Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 147 A Night in Innsmouth (Second Update)

At one o'clock in the evening, Charles took Ross back to the city hall.

After Ross was placed in a separate room, Char went to Major General Pigou's office to report.

"Why did you come back so late?" Major General Pigu frowned slightly.

Char replied: "Arkham was very vigilant and took some time."

Major General Pigou still had great trust in Char, and then asked: "How is it?"

"It went very smoothly." Charles said with a smile on his face.

Then he told everything that happened in the bar.

"The Danny Gang and Arkham are at odds with each other. Barlow has reached cooperation with the Danny Gang and has started taking action tonight."

"There is Crow over there. The two of them are here and they will be able to investigate everything quickly."

"Oen is investigating the living habits and combat capabilities of these police officers through a restaurant owner."

"Helen is investigating the entire Arkham Arkham black market through a plastic surgeon."

After hearing this, Major General Pigou said with great satisfaction: "Not bad, very good! In this way, we can completely control the entire Arkham City within two days."

Charles nodded with a smile, and then asked: "Major General, during tonight's investigation, we discovered that there are a large number of Innsmouth remnants in the East District and the River District. These people will not be helpful to our plans in the future, and even... It will destroy our control plan, and I recommend starting a thorough sweep of them tomorrow.”

After hearing this, Major General Pigu pondered and said, "Are you sure? Taking action now may alert the enemy and arouse Arkham's suspicion."

Char smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry about this. It was proposed by Arkham based on his own judgment under my guidance. He has now vaguely guessed that there may be a problem in Innsmouth, so he is worried about being secretly taught by Dagon." The controlled East District and River District are very taboo.”

"Tomorrow our people and the people from Arkham will take action together. Using thunderous means, we can completely control two areas in one day."

Hearing this, Major General Pigu nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, Char, you did this very well!"

Char said: "There may be some troops and Rangers flying tomorrow, and I hope you will approve it."

"That's natural. I'll give you a battalion of troops, plus fifty super soldiers from the Rangers." Major General Pigou said very generously.



At the same time, Innsmouth is a port city located on the Sacred Sea.

In the dark night, Kingston and Joseph led their team members to lie down carefully behind a reef.

"Captain, the matter is much more serious than we expected!" Joseph's face was very ugly at this time. At this time, his eyes could clearly see what the large group of fishermen were doing on the coast a hundred meters away.

They are continuously introducing nutrient solution into an inland sea they have enclosed.

At this time, in the inner sea, a huge figure could be seen faintly squirming.

It was a huge figure at least a hundred meters long.

They have been investigating here for three days. Although the level of xenophobia of the people here is not as high as Arkham, it is definitely not weaker.

And the Dagon Secret Cult has penetrated everywhere here. They were attacked five times after just staying in the hotel for one night, and they were chased and intercepted by hundreds of citizens the next day.

Kingston said with a solemn face at this time: "They are currently cultivating the body of an ancient god."

Hearing this, everyone's hearts suddenly sank, and there was some faint fear in their hearts.

Kama said: "Captain, there is a situation."

"What's wrong?" Kingston asked.

Kama pointed forward, and the fishermen on the coast began to dance strangely.

"Can you understand?"

Kama nodded: "This is a very ancient prayer and sacrificial dance, which generally represents welcome and gifts."

"Welcome and gifts?" Everyone was stunned.

This is Joseph pointing ahead and saying: "Look! It's those missing people!"

Everyone looked again, and now they could see more than fifty people tied to each other, escorted by those fanatical believers to the seaside.

These more than fifty people were captured by this crazy group of Innsmouth people from the surrounding villages and cities these days.

As more than fifty people were brought over, some strange black shadows suddenly appeared on the distant coast.

Joseph, who had the best view, gritted his teeth and said, "The Deep Ones are coming."

Immediately, under the gaze of everyone, a large number of fish-men-like monsters gradually came to the shore from the sea.

This group of fishmen were very tall, each one more than two meters tall. They were either wearing shabby clothes or weird leather armor, and they were holding bone spears and blades sharpened from shells.

The leading deep divers also wore golden crowns on their heads, making them look full of absurdity and weirdness.

"At least two hundred!" Joseph made a rough estimate.

Gina started to calculate: "The strength of each deep diver should be around level 17, and the three leading priests should be around level 25."

"There are a total of forty members of the Dagon Secret Cult on the shore, and their general level is around level 15. The leader is the leader of the Tide Pirates, Thomas Peake, level 22."

"With our combat power, it will take about half an hour to kill them all."

Kingston shook his head and said: "The risk is too great. This is their field. Their overall level must be improved by at least five levels."

"Besides, we don't know what's in the sea right now, so we can't just force it."

Joseph said anxiously: "We can't just watch these people being sacrificed, can we?"

"Of course not, let me think about it..." Kingston fell into deep thought.

After a moment, Kingston said: "You should know that in the next action, we are likely to be in danger, our identities and plans will be exposed, and there is even a risk of mission failure."

"Understood!" Everyone nodded.

Kingston smiled: "You look very confident."

Joseph clenched his fist and said: "I have recognized myself from the last incident. We are not saviors or protagonists. We just need to save those innocent people as much as possible. Even if our mission fails, there are more powerful beings in Arkham."

Others also nodded, and at this time they all knew the true strength of the young mayor of Arkham.

Kingston nodded vigorously: "If that's the case, then let's just make a scene."

"Even if the mission fails, even if we encounter danger, it's okay. As long as we successfully disrupt their plans, we can buy more time for the mayor to prepare, and maybe we can save more people!"

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