After Major General Pigou arrived, the office in the city hall was naturally given to him, and Char followed Los inseparably, like Siamese brothers.

"I hope the mayor won't misunderstand. We are really here to deal with the cult problem this time. We are not hostile to you." Char said with a smile.

Ross responded with a smile: "Of course I believe this. After all, some of those guys have gone too far in recent times."

"Do you know who I mean?" Charles asked.

Ross chuckled: "It's somewhat of a direction."

When Charles heard this, he didn't ask much. He stood up and stretched his body and asked, "Mayor, do we have any bars here? I'm a little tired after a long day."

"Can we still go to the bar?" Los asked, putting down the documents.

"This is natural. We are all officials of the empire, not prisoners."

"Then I happen to know a good bar!" Ross stood up, looking happy.


After Ern repeatedly confirmed that the black tea in his hand was not Sleepy Black Tea, he took a sip and then asked: "Mr. Crawford, how long have you lived here?"

Mark Crawford put down his tea cup and said with a smile: "It's been fifteen years. This restaurant has been around for ten years."

Ou En turned to look at the high-end restaurant nearby, feeling vaguely how extraordinary this uncle was.

After all, it is impossible to open such a high-end restaurant in a place like this without some strength.

"The police have become more and more over-the-top recently. I miss the old days a little now," Mark sighed.

Owen was stunned: "The past time? Has anything happened here recently?"

Mark sneered: "What else can happen? Of course it's our new mayor."

"After he took office, he immediately issued a ban on blood and alcohol, and then he flipped and lifted the ban faster than flipping a book. Then he directly destroyed the Rhodes Guild and swallowed up all its banks, tram companies, telephone companies, gas companies, and construction companies. Into his own belly.”

Speaking of this, Mark suddenly said sadly: "I was really afraid that he would take away my restaurant."

Upon hearing this, Ouen suddenly said with an angry look on his face: "This is too much. Isn't there anyone who resists?"

Mark curled his lips: "What are you resisting? Didn't you see those vicious police officers?"

"Now times have changed. When his father was the mayor, as long as he had money, no matter what happened, he could solve it with a sufficient price."

"At that time, it was reasonable for the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce to dominate the market. The protection fee was sufficient, and the gangs and police did not dare to come to my place to cause trouble."

"It's good now. These guys are like crazy people. They want money and life. It's like I owe them hundreds of thousands of rosa coins!"

Speaking of this, Mark suddenly felt depressed and drank the black tea in his hand as if it were wine.

Looking at Mark's look, Owen's eyes flashed. Although he was still not sure whether what this man said was true, he could tell that these mainstream businessmen were very fond of the mayor. dissatisfaction.

"The general situation is similar to what I investigated. The elites are very dissatisfied with the incident of Los Arkham swallowing up the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce. In other words, although this place is xenophobic, it is not monolithic!"

Thinking of this, Owen's inner thoughts suddenly became active. There is still a lot of room for utilization.

Mark smiled and said: "Sorry, I told you so many things, by the way! You must not be a local, right?"

Owen nodded: "Yes, I am a student from Nut University visiting Miskatonic University. I heard that the city center is very prosperous, so I came to the central area to have a look."

Mark laughed loudly after hearing this: "It's such a typical foreigner's thinking."

Owen was stunned: "Did I say something wrong?"

Mark pointed to the ground and said: "Although this is the central area, it is not the most prosperous city center. Today's city center is a business district adjacent to the University of Michigan. It has the best galleries in Arkham and the best The clubs, the best shops, and the best high streets, of course, are not there.”

Hearing this, Ou En said clearly: "This... actually there is such a saying."

Mark stood up with a smile and said, "Those policemen should leave. While it's still early, let's go back to the University of Michigan. It's one of the few safe places in Arkham."

Ou En shook his head and said, "Don't worry, it's quite early now, I'm going to take a stroll here."

While he was talking, a black cat jumped onto the table playfully, looked at Owen, and then lay down in front of him.

"It's called Mick, and he seems to like you very much." Mark said.

Owen reached out and touched Mick's soft hair, and said with a smile: "It feels really good."

It seemed that Mark had a crush on him because he liked cats, and he immediately advised: "I advise you to go back early before dawn. The central area is particularly dangerous at night these two days."

As he spoke, he whispered: "Last night, the gunfire outside lasted almost all night, and there were all kinds of screams, which scared my cat to death."

Hearing this, Owen's heart moved, and he immediately learned something about last night from Mark's mouth.

"Gunshots and screams? Has the lawlessness here reached this level now!?" Owen looked angry.

Mark bent down and held a fat orange cat in his arms and said, "Don't be curious about those things, just go away!"

Owen did not leave directly, but changed the topic and asked: "You just said that the best bar is not in the business district, where is it?"

"North District, Serious Man's Bar. It's the best bar in Arkham. The people who come and go there are real upper-class people. No criminals or thieves are allowed to enter there, not even those street girls and dancers."

"The Serious Man Bar, the name is really unique." Owen's eyes flashed with a special light.

Owen thought briefly and then said: "Thank you very much for your help this time. I will definitely come back to repay you in the future."

Mark seemed to like cats very much. He stroked the orange cat's fur and fell into a special state of enjoyment. His whole person became sunny and kind: "Actually, you can repay the favor now if you want."

"Now? How can I help you?" Owen asked tentatively.

Mark tilted his head slightly and asked him with a smile: "You know I have a lot of cats. I have no cat food at home recently. Can you help me get some cat food?"

"Cat food? Okay! How should I get it?" At this time, Ouen, who was keen, felt that something was not right.

Although this uncle's aura and appearance were no different from before, his tone felt a little strange.

Mark opened his eyes with a smile: "Your flesh and blood will be very good cat food."

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