September 13, 1930 on the bimonthly calendar, this night seems extra long to some people.

Some people live like years because they fall into fear and despair.

Some people are anxious about their own interests.

Some people calculate future plans and are afraid of unnecessary variables.

Of course, some people regard today's night as an important turning point for the future.

The capital of Rosas Empire, Ania.

As a famous economic and financial pearl in the world, she enjoys numerous honors.

She was named after the greatest and most outstanding queen of the Rosas Empire, Ania, who in the Rosas language represents the center of light.

To the southeast of the capital, Crosmus Palace is an ancient palace with a history of 1,500 years. It witnessed the establishment and development of the Rosas Empire.

Over the past 1,500 years, it has been repaired thirty times and expanded twelve times. It has now become a magnificent palace garden and is also the residence of the Queen of the Empire.

In the middle of the palace is a white ivory tower-style building. This is the center of the palace. This shining tower has three spiers, symbolizing the three gods represented by the three major churches a thousand years ago. It is the perfect combination of divine power and royal power. product.

Nowadays, the three major religions have been destroyed, but this historically significant building has been preserved and has become a symbol of the entire empire today.

The study on the third floor under the spire on the south side of Yaoguang Tower is now the royal study of Queen Tefany III. Her Majesty the Queen spends six hours working here every day.

It is already eleven o'clock at midnight, and the lights in the study are still bright, indicating the Queen's diligence and dedication.

"Your Majesty, this is the latest telegram sent by Miss Clark." A female official in the atrium walked in quickly, wearing a black robe.

Behind the desk, a jade hand took the paper and looked down at it. Then the young queen let out a breath, seemingly relieved.

"Pigu's 4th Infantry Division and the vanguard battalion of a thousand men were completely wiped out." It was clear and deserted, and agile and noble. This voice was like the Queen's, like the snow lotus on the top of the iceberg, full of energy. It shows the coldness and loneliness of being isolated from the world.

Standing up slowly, the queen turned and looked out the window. In the glass, she could see that the queen had skin as white as snow, as well as rare pure black hair and black eyes.

She was wearing a simple and elegant palace dress with black background and white sleeves. At first glance, she looked like a fairy stepping into the mortal world in ink. Apart from her red lips and white teeth, only the holy white and simple and deep black were left. .

With perfect appearance and superb background, this is the current queen, Suyi Aniya Tefani III,

"Dani, what do you think?" Suyi turned around and asked.

The middle-aged female officer whispered: "Your Majesty, the fat inhibitor that Miss Clark brought back is very effective. The fat pig Dolly, who is known for being lazy and able to eat, seems to be a different person now. She actually said goodbye to chocolate and ice cream completely. And I exercise on time every day, and I have lost two pounds in three days.”

"According to this progress, it will only take two months for her to become that slender lady."

After hearing this, Suyi's eyes, as dark as black glass, shone like stars: "I know what you mean."

"How is the investigation of information about Los Arkham going?" Suyi asked again.

Dani replied: "I have investigated clearly throughout my life. Everything has been normal in the past twenty-four years. The only unknown point now is the night when he issued the prohibition order."

"From the intelligence point of view, in just one day and one night, this person seemed to have changed into a different person, and he seemed to have suddenly gained tremendous power."

"You mean, the Arkham now is not the Arkham before?" Suyi raised her hand and fiddled with the temples on her chest out of habit.

Dani: "So far, it's like this. Although we don't know what kind of mutation he has, from the perspective of city government staff and related residents, the mutated Los Arkham is more cheerful, easy-going, and more... Approachable and intelligent.”

"Because the former Los Arkham was an introverted, awkward, and somewhat naive and paranoid idealist. Since the age of fifteen, he has talked about hating Arkham City."

"It's interesting." Suyi's eyes gradually brightened, and the corners of her beautiful lips raised slightly: "I kind of want to see him."

"Your Majesty, the night is already deep, it's time for you to rest." Dani said seriously.

Su Yi shook her head slightly and sat back on the chair: "The pressure from the military is getting stronger and stronger. We must make adequate preparations in advance."

"Is Aisen here again today?"

Dani nodded: "Yes, but I blocked her."

"It's not surprising that it's about his eldest son, right?" Suyi said with a hint of sarcasm in the corner of her mouth.

General Eisen is currently the highest-ranking general in the empire, commander-in-chief of the military, minister of defense, and chairman of military industry. He is also a level 27 superhuman.

Everyone in the capital now knows about his ambition.

Naturally, he wanted to replace him and restore himself as emperor.

What he wants is not a king without real power in the current constitutional monarchy, but a great emperor who truly rules the entire empire.

He now controls 30% of the parliamentarians, and at the same time, he has military and financial power. He now needs to get the Queen to marry his eldest son, Dominic.

Danien exclaimed: "He seems to be a little impatient."

"This is natural. Even if he masters the alien technology, as long as he gives me another ten years, I can bring the entire empire into a new era." Suyi clenched her fists.

She boasts that she can deal with superhumans and aliens, but she needs time.

She has many special technologies, but the research and development of these technologies takes time and cost.

Suyi said: "Let Elizabeth continue to stare over there. If Arkham can solve the Innsmouth problem this time, he is indeed qualified to stand by my side."


Dani respectfully withdrew, leaving only this fairy who came out of the ink painting in the huge study.

"Ancient gods and aliens are not a problem."

Suyi said, turned around and took out a large number of drawings from her drawer.

There are various complex structures and formulas on these drawings.

As you can see from the title of the drawing, it includes nuclear bombs, satellites, missiles, rocket launchers, fighter jets, and even exoskeleton individual combat armor, electromagnetic rifles, and even nuclear-powered flying swords!

"Give me enough time, and I can kill you!" Suyi's eyes flashed with countless stars.

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