Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 130 Monsters! They are all monsters! (Fourth update)

Pain, indescribable stinging, and unspeakable strange pain were stimulating Norton's nerves.

He never thought that he would end up like this.

"This kick is for me, Linda!"


With this kick, blood flowed out through his pants.

Norton struggled, but to no avail.

Now Norton's whole body was soaked in sweat, as if he was about to collapse.

But these three female soldiers who looked like devils squatted down around him, stretched out their hands and slowly pinched his fingers, and said with twisted expressions: "Why can't it stop so soon? The fun tonight has just begun!"


Norton began to struggle violently as if he was stimulated.

Because this sentence was something he often said to three women.


The finger was broken again, but this was just the beginning.

At this moment, Norton suddenly felt that if he died like this, it might be a kind of happiness.

It's a pity that no one has mercy on him here.

Norton knew that these people would not let him go, so he bit the whip in his mouth desperately.

The excessive force made his teeth bleed, but he didn't care. He wanted to bite off the whip, because as long as he bit off the whip and screamed, the personal superhuman guards outside the door could rush in and kill him. Kill all three stinky bitches!

Countless pain inspired Norton's potential, and his strong desire to survive allowed him to break through his limits.

After half an hour of hellish torture, Norton snapped the whip with a sharp bite, and then he yelled, "Come and save me!"

This piercing roar could be clearly heard even from several rooms away. He believed that the personal guards assigned to him by his father outside the door must have heard it.

At this time, he had already ignited hope, and he roared crazily: "You bitches! Just wait to die! Just wait to die!"

The guards outside the door seemed to have heard his voice.

At this time, there was a bang and the door was opened.

What immediately caught Norton's sight was Captain Green and three personal guards.

"Captain Gerry! Kill them all!" Norton yelled.

Seeing this scene, the six little girls immediately hugged the three female soldiers and hid behind the bed.

After Captain Gerry fired his gun into the air, he hurried in and said, "Lieutenant Colonel! Can you still move?"

Although he suffered a lot of torture, his desire for life made Norton quickly stand up: "Kill them!"

"Don't be impulsive, Lieutenant Colonel! Our soldiers have rebelled! It's dangerous here! Come with us!" Captain Gerry said hurriedly.

After hearing this, Norton felt a chill in his heart. He knew very well the importance of life and ran out with Captain Gerry without saying a word.

As soon as he rushed out of the room, he was shocked to find that the lights in the corridor were out, and the corpses of soldiers were everywhere on both sides, including even the corpses of his personal guards.

This level 20 super human was punched through the chest by some kind of terrifying entity, and then his head was shattered.

Norton wouldn't have recognized them if he hadn't recognized their clothes and physical features.

"Impossible! How is this possible! This is a level 20 super human!" Norton's face turned pale at this time.

Captain Gerry pulled Norton and said, "Don't think so much! Run!"

Immediately, two people ran quickly with three bodyguards.

But just when they advanced ten meters, a door suddenly opened.

Then a demon whose whole body was burning with flames suddenly came out, bit one of his personal guards, and then dragged him back into the room in an instant.

After the door closed with a bang, Norton's face turned pale with fright.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Run! Don't stop! We will win if we escape!" Captain Gerry yelled.

When Norton heard this, he ran along without saying a word.

But right at the corner of their third floor, three ghouls with purple-black skin, ulcerated skin, and sharp teeth and claws suddenly rushed out.

"Run!" The only two remaining guards hurriedly stepped forward to fight with them, and the two hurriedly ran out of the gap.

Going down the stairs, Norton felt that his soul was trembling, and his reason was almost overwhelmed by fear.

But just when they walked from the third floor to the second floor, Norton was frightened again.

At this time, a large number of soldiers' bodies were hanging in the corridor on the second floor. Their faces were terrifying, as if they had suffered extremely horrific things during their lifetimes.

"What... is this?" Norton said.

At this moment, a large amount of jet-black hair suddenly extended from the ceiling, and then these hairs turned into terrifying monsters and bit them.

"You can't go down here! Let's go!" Captain Green pulled Norton and stumbled out from the other side, hoping to go down the stairs on the other side.

At this time, the corpse that had just fallen suddenly stood up with a crazy expression and red eyes, trying to hug Norton and bite him.

The frightened Norton hurriedly avoided, and then Gerry shot him directly, killing him.

But before the two of them could breathe a sigh of relief, a monster with black fur all over its body and a height of two meters appeared again in the darkness, as well as a jet-black cheetah that was taller than a human, and began to chase the two people crazily.

"What are these! What are all these! Monsters! They are all monsters!" Norton's fragile spirit was almost broken at this time. His expression was dull and he shouted madly.

Captain Gerry said loudly at this time: "It's almost there! It's almost there! Hold on!"

This voice maintained Norton's last sanity and hope. He barely concentrated his spirit and ran while shouting: "You have done a great deed this time! Wait until I come back alive! I will let my father make you a colonel!"

While speaking, Norton suddenly saw a gray-white demon in the distance, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, he felt a ferocious claw pressing on his shoulder. He turned back suddenly, but found nothing.

"Hallucination! Hallucination!"

At this time, the two finally ran to the first floor, and the hall was less than 20 meters away from the two.

"Finally here! Finally here!" Norton said excitedly, as if he saw the gate of heaven from hell.

Running madly, he found himself caught by someone when he was less than two meters away from the gate.

He turned back suddenly and found that Captain Gerry was holding his hand tightly and standing there motionless.

"Captain Gerry? Go! Go!" Norton said anxiously, constantly pulling his hand.

At this time, Captain Gerry looked at Norton, and suddenly a lot of blood flowed down his face, and then the weird voice sounded: "Lieutenant Colonel Norton, why do you want to leave here! Isn't it good here?"

Norton was going crazy at this time, yelling: "Let go! Let go! What are you doing! What are you doing!"

Under his gaze, Captain Gerry's face gradually fell off, revealing an extremely gloomy and terrifying face.


Seeing such a scene, Norton couldn't stand it anymore, drooling, and his spirit completely collapsed.

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