Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 133 They suddenly went crazy (3rd update)

After hearing Elizabeth's words, Minisha and Gaspard had different expressions.

Minisha said nonchalantly: "If they dare to go that far, I will make it impossible for them to come back!"

Gaspard smiled and said: "I don't care. Our Eye of Alama does not seem to have a direct conflict of interest with them. There is still room for maneuver."

After hearing the two people's statements, Elizabeth knew that it was unrealistic to persuade them to face the army directly.

Immediately, after the three parties exchanged information, Minisha and Elizabeth left one after another.

After the two left, Gaspard did not leave directly, but sat there and drank another cup of coffee calmly.

Then, a young man with glasses who looked like a college student sat down, took out his notebook and asked, "Tell me about it."

Gaspard immediately said: "Arkham's strength is unknown. He has at least a maid around level 40, now named Lilith Arkham. She was already a superhuman ten years ago, but she is He was imprisoned in Arkham Sanitarium ten years ago and has been there for the past ten years."

"Level 40?" The young man raised his eyebrows, wrote a few strokes in the notebook and asked, "Where are the others?"

"There is also a butler who is no less than level 30, named Carrington. I have come into contact with this person before, and he seems to be conducting some kind of cult worship."

"And the most important thing is that he has a group of about thirty people, at least level 20 superhuman police officers."

Hearing this, the young man frowned slightly: "Thirty people? At least level 20?"

Gaspard nodded: "That's what Elizabeth said. It's similar to my investigation. Now the police in the central area generally have powers that are different from ordinary people."

"But the specifics are not clear right now because these citizens are not willing to talk about their police officers right now."

The young man smiled: "It seems that it has been sealed."

"Okay, I've generally figured it out. I won't have anything to do next without you." The young man said, putting away his notebook and preparing to leave.

Gaspard said seriously: "Please remember your promise."

"Don't worry, our investigators from the Eye of Insight have always been trustworthy." The young man said and strolled away.


In the city hall, the blood stains from last night have been completely cleaned due to the overnight work of a large number of ghouls.

"I didn't expect it to be so convenient for ghouls to dispose of corpses. Well done, Danny." Ross said with a smile.

The most difficult part of handling the entire body is the blood, because no matter how it is handled, it will leave some traces.

But it was different under the hands of the ghouls. These guys stuck out their long tongues and licked the blood cleanly.

Yes, they licked all the blood in the entire city hall with their tongues.

Because to them, the blood on the ground is like a bear seeing honey sprinkled on the ground.

As the ghoul lord, Danny looked honored: "Thank you for your praise."

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and then Daryl came in and said: "Mayor, Major General Pigou is coming to the city. At the same time, according to Xina's investigation, at least five investigators from the Eye of Insight have entered Arkham. And the strength is generally between level 25 and level 30.”

Ross nodded and said to Danny, "The main event is next."

"Understood!" Danny said, quickly turning around and leaving.

Daryl continued: "The army camp is stationed in the suburbs one kilometer outside the town. It seems that they have no intention of coming in until the investigators find something."

Ross adjusted his tie and said, "This is natural. What they did last night was just a test. They used these soldiers to lure out all the extraordinary power here. As long as they do it, they will definitely leave some clues."

"Then we will send out investigators to quickly investigate clearly, locate the target and deal with it quickly. After these hidden fangs are pulled out, Arkham will naturally no longer be a threat."

Daryl sighed after hearing this: "How cruel, this is the lives of a thousand people!"

Ross said calmly: "One general becomes famous and thousands of bones wither. Famous generals are built from the bones of soldiers. If he can fully control Arkham this time and solve the problem of Innsmouth, Major General Pigou will later... You will soon reach the level of admiral."

"Get ready, a big shot is here this time."

The manner in which Major General Pigou entered the city was completely different from that of Lieutenant Colonel Norton before him.

There were only two military vehicles in total. Major General Pigou took Charles and one of his adjutants, and then the rest were twenty fully armed soldiers.

Of course, these soldiers must be the elite among extraordinary soldiers.

Follow Peabody Avenue to City Hall.

Before getting out of the car, the two of them looked through the window and saw the broken tanks and blood-stained tent facilities in the square.

At this time, the equipment that was still intact when brought out of the military camp yesterday was now turned into a pile of scrap metal.

"Sure enough, the person who came here is evil." Major General Pigu said calmly.

Char on the side smiled and said: "Major General, we are the ones here."

At this time, the vehicle stopped.

When the tall, imposing major general got out of the car, Ross and all the members of the city hall were already at the door to welcome him.

The purpose of both parties was well known to each other. After some useless polite greetings, Los led a group of people to the meeting room of the city hall.

Walking through the lobby on the first floor and going up the corridor, Char's eyes kept swaying left and right, hoping to find any clues here.

However, apart from a faint smell of blood, there is almost no useful information here.

The two sides sat down. Major General Pigu sat there casually, and the aura he exuded was completely different from that of Lieutenant Colonel Norton before.

"Mayor Arkham, where are Lieutenant Colonel Norton and the soldiers of his Pioneer Battalion? I just saw the garbage pile in the square, which seems to be a lot like scrapped tanks and tents."

The dull voice gradually evolved into a high-minded question when it reached Los's ears.

Ross sighed and said, "Yes, those are indeed the scrapped tanks and tents of your army."

"Oh!? What's going on?" Pigu's tone became cold.

Ross said: "I don't know much about this. After receiving Lieutenant Colonel Norton yesterday, I was put under house arrest by Lieutenant Colonel Norton. Then at night, I suddenly heard that Lieutenant Colonel Norton had gone crazy!"

"He killed a lot of people, and then other people went crazy, and the soldiers started killing each other, and the whole camp was in chaos, and then late at night, I don't know what happened, these soldiers suddenly ran away, and now I don’t know where they went.”

After speaking, Los said to himself: "Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway."

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