Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 135 The uncle who loves cats (5th update) Please subscribe

After walking in, it was Dr. Boqi who received everyone.

"Hello, I am Lieutenant Colonel Norton's attending physician, Pochi." Pochi said with a smile on his face.

When the two people came here, they took a closer look at this Pochi and found that he was a very ordinary ordinary person.

"Where is Lieutenant Colonel Norton?" Major General Pigou asked directly.

Dr. Porch turned to look at Ross.

Ross smiled and said, "Don't be nervous. Lieutenant Colonel Norton is a subordinate of Major General Pigou. He is here for a visit this time."

Boqi heard it clearly, then turned around and said: "Follow me, please don't stimulate the patient for a while, the patient is in a very bad condition now."

He led three people along the old stairs to the second floor.

As soon as they came up, the group heard bursts of heart-rending screams and wails.

Hearing such a tragic cry, even an iron-blooded man like Major General Pigu trembled slightly in his heart.

"Is this a mental hospital or an interrogation room?" Major General Pigou asked calmly.

After hearing this, Boqi smiled and said: "Don't be deceived by that patient. The person who yelled is number 02115. We all call him a traitor. He has killed five kind-hearted people through torture before. This is The howling was all faked by him to attract other people’s attention.”

Upon hearing this, Major General Pigu turned to look at Char.

Charles nodded slightly in agreement.

While they were talking, the group of people arrived at Ward No. 145. Before opening the door, they heard a burst of crazy murmurs coming from inside.

As the door opened, Piguchar saw a tired, inhuman figure, with a blue face, blurry eyes, and bloodstains and saliva on the hospital clothes.

He seemed to be being hunted all the time, running wildly and not daring to stop even if he was out of breath.

Seeing this, Charles' eyes tightened slightly. Although he imagined what Norton would look like, the reality was much worse than he imagined.

Major General Pigu frowned, seeming to feel very uncomfortable.

Norton, who could no longer run, seemed to see an extremely terrifying presence after seeing the four people at the door, and then he started running desperately again.

"No! No! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!" Norton ran wildly. After running to a wall, he grabbed the wall with his fingers. His fingers that had no nails left a mark on the wall. Another bloody handprint, and at the same time he kept banging his head against the wall.

Seeing this scene, Char shook his head covertly at Pigu, saying that it had no value anymore.

Pigou then took out his gun and shot Norton's head open, ending his suffering.

"Major General, let's make it clear, we did not kill this man!" Los said hurriedly.

Major General Pigu nodded lightly: "Don't worry, even if I frame you, I won't use this little thing."

Upon hearing this, Ross smiled and said, "That's what you said."

After confirming Norton's condition, the two did not stay here and left the nursing home directly.

After walking out of the building, Major General Pigou said: "Mayor Arkham, given the weirdness of this matter, you do have a certain suspicion, but the situation in Arkham is still inseparable from you, so I can only work hard for you. Stay with me for the next few days.”

After hearing this, Ross said happily: "It is an honor for me to serve the empire. If you have any instructions, just tell me."

Major General Pigou nodded slightly and said to Charles: "In the next few days, you will be responsible for handling business with the Mayor of Arkham."

"Understood!" Charles accepted the order and said with a kind smile: "Please take good care of me in the next few days, Mayor Arkham."

Ross returned the favor with a kind expression: "You're welcome."


Owen ran quickly at this time, avoiding the pursuit of the police.

Although he knew the dangers of Arkham and the xenophobia here, he now admitted that he still underestimated it.

After receiving information from the Eye of Alama in the morning, he was ready to take action against this group of superhuman police.

For him at level 27, it was very easy to deal with these policemen in their early twenties, but when he focused all his attention on the police, he ignored the pedestrians around him.

Five minutes ago, when he was following a superhuman policeman named Vincent, he was actually reported by a pedestrian on the roadside, saying that he was following the policeman sneakily and that he was not a good person at first glance.

Immediately, a group of people surrounded him and refused to let him go.

If it were somewhere else, he might be able to injure a few people and leave immediately.

But this is Arkham! Taking action casually will only expose your identity.

So he activated his ability when no one was paying attention, and disguised himself as Gaspard this morning.

However, he still underestimated the tracking ability of this group of policemen. Like hounds, they seemed to be able to track him through scent.

Relying on his strong body, he had already run through two blocks, but when he was about to reach the end of the road, he suddenly saw a fat and kind uncle.

The uncle stood in the sun, wearing a pair of home pajamas, squatting aside with cat food in his hand to feed a group of stray cats.

At this moment, he felt that this uncle was like the last ray of light in the dark Arkham, particularly dazzling.

And the uncle seemed to have noticed him, and asked tentatively: "Is someone chasing you?"

Owen nodded hurriedly: "Someone framed me, and now the police are chasing me."

"Let's hide in the house first!" The uncle muttered for a moment and then pointed to the small courtyard behind him.

Owen immediately expressed his gratitude and hurried in.

Within ten seconds, Ooen, who was hiding inside, heard the footsteps of the two policemen outside.

"Boss, have you seen a young man wearing glasses who looks like a college student?" one of the policemen asked.

The uncle scratched his head in confusion: "I don't know, I was just feeding the cat."

The two policemen then lifted up the uncle's collar fiercely: "You need to be responsible for your words."

The uncle hurriedly said: "Officer, I really don't know. I am a well-known and good citizen around here. I own the restaurant over there."

The two police officers looked at the uncle fiercely, then extorted fifty rose coins and turned to leave.

"As expected of Arkham, the police are so cruel! Fortunately, there are some normal people in desperate places."

Owen's core ability is to understand human nature and disguise. The moment he saw this uncle, he felt his aura like sunshine.

After a while, the uncle came over with a smile and said: "Are you tired from being chased by those dog police officers? Come in and have a drink! Don't worry, my place is quite safe. I pay a lot of money every month. I With the mayor’s protection, they didn’t dare search my home.”

The appetizers are over and the main meal begins.

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