as if he were holding a dead chicken.

"Captain, are you calling me?" A voice sounded like a devil from hell.

This suddenly frightened the fat captain to death, and he was extremely frightened.


A piercing scream rang out, and at this moment, a faceless human monster quietly squeezed his shoulders and whispered: "Our game is not over yet!"

"no no!!!!"

Two minutes later, Captain "Gerry" walked out of the bathroom and saw a half-eaten corpse at the door of the utility room.

The soldier wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and nodded slightly to him.

"Are there any ghouls in the army?" Sindvall, who looked like Captain Gerry, asked casually while playing with the scalpel.

The soldier replied calmly: "I was just transformed into a ghoul in the afternoon. According to our leader, it is the great mayor's credit to shape us like this."

Sindvar was stunned when he heard this. Feeling the strength of this ghoul, which was around level 20, he immediately understood the sudden appearance of the group of superhuman police in the city.

"It turns out they are all ghouls! The mayor actually masters this terrifying transformation technology!?" Sindervall thought he had a sufficient understanding of Los's strength.

But now, he found that what he knew was only superficial.

"What are the mayor's plans?" asked Hindvall.

Ghoul said: "Sometimes, causing the enemy's mental breakdown through fear is much more interesting than killing the enemy."

Hearing this, Sindvall raised the corners of his mouth with a sinister smile: "The mayor is worthy of being the mayor."

This kind of "little action" continues.

After all, the fifty soldiers who came back from the business district were all ghouls.

In the room, when Norton saw these five innocent and cute little girls, who were like frightened white rabbits, his eyes suddenly burned with desire, and his reason was quickly overtaken by his animal nature.

"My little beauties, here I come!" Norton took off his shirt and walked towards the five little girls with a smile on his face.

The five little girls were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and their bodies kept moving backwards, but their hands and feet were tied and became extremely heavy. This made Norton's bestiality even more intense.

At this critical moment, his three playthings stopped him.

"Lieutenant Colonel, you already have us." The blonde female soldier said.

"There's your mother! You stinking bitch! Get out!" His interest was interrupted, which immediately made Norton extremely angry. He moved his hands and feet together, kicking and beating the three female soldiers.

The three female soldiers who were kicked down had very calm expressions on their faces, their eyes looking at Norton's back like a pool of stagnant water.

Here Norton had already arrived in front of five little girls, and then reached out to tear one little girl's clothes to pieces.

But at this moment, he found an invisible hand pinching the back of his neck, preventing him from moving forward.


Norton thought it was the three female soldiers and swung his fist suddenly, but found that the three female soldiers made no other movements.

"what's the situation?"

Just when Norton turned around, he found that these six little girls had broken free from their restraints and came to his side.

" do you want to play?" one of the little girls asked timidly.

Norton, who had a spermatozoon in his head, didn't think too much at this time. He reached out and touched the little girl's face and said, "You can play however you want."

"Really? That's great!"

The little girl said, reaching out and grabbing his palm, squeezing it and twisting it hard.


With a crisp sound, his two fingers turned into a strange angle.


The severe pain caused Norton to let out a piercing scream.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that his mouth was blocked by something.

Turning his head with difficulty, the three female soldiers who usually let him ravage them now had a distorted and terrifying expression.

With red light in their eyes, open mouths, and white teeth, these three beautiful female soldiers looked extra terrifying at this time.

The three people used the whips they had used to whip them to strangle his mouth, making him unable to move.

Seeing that the female soldiers who had been submissive to him in the past dared to resist him, Norton was extremely angry. He turned around and was about to punch them, but found that his limbs were firmly grasped by the six little girls, like iron clamps, making him completely unable to move.

"Woo woo woo! Woo woo!"

He kept struggling and asking for help, but it was completely useless.


The six little girls easily put him down, and the blonde girl among them said to the three female soldiers: "Three sisters, I'll leave it to you next."

Hearing this, the three female soldiers suddenly had a burst of red light in their eyes, and their expressions gradually became hideous and cruel.

Woo woo woo!

Norton wanted to struggle, but it was useless.

The first female soldier stood on him, looking down at Norton's lower body, and murmured, "This seems to be the most important thing to you."

As she said that, she raised her leather-booted foot and hit him in the crotch.

Woo woo woo!

The heart-wrenching pain made Norton struggle constantly, his forehead was full of sweat, and his eyes were wide open, and his eyeballs were about to pop out.

However, this was just the beginning.

After the first female soldier, there was the second one, and after the fierce kick, there was the third female soldier...

There will be a fourth chapter later.

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