The night breeze was blowing gently as Los and Charles sat in the car and prepared to return to the city hall.

When we arrived, we only drove less than ten minutes. After driving for nearly half an hour, we still did not return to the city hall. Instead, we drove to an unknown location.

Char's heart gradually sank. He didn't know why, but he didn't seem to feel the flow of time. Until now when he stopped the car, he felt that something was not right.

"Mayor Arkham, what do you mean?" Charles asked calmly.

Ross turned around and got out of the car and said, "It's not interesting. I just wanted to visit Arkham with you."

Char turned his head through the car window and saw a block under construction in front of him.

This neighborhood seems to be undergoing a complete renovation. Not only the houses on both sides, but also the road in the middle. The drainage system and water supply system under the road are being readjusted, which shows the intensity of this repair.

Char pondered for a moment and turned around to get out of the car. He turned around and saw that he was not in a remote place.

Looking back you can see the public square, and looking further back is the tall and majestic City Hall.

"This is... a slum street?" Charles looked at the map of Arkham Central District. This is the area with the highest population density and the poorest place in the central district.

Ross nodded: "But in one year, this place will become the most regular model neighborhood in the central district."

Charles stood next to Los, looking at the quiet construction site, and suddenly asked: "I know that you have a very powerful power. With such power, you can have many ways of living. Why do you choose such a destined path?" A way to offend everyone?”

Naturally, Los would not say that he had been taught the core values ​​of socialism since childhood.

"There are indeed many ways to live, but none of them can make me happy. Being born in the Arkham family is my destiny and also my responsibility. I should do my best in my position. Now that I have become the mayor "Chang, it makes me uncomfortable to see these people who are obviously working hard but not getting the life they deserve."

"I am the mayor of Arkham. It makes me happy to let them live a better life and get their gratitude and feedback."

After speaking, Ross smiled: "I know there is no logic in this, and it is even stupid, but as long as it makes you happy, who cares whether you are stupid or not?"

Charles looked at Los's side face, and for some reason he kept thinking about his parents and his two brothers who were starved to death.

"How great it would be if we could meet such a mayor back then!" Char couldn't help but think in his heart.

Ross looked at Charles with a flash of light in his eyes, and then suddenly said: "Actually, I know your purpose very well. Are you for the ancient god in Innsmouth?"

Hearing this, a flash of panic suddenly flashed in Charlie's eyes. He was still immersed in fantasy just now and was a little overwhelmed by the turn between the two.

"I... don't quite understand what you are talking about." Char said.

Ross chuckled: "Two days ago, I just reached a cooperation with the Green Covenant. They sent an A-level team to Innsmouth. They hope to end this ritual before the ancient god comes."

After hearing this, Charles was silent for a moment. Knowing that he couldn't hide it, he said calmly: "They can't stop it."

Los: "So you came here, wanting to control the entire Arkham, transform this place into a huge testing ground, and use the lives of all residents of Arkham to carry out your ancient god's plan."

Char clenched his fists: "All this is for the future of mankind. We must master further technology, otherwise... in the future, we are destined to be destroyed by other races."

"Is it enough to master the ancient gods?"

"Of course, we can extract a lot of super power from the ancient gods! It can arm all mankind!" Char said firmly.

Ross smiled: "It's a good plan, but unfortunately, you are destined to fail."

Charles replied: "Really? You seem to be a little too confident in your abilities. You may be very strong, but your subordinates are still far different from mine. The situation in Arkham is far more complicated." There are more people who want you dead than you can imagine.”

"Are your subordinates really powerful?" Los asked.

Char said confidently: "They have been completely integrated into Arkham. It only takes three days for us to completely control the entire city of Arkham."

"Haha! You really underestimate my Arkham." Los said, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

As the sound rang out, Charley looked around with vigilance.

Soon, several figures gradually appeared in the darkness.

Char whispered: "Who!?"

It seemed that his words had some effect, as a fat figure walked out of the shadows.

But when he walked out, he was carrying a young man with a pale face and blood all over his body.


Seeing this, Charlie's eyes suddenly tightened and he exclaimed.

Before he could recover, Sindvall walked out with a smile on his face and threw the unconscious Helen to the ground.


But that didn't end there. Sheena walked out of the shadows, holding the head of a feminine male in her hand.

Then, Hina said with a helpless tone: "Mayor, this idiot broke into Miss Jenny's barber shop. When I found him, he already had one head left."


Seeing this scene, Charles felt like he was suffocating. Two of his three most capable generals had been killed!

Even Owen had been taken down.

Los smiled: "It's okay, don't forget to return the head to Miss Jenny later, she is very protective of her food."

"I know." Hina nodded obediently.

At this time, Kenneth and Litt walked out of the darkness and threw out three bodies.

Seeing this scene, Charles closed his eyes in despair. Six of the seven-man team have died now.

"Barro! And Barro! Barro is the strongest among us!" Desperate Charles made his last struggle.

As soon as he finished speaking, Danny walked out of the darkness and threw Barro, whose limbs were deformed, to the ground.

"How is it possible? O'Banion..." Charles pointed at Danny with a distorted expression.

Los said lightly: "It's just acting."


Seeing Barro, Charles' face turned pale and his body knelt on the ground weakly.

The plan that had been rehearsed countless times was completely wiped out within less than a day of arriving here.

Fear and despair were about to overwhelm Charles.

"God said that when people are desperate, they will either burst out with great power, or completely turn around and sink."

With a joyful laugh in his voice, Father Hester walked out and looked at the desperate Charles and asked: "What is your choice, the heroine of my story?"

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