Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 16 Everyone inside is a talent

This time, Los came here and chose two targets. The first one was Kurven.

He was the attending doctor here and had a disability. The most important thing was that he was connected to many forces in Arkham. Relying on his body, he was also a disciplinarian here and had the authority to manage all patients.

As long as he was controlled, he would be in control of 60% of Arkham Sanatorium.

Los then explained his plan to him and told him about his current strength and how to develop his future potential.

When Kurven burst out with all his strength and crushed a pistol directly, he finally understood how terrifying and great the power that the young master had given him was.

"Superhuman!" As a member of the special forces, he naturally knew this concept and had even come into contact with it before.

He never dreamed that he would be lucky enough to become a superhuman at such an age with such a broken body!

"Master, your great and beautiful plan makes me feel happy and addicted. Master, if you have any needs, just tell me and I will contribute everything I have!" The difference in identity and situation made it much easier for Los to subdue Kurven than to subdue Daryl.

Los continued, "I'm going to take a patient away today."

"Patient? Of course! Master, from now on, everything here will be your private property. If you need a living sacrifice, I can always prepare it." Kurven said.

Los shook his head, looked at Kurwen seriously, and warned: "Kurwen, you have to remember. We are human beings. No matter what form we take, we must maintain the thinking and heart of a human being. We are for a better future, not for powerful power."

"Otherwise, what is the difference between us and those bloody and crazy cults!?"

Hearing this, Kurwen immediately stood up in awe and bowed: "Master, I was wrong. All your teachings will be my life creed in the future!"

This flattery made Los very comfortable, and he smiled and said: "Very good, Kurwen."

"The patient I am going to take away this time is number 0101."

Hearing this, Kurwen's face changed immediately: "Master, that thing... is very dangerous and very unstable now."

Los nodded: "I know, but I have the ability to heal her and subdue her now."

Hearing this, Kurwen looked down at his hands, and he suddenly realized that compared with his master, number 0101 was not worth mentioning, and his worries were completely unnecessary.

Then, he turned around and opened the drawer with his left hand, and took out the keychain in his right hand easily and steadily. An indescribable sense of happiness and pleasure spread in his body.

"It's so happy to be healthy." Kurven sighed sincerely in his heart.

Picking up the key, Kurven turned around and asked: "Master, do I need to hide the fact that my hand has recovered?"

Los shook his head and said: "No, I just want to attract other people's attention."

"Of course, don't show off too much, wear a glove on your left hand, it's best to let people find it accidentally."


Then, the two left the office and walked along the corridor to the third floor.

While going up the stairs, Los watched two strong men in uniform walking upstairs with a young man tied up.

After seeing Los, the young man's eyes gradually widened, and then he said loudly: "Great Master! Almighty Master! Please listen to my prayers, I am your faithful believer, I followed your will, and I found the door to the dungeon!"

"Great Master! You are so handsome, so perfect! Your greatness makes me worship........."

Los looked at the direction where the young man left and said with a smile: "Sure enough, everyone in the sanatorium is talented, and they speak well. I really like it here."

Kulven said a little strangely: "No. 04134, he likes doors, and studies the door to the dungeon all day long, but... He likes to insult others very much, almost swearing, this is the first time I heard him say such a praise sentence."

"Maybe I am too handsome?" Los said jokingly.

Kulven laughed: "Maybe he has a special talent and sees your greatness and extraordinaryness."

"That's right, take care of this person a little, I will be useful in the future." Los nodded.

Kurven nodded respectfully: "Today should be the luckiest day of his life."

The two people first came to the third floor, which was already the ward area. Walking in the corridor, you can hear all kinds of weird calls.

Even Los heard dogs barking, cats meowing, cows mooing, wolves howling, and delicate loli voices coming from a room.

Kurven introduced: "No. 03122, suffering from severe schizophrenia and paranoia, these personalities include various animals, as well as male and female voices of all ages. We now analyze that he has about thirty identities and personalities."

"And the weirdest thing is that after changing to different personalities, his voice will also change. We still haven't figured out what's going on."

After listening, Ross laughed: "There are so many talents, pay attention to this too."


The two walked to the end of the corridor on the west side of the third floor and entered from the second to last door. Inside was a warehouse that looked very ordinary.

After Kurven pressed a mechanism, a downward staircase appeared in the middle of the ground.

If you want to go underground, the entrance is not on the first floor, but on the third floor.

Below the entrance is an elevator.

After the two people descended about thirty meters in the elevator, they came to a dark space.

This is a relatively small place. There are rooms supported by concrete on both sides of the long and narrow corridor, and on the inside of the concrete, there is this dense layer of steel cages.

The room has no windows, just tiny gaps.

Dim lights illuminate the narrow corridor, making the place full of eeriness.

This is the lowest level of the three underground floors of the sanatorium.

There are five separate rooms here, and now only one person is being held alone here.

"Master, although I know your greatness, I still hope that you can be careful and cautious." Kurwin said seriously.

Ross smiled and nodded. While reaching for the key, he handed over a piece of paper: "Go up and tie these people up. They have been brainwashed by her during the feeding process."

Kurwin was shocked when he heard this. He looked down at the four names on his hand with a look of disbelief on his face: "They look... very normal!"

"Tie him up and kill him if he resists. Soon you will see something is wrong." Lose said calmly.

Kelvin didn't hesitate: "Yes! Master!"

Kurwin said, turned around and left quickly.

After Kalvin left, Los shook the key and made a crisp clanging sound, strolling leisurely towards the front room.

This room is specially built and has the largest area underground, measuring one hundred square meters. It has very complete living facilities.

Staff put ingredients in through special pipes every seven days, allowing her to cook her own meals.

The crisp crashing sound quickly attracted the attention of the person inside.

"Looks like someone wants me to come out."

There is a special melody in the voice, and it is calm and intellectual. It is very elegant and noble, and there is a trace of otherworldly fireworks.

It is hard to imagine that a person who has been locked up in isolation for ten years can still make such a sound.

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