Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 132 Arkham's Morning (Second Update)

September 14, Thursday.

People who woke up in the morning felt a little sleepless after a night of noise, but nothing else.

Wash, eat, and get dressed for work.

The streets were still as neat and clean as usual. It seemed that the gunshots and screams last night were all scenes in a dream.

There was a lot of garbage piled up in the public square, including tents completely stained with blood, and a large number of car and tank fragments.

People had no interest in these things, and didn't even look at them when they passed by.

But the children found a good place and regarded it as a good place to bury treasures, and surrounded it to see if they could find some fun things.

The streets have completely returned to their former calm, the police are still patrolling diligently, and the shops that were forced to close yesterday are open for business.

If it weren't for the pile of bloody garbage, people would have thought that yesterday's army was in a trance caused by their mental weakness.

Below the Imperial Post Office Building, the intersection of Armitage Street and Peabody Avenue is the real traffic artery in the central area.

To the northwest is the Arkham Telephone Company and the City Hall, and to the northeast is the Arkham Tramway Company, which connects to the public square.

To the southwest is the Imperial Postal Building, which connects these two high-end residential areas, and to the southeast is the fire station and the Arkham Taxi Company.

At 7:30, the morning rush hour has already begun here.

Private cars in the high-end residential areas, public taxis, trams full of passengers, and pedestrians going to work all pass through this street.

The noisy streets are noisy and lively. Pedestrians passing by each other have unfinished breakfasts, some are smoking, and some are still tidying up their ties and clothes, and are in a hurry to start their new day.

Minisha stood at the edge of the street, watching the pedestrians coming and going, and the traces left under their feet.

"It smells very bloody. Were those damn soldiers really killed?" Minisha thought as she walked. Even if she was wearing a loose coat and pants, she still couldn't completely cover her plump, attractive figure like a ripe peach.

"One thousand soldiers, thirty superhumans, all died overnight, and my thirteen sisters are missing, Los Arkham! You are indeed my biggest enemy!" Minesha looked north along Peabody Avenue, looking towards Los's home.

Yesterday's battle was brutal. Under the army's focused suppression, eight of their Forbidden Gate witches died in just one afternoon, which was a huge blow to them.

In addition to the thirteen missing witches, they lost one-third of their members in one afternoon. This huge blow made Minesha, as the Pope, naturally unable to sit idly by.

He originally planned to come here at night to eliminate Los Arkham during the chaos, but when he approached here, he sensed an extremely terrifying existence passing through the sky, which immediately made her feel afraid.

Because according to her estimation, the figure's strength was at least fifty levels.

Later, through various channels, she also got the follow-up situation. After hearing that Los had wiped out the army, Minisha, who was a little unconvinced, came to take a look this morning and found that... the reality was more shocking and terrifying than the intelligence.

There were almost no signs of fighting, and even the bullet holes on the wall were very few. It can be said that it was a completely one-sided massacre.

"How did he do it?" Minisha suddenly felt that she bumped into someone while thinking in her heart.

Then the two looked up at the same time and found that they were all old acquaintances.

"Miss Clark." Minisha recognized Elizabeth, who was dressed in ordinary clothes and had undergone a simple disguise.

"Miss Val." Elizabeth was stunned, but then quickly recovered.

After the two people bumped into each other, they felt a little embarrassed for a while.

Originally, they were secretly investigating, but they didn't expect that when they turned around, the leaders of the two organizations bumped into each other.

"If you have time, you two ladies can have a cup of coffee together."

Another voice sounded.

The two turned their heads and saw a young gentleman wearing a top hat, a suit, and a cane.

"Jason Gaspard, long time no see." Elizabeth said with a smile.

Gaspard smiled slightly: "Something happened recently. I just came back these two days. I heard about the great changes in the city, so I investigated. Are you interested in sharing each other's intelligence?"

Jason Gaspard, the representative of the southern district of the lowlands, a mysterious supernatural organization, a senior member of the Eye of Alama, has a very neutral position, wanders between multiple forces, and is a very famous lobbyist.

"Okay!" Elizabeth smiled and nodded.

Minissa also nodded slightly, and then walked into the cafe next to her.

The three of them found a box and sat down. Gaspard was the first to say, "The army outside the city has already started, with a total force of more than 8,000 people."

"Among them are 30 super soldiers from the Empire's secret experiments, with an average combat power of more than level 20."

"And a total of 10 investigators from the Eye of Insight, who are participating in this incident as mercenaries."

"And these 10 people... are very dangerous. It is said that they are all above level 25, and there are even advanced superhumans above level 30."

Hearing this, the two people were startled. Although they knew that the army would take action, they did not expect that such a large force would be dispatched, and even the investigators from the Eye of Insight would be called in.

After that, Gaspard smiled and said, "I want to know what happened last night?"

Minesha replied, "The mayor launched his hidden power and annihilated all the 1,000 soldiers who entered the city. Then, we didn't know what method he used. We didn't even find the bodies."

Gaspard whispered, "How could he suddenly have such a powerful power?"

"We want to know this, too." Minesha said coldly.

Elizabeth seemed to be very disgusted with coffee. She poured it directly into the trash can and said, "According to the known situation, he has a subordinate who is at least level 40, Lilith, and a level 30 housekeeper, Carrington, and a team of about 30 superhuman policemen with an average level of 20."

"Level 40!? Level 30!? Thirty levels 20?" Hearing what Elizabeth said, the coffee in Gaspard's hand shook.

Minesha heard this and slowly clenched her fist under the table. Los Arkham's strength was a little beyond her expectations.

Elizabeth continued, "The army is expected to enter the city today, and the group of superhumans want to gain control of the entire Arkham. Then, of course, they will clean us out and turn this place into their military base."

"I think neither of you wants to see this happen, right?"

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