Barro looked at this strange-looking man with vigilance. There were no pores on this guy's pale skin. A large area of ​​his pale skin was replaced by strange tattoos.

At this time, he was wearing a pair of tight pants and a black plush vest on his upper body.

The bald head, sunken eye sockets, and cold and strange eyes all made Barro feel deeply dangerous.

Barro stared at this strange guy, his eyes kept widening, trying to see the other party's true level, but unfortunately he couldn't see it clearly at all.

"Who are you?" Barro asked in a low voice.

The strange man's eyes fell on Barro and said lightly: "Kos, an ordinary tattoo artist in Arkham."

"Tattoo artist?"

Barro thought in his heart, and his body disappeared again in an instant.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he came behind Kos.

Just when he raised the dagger to attack, Kos turned his head slightly, and the strange eyes in the deep eye sockets instantly locked Barro's position.

"Not good!"

Barlow's breath was choked, and his strong body made him turn directly in the air, trying to escape through the broken window.

But in the next moment, a cold palm pinched his neck very quickly and accurately, and the casual posture and movement were like pinching a dead chicken casually.

In an instant, Barlow felt that he was trapped in an ice cave, and his whole body felt extremely cold.

This was not really cold, but his despair.

The palm pinching his neck was gradually exerting force. This guy was merciless and was going to crush his neck now.

At this time, Danny had stood up again and said, "Mr. Kos, the mayor doesn't want him to die for the time being."

Hearing this, Kos stopped exerting force on his palm, turned his head and looked at Barlow and asked, "Are you okay?"

He had no feelings for people, but at this time he had some good feelings for Danny, the ghoul lord.

It might be because of his inhuman identity, or because he had a drop of ancient god blood in his body.

Danny shook his head, touched the wound on his waist and said, "It will be fine tomorrow. Thank you very much for this time."

Cos threw the suffocating Barlow to the ground and said, "The mayor asked Ruixue to notify me to come here."

At this time, a girl wearing a white dress and with fiery red hair, like an elf, walked up the stairs.

Beside her, a dozen ghouls surrounded her, and it seemed that these ghouls respected this beautiful girl very much.

This scene gave people an extreme contrast. Barlow, who almost died, saw this scene vaguely and thought that the beautiful death god brought a group of ugly evil spirits to collect his soul.

"Mr. O'Banion, are you okay?" Ruixue ran over and asked.

Danny smiled: "It's okay, they are just minor injuries. You and Mr. Kos are very important."

At this time, Barlow's consciousness finally recovered. When they saw the room full of ghouls, their faces were full of shock: "This... How is it possible! How can there be so many ghouls here!"

Then he saw Vic and John, who had gone crazy in the intelligence, and now they had also turned into ghouls.

The next second, his eyes fell on this beautiful and lively girl among the monsters.

At this time, the girl stood here, like a holy flower growing in the filth of the underworld.

And this group of terrifying monsters seemed to be very friendly with this girl at this time, and seemed to respect her very much.

This was simply unbelievable in Barlow's consciousness.

Because the purpose of all monsters is to destroy humans, it is an instinctive behavior for these hideous monsters to slaughter humans.

But the current scene completely impacted his worldview.

Ruixue looked down at Barro's incredible face, and suddenly chuckled and said, "It seems! He looks so stupid now!"

A 34th-level advanced superhuman, a big businessman who is very influential outside, was actually said like this by a girl at this time. It should be a very shameful thing.

But hearing this voice, Barro felt comfortable for a while, and the fear that had just invaded his whole body was washed away by this crisp laughter.

Barro, who came back to his senses, took advantage of the conversation of everyone and instantly burst out his last strength, reaching out to hijack the girl who was within reach.

He believed that as long as he hijacked this girl, he would have hope of survival!

"I'm sorry, but I have no choice!"

Just in the blink of an eye, when his palm was less than half a meter away from Ruixue's white neck, a terrifying and terrifying pressure suddenly broke out.

This terrifying pressure was like a storm acting on his soul, making his mind completely lose control of his body.

At this moment, it can be seen that the last second was as imposing as a tiger descending from the mountain, but the next second, his body was directly kneeling on the ground with powerlessness, his face was pale, and his eyes were dull.

Instinctively, Barro turned his eyes to the source of this pressure, the tattoo artist named Kos.

"Level 5... Level 10!?" In an instant, Barro's confidence completely collapsed, and the last hope was cut off.

Who would have thought that in this small town, there was actually a terrifying existence at the level of a demigod! (In the system of the Eye of Insight, those above level 50 are demigods.)

Kos said lightly: "To prevent accidents, I suggest you cut off his limbs."

Danny was a little embarrassed when he heard this: "The mayor said that this guy still has a lot of connections outside. In the future, Arkham's products will be sold throughout the empire, and his connections will be needed. He said that he should try to keep him in a complete state."

"Is it enough to make the limbs lose their mobility?" This was Ruixue's timid voice.

Danny turned around and asked, "Do you have a way?"

Ruixue nodded, then squatted down, and put a pair of small hands on Barlow's arm.

Crack! Crack!

The harsh friction between the joints suddenly sounded.


A scream suddenly sounded, and Barlow came back to his senses in severe pain, only to find that his left arm had completely lost consciousness.

Turning his head, he saw that all the joints of his arm were dislocated, the whole arm was stretched three centimeters, and even the joints of his fingers were dislocated.

At this time, the elf girl just now put both hands on his right arm.

"What are you doing! What are you doing!" Barlow shouted loudly.

Ruixue said with a smile: "If you don't want your limbs to be cut off, just be good."

Speaking such cruel words with such cute and innocent words, Barro shuddered immediately, and dared to be angry but dared not speak.

Crack! Crack!

Then, under Barro's own eyes, Ruixue's hands deftly dislocated all the joints of his limbs.

"Devil! You bunch of devils!" Barro, who was lying on the ground helplessly, was soaked all over, and his face was extremely pale and he wailed helplessly.

"We are not devils, we are just a group of enthusiastic citizens!" Ruixue said coquettishly.

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