Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 134: Los riding on the face like crazy (fourth update)

Major General Pigu frowned slightly when he heard Los's deceptive words. He naturally knew that Ross was telling lies, but now he had no evidence.

On the side, Charles had been observing Ross since he came in. At this time, he suddenly asked: "Mayor Arkham, were you at your home the whole time last night?"

Los shook his head and said, "I stayed at home from morning until about nine o'clock in the evening."

Speaking of this, Los said with approval: "I have to say that the soldiers of your army are really brave. In the afternoon, my residence was attacked by a group of crazy witches. The fifty soldiers outside fought desperately and forty-nine died. Man, the group of witches were repelled at the cost of one serious injury!"

Then he looked serious, stood up and bowed and said: "I want to thank your soldiers, they saved my life!"

Hearing this, a cold light flashed in Pigu's eyes, but he said without changing his expression: "Mayor Arkham is the mayor of an imperial town-level city. It is the duty of imperial soldiers to protect imperial officials. The mayor does not need to polite."

Char on the side corrected: "Please continue to answer my questions."

Ross sat back in his seat and said, "The soldiers started going crazy around nine o'clock. The soldiers outside my house ran away for no apparent reason. Then when I came out of my house and came to the city hall, I found out They left the ruins in the square, and the soldiers didn’t know where they were. Only the mad Colonel Norton was left, sitting stupidly in the lobby of the city hall.”

Char was almost embarrassed when he heard this rhetoric that was full of loopholes. However, at this moment, they had no way to counterattack these rhetoric because they lacked evidence.

After last night's test, they already knew part of Los's true strength, and they couldn't start a war directly now.

"What the mayor means is that Lieutenant Colonel Norton is not dead?" Charles asked.

Ross nodded: "Yes, but Lieutenant Colonel Norton seems to be crazy and seriously injured."

"His fingernails were all pulled out, many joints on his body were dislocated, and four of his fingers were broken off."

"Hey! Poor Lieutenant Colonel Norton, it's really pitiful to suffer like this."

Pigu looked at Los. This guy was acting coy and provocative in sadness and flattery. He almost stepped on their heads and shit.

He stood up suddenly and said, "Where is he? I have something to ask him."

Ross replied: "He is now placed by me in the most outstanding place for treating mental illness in Arkham."

As he spoke, Ross showed a faint smile and said, "It's the Arkham Sanatorium in the north of town."

Beside him, Char suddenly stood up.

Although he was not a local, he had heard of Arkham Sanatorium, which was said to be a ghost place that could turn normal people into lunatics.

If it was ordinary madness, he might be able to get some clues from Norton through some guidance.

Putting Norton in that hellish place now will most likely cause Norton's spirit to completely collapse, and all his memories will turn into mush!

"Quick! Take us there!" Pigu whispered.

After hearing this, Ross did not stop him. He turned around and led a group of people out of the city hall quickly, got in the car and headed to Arkham Sanatorium.

In the car, Major General Pigou asked: "How much do you know about that place?"

Char whispered: "I just heard that it is very dangerous, and it can even be said to be a prison used to imprison all kinds of special humans. David Charlemagne in the past few years is now imprisoned here. I heard that it has now become a prison." The people are no longer human, and the ghosts are no longer ghosts.”

Upon hearing this, Major General Pigou turned to look at Los, who was sitting in the car behind with the soldiers, and asked again: "Have you figured out his details?"

Chaer replied: "His strength should be around level 25, and his mind is very deep. He didn't even blink his eyes when I asked several sudden questions just now, which shows that he has received special training in this area, or has special abilities." Ability."

After hearing this, Pigu asked: "Are you sure you can subdue him with one blow?"

Char: "We haven't seen all the trump cards yet, so it's not convenient to take action. Now we just need to hold him back at all times to prevent him from communicating with his men. The rest is waiting for my people to get rid of all his minions. After eradication, he becomes a toothless tiger."

"We don't have much time."

"Don't worry, the people who come here this time are all professionals. This kind of thing can be solved in two days at the latest." Char said very confidently.

The sanatorium is only three kilometers away from here, and we have already arrived at the gate during the conversation.

It can be seen that the current nursing home is being renovated. Many workers are carrying materials, heightening and strengthening the courtyard walls. At the same time, the floors in the courtyard seem to be being re-laid.

There are at least a hundred people working here today, and they have a very tacit understanding with each other. They rarely speak to each other, but the work in hand is progressing in an orderly manner.

Pigu and Char felt the extraordinaryness of this group of workers at the same time, and were secretly vigilant in their hearts.

Although these people still look like ordinary people, judging from their skills and movements, these people are stronger than normal people.

"The quality of the workers under Mayor Arkham is really good, and the top workers in the capital are no more than that." Char commented with a smile.

Ross chuckled: "These are workers from Sheen Construction Company. They are our most outstanding construction workers in Arkham. Come and invite us!"

The two people said as they followed Ross into Arkham Sanatorium.

Watching Los lead everyone into the Arkham Sanatorium, Debbie, who was standing on the top floor, asked curiously: "Teacher, why didn't the mayor kill this general and that guy and transform them directly into ghouls? Isn't that much more convenient?"

Murthy explained: "The mayor's transformation technique has limitations. Transforming ordinary people into ghouls is itself an evolution, but normal ghouls are only about level 20."

"And these humans who are already above level 20 have already surpassed ghouls in form. Transforming is a kind of degeneration, which violates the core of the method."

"In other words, humans above level 20 cannot be transformed?" Rum asked in summary.

Murthy nodded: "Yes, and only pure humans can be transformed. Humans who have been transformed are not acceptable. Otherwise, why do you think the mayor sent those gene warriors to me?"

The two of them understood after hearing this.

Morsi stared at Pigu as he walked into the building: "Pigu has a high prestige in the army. It is very smart for him to keep the soldiers outside the city. If anything happens to him, the troops that have been deployed outside will directly blow Arkham to the ground."

There will be a fifth update later

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