Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 143 Hounds, Prey, and Hunters

Following Danny back to the headquarters of Clover Company in the business district, Barlow just got out of the car and turned to look at the Arkham Flower Club not far away.

"This is a women's club?" Barlow asked unexpectedly.

Danny nodded slightly: "Los Arkham opened it here some time ago, and it attracted a large number of women in just a few days."

"Damn it! I just lead those women to exercise and exercise every day. I don't know what's so attractive about it that makes those women so obsessed."

After hearing this, Barlow took a second look at the ancient church, and then followed Danny into Clover Company.

The entire company is very large, occupying a five-story independent building, which is very well decorated. Although it is already midnight, there are still some people on duty here.

Barlow followed Danny all the way to the second floor. As soon as he came up, there was a very spacious living room.

"Please sit down!" Danny said with a smile.

Barlow sat down casually and praised: "The decoration style of your company is quite good. I want to get a decoration like this when I go back."

Barlow laughed: "It's an honor for me to receive your compliment."

After saying that, Danny took off his shirt and said, "Wait a moment, I'll call the girls over!"

After hearing this, Barlow smiled and shook his head and said, "Forget it, I have no interest in women. Let's talk about business together!"

Danny smiled and said: "Don't say anything, men need to be nourished by women all the time. Even if you don't have any other ideas, holding her in your arms and touching the tender skin can make people feel happy."

Barlow shook his head firmly and said, "There are some things I think it's better not to let others hear."

Hearing this, Danny's eyes flashed for a while, but without forcing it, he immediately sat opposite him and said, "Mr. Barlow is really a boring person."

"Really? I think I'm a very interesting person, but I'm not interested in women." Balo Youyou said, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

He seems to hate those men whose sperm is in their brains and who never talk away from women.

Danny laughed and asked, "So are you interested in men?"

Barlow frowned slightly after hearing this, and then asked: "Is this why you called me here to talk about this?"

At this time, the tone of the two people has long lost the respect in the bar. You have become you, and the tone has become more direct and sharp.

Danny nodded with a smile: "Yes, I'm just curious whether you are interested in men."

Barlow's eyes were slightly cold: "It seems that you didn't invite me here to discuss cooperation."

"You're not that stupid." Danny chuckled, leaning on the sofa.

Barlow sneered: "Aren't you afraid that your stomach will burst if you are greedy and insufficient?"

Danny said calmly: "A snake swallows an elephant? You may have misunderstood. You are not an elephant, and I am not a snake. I am just a dog, a hound that belongs to my master."

Hearing this, Barlow's heart froze, and his body instantly erupted with a strange sound, and then he punched Danny with an extremely fierce punch: "As a human being, you actually claim to be a dog, do you really have no dignity at all?" ?”

This fierce punch was accurately blocked by Danny. At this time, under Barlow's gaze, Danny's palm that clenched his fist gradually turned purple and blue, and sharp nails appeared at the same time.

"Who told you I'm a human?" Danny sneered and his body grew twice in size in an instant, and then a monster appeared, covered in special bone armor, with four bone horns on its head, and sharp claws and teeth. .

"As a human, I have died long ago. Now I have been given a new life and form by my master. I am a hound under my master that tracks prey!"

Seeing this scene, Barlow stepped back suddenly and his eyes tightened: "Ghoul Lord!? Thirty-two levels!?"

Barlow felt his heart beating faster at this time. This was the first time he saw the ghoul lord. From now on, this ghoul is still in its initial stage, level 32.

If given enough time to develop, a ghoul lord can grow to around level forty-five.

"What a blessing!" Barlow's face showed excitement after the shock and surprise.

"You are indeed lucky to have met me." Danny said, the two-meter-long huge skeletal tail swinging in the air.

Barlow flicked his hand, and two thirty-centimeter daggers appeared in his hands. Then a large number of black lines appeared on his cheeks and neck. With the appearance of these lines, Barlow's hair and eyes changed. It became crimson.

Waves of terrifying fluctuations erupted.

"Do you really think you can defeat me, defeat me at level 34!?" As soon as Barlow finished speaking, his body disappeared on the spot.

In an instant, the terrifying pressure caused by the compressed air caused a strong wind in the living room.

Danny's eyes tightened and he hurriedly raised his arms to protect his head.


At the moment of contact, the bone armor of Danny's arms was cut open, revealing the purple-black muscles on the inside.

"Where are you looking?" Before Danny could recover, Barlow's faint voice came from behind Danny.

Danny hurriedly came to his senses, but was whipped out by Barlow with a whip leg, smashing the sofa in the living room to pieces.

At this time, Barlow's whole body exuded a special blood energy, like a berserker in poisonous milk powder.

Barro then walked forward and asked calmly: "Tell me, who is your master? The Black Goat Egg does not have the technology to transform humans into ghoul lords."

Danny stood up slowly. After all, the two were only two levels apart. Although Danny was not his opponent, he was not to the point where he could be killed instantly.

He looked down at the bone armor on his chest, and there were already faint cracks.

"Who is my master? You should be able to guess it without me telling you, right?"

"Los Arkham!?" Barro was startled.

Danny laughed grimly: "Right!"

When Barro was shocked, Danny rushed forward instantly, attacking with sharp claws and terrifying skeleton tail at the same time, taking the initiative in the battle.

Unfortunately, Barro was two levels higher than Danny after all, and with his special state now, he quickly adapted to the state of his body after the initial rapid dodge, and then seized the opportunity and stabbed the dagger in his hand directly into Danny's ribs.

Danny's body stiffened after being stung, and Barlow seized his weakness, followed by a series of combined punches, and then grabbed his neck and slammed him to the floor.

Then, Barlow directly pressed his knee on Danny's body, grinning: "I have killed many ghouls, and this is the first ghoul lord!"

"I have to say that Los Arkham is really stupid. They sent you to die without knowing our strength. Such a rare ghoul lord will now become a dead soul under my knife."

Danny was still very calm in the face of such an unfavorable situation. He was pressed to the ground and said calmly: "You can't imagine the wisdom of the master, stupid outsider."

"You are about to die, and you are really loyal." Barlow sneered.

Danny tilted his head slightly to check the time and said: "Well, it should be coming soon."

"What is coming soon?" Barlow asked vigilantly.

Danny smiled slightly: "I said, I'm just a hound. After the hound finds the prey, the hunter will naturally take action!"


As soon as the voice fell, the glass on the second floor shattered.

Then, a tall and thin figure with pale skin and holding a bloody knife came into the living room.

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