Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 146 Prostrate before the gods! (Update 1)

Char knelt on the ground weakly, looking around at the monsters and monsters around him. The investigation team he was proud of, and his infiltration plan that he was extremely confident about, were now simply vulnerable in front of this group of people.

"How could this happen? The hope of mankind has been shattered like this?" Countless powerlessness and fear suddenly surged in Char's heart.

Ross, who was standing aside, looked down at Char condescendingly and said with a smile: "I know your concerns very well. To use the terminology I once knew, this is called a chain of suspicion. You are worried about your own weakness and the other party's powerful malice."

"The core of your purpose this time is to completely master the ancient god in Innsmouth and the underground labyrinth of Arkham, isn't it?"

Char's eyes gradually regained focus, looked at Los and said feebly: "However, this plan has been completely shattered. As long as you are here, our plan will not be realized."

Los bowed slightly and said, "Why do you want to sacrifice the near for the far? The ancient god you are looking for is not something you can control at all, but now in front of you stands an ancient god with humanity and a human worldview."

"Why not surrender to his divine power?"

When Charles heard this, his helpless and desperate eyes were gradually covered with horror and disbelief.

Even when Barlow, who was lying on the ground, heard this, he raised his head with all his strength and looked at Los.

The next second, bursts of extremely cold and terrifying aura erupted, completely destroying their spirits like a spiritual storm.

At this time, they saw an extremely huge shadow. This shadow was so brave and majestic. He... the aura he exuded was as high as the sky and as deep as the ocean.

The form He showed was completely incomprehensible to them, and the oppression He showed was beyond anyone's ability to resist.

The two people gradually widened their eyes, and in their vision and cognition, they broke through their own fifty-level limit.

Level sixty, level seventy, level eighty...

At this time, Charles' body began to tremble and twitch constantly. This was not because he was ill, but because he was excited.

During a special mission, he felt the aura of a god for a moment.

However, at this moment, he felt that he was completely surrounded by that aura and terrifying pressure.

This feeling of oppression is like the whole sky falling down on me!

It was not just these two people who were shocked, but also Mark, Kenneth, Lear and others.

Although they thought of the existence of the ancient god Los, they had never seen Los show the form of an ancient god, and they had never felt the terrifying pressure belonging to the god.


In silence, everyone was already kneeling on the ground.

There is worship and respect in this, but more of it is a kind of suppression, fear, and panic that comes from genetic instinct.

Human beings are like ants in front of the ancient gods. In addition to pretending to be dead like insects, they give up their pitiful thinking and embrace the boundless madness.

For a time, many people have forgotten the loss of time, and even their own thinking and wisdom.

"This...this is the existence that I...have been pursuing!" Char raised his head, with a strange light in his eyes.

Silently, countless jet-black hair appeared. Behind Charles, Lilith appeared quietly, bent down and lay next to his ear, speaking in a voice full of magic.

"Char, follow your inner desires. You are basically just a child who has been seeking shelter and has no sense of safety. Release your desire, release your fear, and finally release your dependence and surrender, and lie down!"

"Prostrate! Prostrate!"

These three words seemed to have endless magic power, constantly lingering in Char's spirit that was about to collapse, eroding his last shred of sanity.

Then, Lilith quietly came to Barlow and lifted him up with her hair, whispering: "Barlow, imagine your disgust for this ordinary world since childhood and your yearning for that extraordinary world."

"Think about the purpose of your efforts over the years? Isn't it just that you want to get a glimpse of this terrifying existence that is far beyond human beings? Or a form that is beyond human beings?"

"Give up your dignity, give up everything you own, embrace this endless divine power, and kneel down in surrender!"

Gradually, the two people seemed to be possessed. They stared blankly at the majestic existence, as if they wanted to record this scene deeply into the depths of their souls.


Immediately, the two people felt as if something was broken at the same time. Then they felt that their spirits had been greatly extended, and they felt that they had established a special link with an extremely great existence.


In the quiet night, the cool night breeze of September blew by.

Father Hester, who was holding church scriptures, looked down at the two people who were lying on the ground in Los Angeles. The corners of his mouth turned up crazily: "This is so delightful! The mental breakdown of two determined people, and finally surrender turned into Two dogs, hahaha!”

Ross put away the ancient god form at this time, turned to look at Father Hester, smiled and said: "You performed very well this time."

Father Hester immediately put away his awe and bowed: "Thank you for your approval. I am very grateful to you for allowing me to see such a pleasant scene. To be honest, I thought this city would become very boring after you became mayor. But I was wrong."

"My narrow-minded thinking is completely unable to measure your existence. I believe that as long as I follow you, the joy of my life will not end."

At this time, Charles and Barlow on the ground had come back to their senses. At this moment, the two felt that their spirits were very good, as if the invisible constraints on their spirits in the past had been untied.

They felt that they were now more comfortable and free than ever before.

Charl said respectfully: "Thank you for untying the shackles for us."

This shackle is not something else, but the shackles of the secular worldview on their thinking.

At this time, their thinking can be as divergent as those of mental patients.

Yes, now the two people can be understood as mental patients with normal mental states.

Los nodded slightly: "Get up, the problem of Innsmouth is imminent, and we still have a lot to do."


The two people got up, and Barlow was surprised to find that his dislocated limbs had been reconnected at some point.

Although it was still a little painful, there was no problem with movement.

The matter of the Eye of Insight was perfectly resolved here.

Ross turned to the crowd and said, "Everyone go back and rest. Starting tomorrow, my job is to clean up the East District and the River District thoroughly."


Everyone took the order and left.

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