The three people who came over after hearing the sound were a well-dressed, tall man in a decent suit. The one who came with him was Dr. Laban.

The other one is a young man with a feminine appearance and somewhat feminine lines.

The young man's shawl-length hair was combed into a ponytail and he wore glasses. He looked like a musician. The man who came with him was Mr. Hofen, who opened a gallery in the business district.

The last one was an androgynous woman wearing a women's suit, short skirt, and short hair. From her temperament, she looked like a doctor. The person who came with her was Arkham's best plastic surgeon, Sindvar.

Dr. Laban introduced with a haha: "Come! Let me introduce, Mr. Mayor, this is an outstanding businessman and the core figure participating in the business conference this time, Mr. Barlow."

"Tom Barlow, it's an honor to meet you, Mr. Mayor." Barlow looked like he was an elite person who had received a good education since childhood. The tone of his words, the way and the timing of extending his palm were all perfect.

Ross smiled and stretched out his hand and said: "Nice to meet you, Mr. Barlow. Today, Arkham is full of resources and needs outstanding businessmen like you."

Barlow smiled and said: "Your words make me feel scared. Arkham has great potential for development in all aspects. In terms of business in the future, I hope the mayor can take more care of it."

While speaking, Barlow glanced at Charles covertly.

A trace of satisfaction flashed in Charles's eyes, and then the two of them made no other moves.

At this time, Danny smiled and said: "If you want to invest in Arkham, the business district would be a good choice. At least the market here is fair enough and your assets will not be swallowed up by the government."

Hearing this, Ross tilted his head slightly, with a cold light in his eyes: "O'Banion, if I remember correctly, it seems that your Tom and Vic are still unable to eat by themselves, right?"

Danny's face turned slightly gloomy upon hearing this, and he snorted and stopped talking.

This scene was naturally seen by others. Char glanced at Barlow, and Barlow immediately knew what Char meant.

Here Sindvall smiled and said: "Helen, let me introduce to you, this is our most outstanding mayor in Arkham, Los Arkham. The central area is so stable now, thanks to Arkham Mayor Cam’s thunderous tactics!”

Sindvall turned around and said: "Mr. Mayor, this is Helen Tell, a former college classmate of mine and a very famous surgeon."

"It's an honor to meet you, Mayor Arkham!" Helen smiled and stretched out her hand.

Ross smiled: "I'm honored too. Is Dr. Ter coming here to look for a job this time? The demand for doctors here is still quite high."

After hearing this, Helen nodded and said, "I did resign, but I'm not in a hurry to find a job right now. I plan to travel around the empire for a while."

Finally, the feminine young man took the initiative and said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Mayor, my name is Corey Crowe, I am a music creator. I heard that Arkham is an ancient city, full of various legends. , this time I am going to come over and create a song with the theme of Arkham.”

Ross was very happy after hearing this: "Of course you are very welcome. If you need any help, I can find someone to take you to experience our Arkham customs."

After hearing this, Crowe said with a grateful face: "Your approachability and kindness make me feel like being warmed by the sun. I believe I can create an inspiring song."

After a brief introduction, Charles was very satisfied with the current situation of these three subordinates.

With the arrival of Los, the center of conversation in the entire bar was tilting towards Los.

Sitting on the comfortable sofa and waiting for the wine to be served, Charles smiled and said, "You are really a popular mayor."

Ross smiled: "The mayor's duty is to serve the people after all. Our rights are to serve the people. We take it from the people and use it for the people. We must get along with the citizens as an ordinary citizen, and then experience the city's charm." Policy, this will naturally tighten the relationship with the people.”

Char was stunned when he heard this. Born in this big capitalist empire, this was the first time he heard such a theory. Ross's seemingly simple words made Char stunned for two seconds, and then he He sighed and said: "You are really an outstanding mayor. If all politicians in the empire could have such an awareness as you, there wouldn't be so many problems in the empire now."

At this time, the bartender came over and placed two cocktails in front of the two of them.

Los took a sip, swung the glass and said: "No one wants to rob or kidnap. People's most simple wish is nothing more than to have enough food and clothing. We only need to slightly adjust our policies to take care of them." That group of civilians.”

"The Rhodes Chamber of Commerce has colluded with gangs and cults for so many years to smuggle arms, sell illegal drugs, and traffic people, which has made the people at the bottom dare to be angry but dare not speak out. So after I took office, I first eliminated them and then confiscated all their assets."

"Many capitalists have begun to criticize me, just like O'Banion, but the people at the bottom and middle are grateful to me."

"Do you know why?"

Char shook his head slightly and didn't say much.

Los raised his wine glass and said to the light on the ceiling: "I didn't keep a penny of the money from the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce. I modified my work structure, improved the company's efficiency, and created 2,000 direct jobs. I opened up the supply chain and let those Small merchants can also participate and get a share of the pie.”

"I cleared out the gangs and arrested more than 500 people in half a month, bringing the public security in the central area to the best era in hundreds of years."

"I used the money of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce to renovate the slums, build the West City Reservoir, improve social welfare, and solve the problem of food and clothing for everyone."

At this point, Los looked at Charles and asked, "Mr. Charles, do you think I am a good mayor?"

Charles was silent for a few seconds, and then said seriously, "Of course you are a good mayor."

Before coming, Charles naturally conducted relevant investigations on Los, including his assets.

With the money bag of Arkham Sanatorium, Los has never lacked money. He did not take any of the money and put it all into the city development fund.

And what he just said is exactly the same as Charles' previous investigation.

He is not a born superhuman. He is a farmer's child. He has suffered a lot of discrimination and humiliation since he was a child. There were even two years when he and his parents almost starved to death. It was the mushrooms in the mountains that saved them.

Now, in the eyes of ordinary people, Los is definitely a great mayor. He broke the previous monopoly, cleaned up the malpractices with thundering means, and thoroughly cleared up the mess, which raised the living standards of the central area by more than ten levels.

Two chapters today

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