On the second floor, there is a long corridor leading to both sides, with windows on one side and office doors on the other.

The windows of the sanatorium are very small, about a small window of half a meter square, and located near the roof, at least three meters above the ground.

There are already many stains on the white wall, and even a lot of dark red handprints can be seen. The handprints extend far on the wall. Just looking at them, it seems that the despair and madness of the owner of the handprints at that time can be felt.

Mud prints, dust, bloodstains, and many unrecognizable pictures are very old, and it can be seen that they have experienced many years.

These traces did not add the tranquility of the years to this quiet and somewhat scary corridor, but instead there was a kind of lonely dead silence.

The female nurse took Los along the corridor on the left, walked to the fourth door, and knocked on the door: "Dr. Kurvin, Master Los is here."

Along with the sound of the door lock opening, a strong middle-aged man wearing glasses and a white coat opened the door.

The middle-aged man was about 37 or 38 years old, with a slightly long face, prominent edges and corners, a high nose bridge, sunken eye sockets, a crew cut, and a scar on the left face. He looked very capable and fierce.

"Master Los, how come you have time to come here today?" Dr. Kurvin was 1.9 meters tall, like a big black bear.

In his impression, Master Los was a very ordinary and normal person who rarely came here.

Ross smiled and said, "I'll take a look at the situation."

Kurvin's office was not big, but it was a bit messy. There were various books with notes, military sticks, dumbbells, handcuffs, and guns.

He was once an excellent military doctor. Because of an accident, not only did he lose three fingers on his left hand, but the nerves of his right hand were also permanently damaged and trembled all the time.

After retiring, he was unable to pick up a scalpel and became poor. Then he came here on the recommendation of Dr. Mursi and became a psychiatrist here.

Ross looked at Kurven's trembling right hand and his bare left hand with only the thumb and index finger left, and asked with concern: "How have you been recently?"

Kurven grinned and said: "Thank you for your concern, Master Ross. I have been doing well recently, but because of the humid summer, my right hand has started to ache again."

He raised his trembling right hand.

"Thank you for your hard work over the years, Kurven." Ross said seriously.

According to his setting, Kurven is a person who is relatively loyal to their family. Although he is also helping Finn deal with some patients that they are not convenient to deal with, he has not done anything to harm the Arkham family.

Kurven was a little surprised. In his impression, this introverted and gloomy Master Ross did not seem to like him, and he was even scared to tears by him when he was a child.

"Thank you for your concern, Master Ross. Thanks to Master George for not despising me over the years and giving me this job, I can earn a salary of 5,000 yuan a year." At this point, Kurven showed some gratitude on his face.

"After I got out of the army, I couldn't even imagine that I could have a wife and children and such a life now."

Los laughed: "Have you ever thought that your life could be better now?"

"Better? What do you mean?" Kurven was stunned.

Los raised his hand and pointed at his hand: "This."

Kurven smiled bitterly after hearing this: "Master Los, you are joking, I know my hands myself."

"Kurven, what kind of person am I in your eyes?" Los suddenly asked.

Kurven looked at Los's serious look, thought for a while and said: "Elegant, restrained, and a top student who is difficult for people to understand."

"Haha, it's really a good evaluation."

Los smiled, and then asked: "Do you trust me?"

Kurven felt the abnormality of the young master today, and asked tentatively: "Master, do you need me to do something?"

"No, you should ask me what I need you to be." Los said.

Kurven's heart moved, and he seemed to think of some possible situations.

"I did do some dirty things to other people, but I didn't do anything to betray the Arkham family. Please believe me." Kurven said seriously.

Los smiled and nodded: "Believe you, I know you are a man who values ​​friendship and gratitude, so I came here to give you a chance as a reward for your loyalty over the years."

"What chance?" Kurven felt that something big was going to happen.

"If you trust me, then stretch out your hands, and don't make any sound no matter what happens next. When everything is over, you will be reborn." Ross said mysteriously and profoundly.

Since he has this ability, he should use it well to attract more loyal followers.

The kindness of helping others in times of need is far more convincing than the fear under high pressure.

Although Kurven didn't know what Los wanted to do, he began to stretch out his disabled hands.

Then the next second, he saw something he would never forget in his life.

Young Master Los's hands turned into countless tentacles that pierced directly into his body. Then, after a terrifying wriggling sensation, a powerful energy flowed through his body.

Under his gaze, his trembling right hand returned to his control again. What shocked him the most was that his three fingers that had been blown off fifteen years ago actually regenerated rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"God is above!" Kurven looked extremely horrified, staring at his hands, not knowing what to do.

Half an hour later, everything returned to calm. Kurven looked at his hands that were not only fully recovered, but even stronger than before, and cried excitedly.

Then he knelt on the ground with a plop: "Master Los! Master Los! Please accept all my gratitude and loyalty! From now on, I, Kurven Maili, will give you everything I have!"

These hands have always been his pain point and inferiority, so he trained his body madly, wanting to emphasize his strength, but no matter how strong his body was, his hands could not be healed.

But now it's different!

Ross looked at the excited Kurven with a smile on his face: "I need to do some big things next, and I need some loyal helpers.

As he said, he put his hands on Kurven's shoulders: "I admire you, Kurven. You have your own principles, you know how to repay kindness, you are full of kindness and affection, so I hope you can be someone worthy of my trust. "

These words made Kulven's heart surge. He felt his blood flow faster and his adrenaline surge. At this moment, he ignited the passion and excitement that had been extinguished for many years.

"Master Los! I will use my life to protect everything you have! Carry out your will!"

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