At eight o'clock in the evening, it was completely dark in Arkham in September. Although all the staff of the city hall had gone off work, the lights of the entire city hall were still brightly lit.

Along with the arrival of Major General Pigu, about a hundred soldiers came to take over the defense of the city hall.

After the work was finished, Charles and Ross drove west along Hyde Street, which was a distance of one kilometer, and arrived at the best bar in Arkham.

The Serious Man Bar at 721 Garrison Street is located at the junction of the Central District and the North District. It is located in a new building on the southwest side of Dr. Murthy's home.

It is opposite the home of Kenneth, the best private detective in Arkham, just across Garrison Street.

When the car stopped, Charles first saw a three-story new building. The entire single-family building was built very exquisitely. Judging from the color of the wall, it was estimated that it had just been built for about five years.

There is a big sign in front of the building, surrounded by a circle of lights, and six artistically typed words in the middle: Arkham Serious People.

At this time, seven or eight high-end cars were parked in the parking lot outside the bar. It can be seen that the people who patronize here are all upper-class people in Arkham.

Charles glanced at a pure red car in the parking lot, his eyes lit up slightly and said: "It's actually a ladies' limited edition produced by Leful Company? This car is rare even in the capital."

Los laughed: "There are quite a few truly wealthy people in Arkham, but these people rarely show their wealth."

Charles asked: "Does the mayor know the owner of this car?"

Los nodded and said: "This is Miss Clark's car. She is one of the municipal committee members and represents the wealthy area."

When Charles heard this surname, Elizabeth's face appeared in his mind.

When the two people talked, they had already walked to the door of the bar. The two sturdy security guards guarding the door saw the guests coming and did not have any intention of giving way.

After Los took out a delicate iron card, the security guard on the left immediately laughed and said, "It turns out to be Mr. Mayor! Please come in! Please come in!"

Los took back the card and asked, "Your security guards change quite frequently. I have been here three times and saw six security guards."

The security guard laughed after hearing this: "Can I take it as a compliment to us? Mr. Mayor, please come in."

Following Los into the bar, Charles' eyes circled around the faces of the two strong men. These two were both level 15 superhumans. There was no sign of any transformation on their bodies. It seemed that they were trained into this form through special methods.

The decoration of the bar can be called luxurious. After entering the door, the first thing is a not-so-long corridor, with soft and non-glaring colored lights on the roof.

The floor is paved with neat marble. The polished floor is like a mirror, emitting the soft light, making the whole bar hazy and comfortable but not dim.

The walls on both sides are not traditional painted walls, but a layer of pure leather wallpaper wrapped on the walls.

There seems to be something similar to a sponge on the inside of the wallpaper, which is very soft.

Walking out of the corridor, I came directly to the lobby of the bar.

The lobby of the bar is very large, and the bar near the inside is 20 meters long. At this time, there are ten handsome bartenders wearing neat white shirts, black vests and bow ties inside, mixing drinks for customers.

Opposite the bar, there are a lot of soft and luxurious leather sofas, a billiard table in the middle, and dart boards and many other small games on the wall.

There are only about 20 people in this wide bar now, and everyone is dressed in fancy clothes.

Some people sit in front of the bar, drinking and chatting, while others sit comfortably on the sofa, tasting old wine and talking about the upper-class life.

Some people take off their coats, pick up the billiard cue and play a gentleman's game.

The most intuitive feeling of the whole bar is luxury, upper class, elegance and laziness.

Charles was a little surprised to see this at this time. He didn't expect that there would be such a high-end bar in such a chaotic and backward place.

"Haha! Look who's here! Our great and outstanding mayor! Los~~~Arkham!"

Just as Los came in, a sturdy man with a middle-parted hair came over.

Char squinted his eyes and looked at the smiling man, and relevant information appeared in his mind.

Danny O'Banion, the boss of the Danny Gang, the actual controller of the most prosperous area and commercial district in Arkham.

Los looked at Danny with a smile and said, "Long time no see, O'Banion, how is your business recently?"

Danny sighed and said, "Not very good, you also know that I am in the transportation business, and the outside is surrounded by the army. My transportation business has been greatly hindered."

As he said, he said with a special light in his eyes: "Mr. Mayor, the mine on the north side was developed by me after all. It's not good for you to occupy it like this?"

Los smiled and said, "It's not that I occupy it. It is the public property of Arkham City."

Char listened to the conversation between the two people and began to integrate the information he had received before in his mind.

"The Flower of Arkham was a spy planted by Los into the business district to monitor Danny's gang's Shamrock Transport Company. There was a conflict between the two, but they were repelled by Lilith Arkham. Danny O'Banion's two most capable men turned into lunatics and were thrown into the street. They are now completely missing."

Danny laughed: "As expected of our most outstanding mayor, he is so selfless!"

Danny clapped his hands and said sarcastically.

"Hey! O'Banion, this is not your shabby bar, be quiet!" A dissatisfied voice sounded.

Char turned his head and saw Elizabeth, who had exquisite makeup and strong temperament, sitting on the sofa, frowning slightly, with dissatisfaction in her tone.

"The Queen's close friend, the superhuman who supervises Arkham on behalf of the Queen!" Charles recalled the information about Elizabeth in his heart.

As an ancient big family, the Clark family's relationship with the royal family is obvious to all. Although Elizabeth and the Queen have not had any obvious intersection since childhood, as a senior investigator of the Eye of Insight, mastering this information is the foundation of the foundation.

Danny turned his head and said with a dagger in his heart: "Miss Clark, it seems that there is no prohibition on speaking loudly here, right? And I am introducing the outstanding mayor to everyone, what's wrong with that?"

"Rude upstart! Who here doesn't know the mayor of Arkham?" Clark said dissatisfiedly.

"So this is the legendary mayor of Arkham?" Suddenly, several surprised voices rang out.

Charles turned his head and showed a hint of satisfaction in his heart. The three people here were his most capable generals this time.

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