Arkham case, number 0101.

Management level: Ten (top)

Need to be isolated and not to contact anyone.

Name: Lilith Carrier.

Gender: Female.

Age: 45 years old.

Patient description: The patient's body is no different from that of an ordinary person. The patient's legs are atrophied and necrotic, and she cannot move freely.

The patient's mental state is unknown, but it can be judged that she does not have any human values ​​and moral concepts. She is a monster with a human body.

Special abilities: The patient's language has a strong agitation ability, which will make people fall into frenzy and paranoia uncontrollably.

Conversation precautions: Don't have any conversation with her! ! !

Treatment precautions: No cure is possible.

Core event:

One day in 1914, a large-scale fight broke out in the North District of Arkham involving fifty people. Forty-two people died and eight people went crazy. According to the investigation, these people all claimed to be Lilith Carrier's most beloved children.

On a certain day in 1916, a cult gathering occurred in the East District. The members involved four major gangs and many organizations. They killed each other for unknown reasons, and 123 people died.

On a certain day in 1917, the leader of the Finn Gang, von Lohn, disappeared. Three days later, he was found in a large nursery car, and his mind became that of a child who could only drink milk.

On a certain day in 1918, the senior leader of the Hand of Chaos, Jemin Locke, suddenly fell into madness, shouting for the great mother, and was killed after killing twelve followers of the Hand of Chaos.

On a certain day in 1919, Lilith Carrier was arrested. Three days later, all those who participated in her arrest fell into madness and then committed suicide out of shame.

On January 5, 1920, after many events and many changes of hands, Lilith Carrier was imprisoned in the 0101 ward of the Arkham Sanatorium, which had never been opened.


Los opened the heavy hydraulic door that had been sealed for who knows how many years, but what he saw after opening the door was not a room, but a heavy iron door.

"So direct? When did such a brave child appear in Arkham?" The voice continued to come.

This voice does have a special power, and according to Los' analysis, it can easily interfere with the thoughts of normal people.

But unfortunately, he is not a normal person.

"Child? Because you can't have children in this life, you treat a person as your own child?" Los said casually and opened the door on the inside.

The voice was silent for a while: "Who are you?"

She was the only one who knew about this matter from beginning to end, and it was a dusty old story more than 30 years ago. Those who knew about this matter had died more than 30 years ago, she was sure.

Because those people chopped off each other's heads in front of her.


The harsh sound made by the rusty hinges when turning was very unpleasant. Los pushed open the door of the second floor and walked in directly.

There was a very spacious space inside, and the bright lights illuminated the entire room.

The whole space was very clean and tidy. There was no concept of a room in such a large space. It was supported by six pillars in the middle, and there was a sunken bathtub at the innermost side.

On the far left was a kitchen with a dining table in the middle but no chairs.

On the other side were a bed and a dressing table. There were also a large number of bookshelves near the wall, with all kinds of books on them.

Looking around, Los saw a woman with long hair sitting in an old wheelchair. At this time, she was facing the bookshelf with her back to Los, and seemed to be looking down at a book.

"My name is Los Arkham." Los said with a smile.

The woman with long hair did not turn around, and still made a very special and powerful voice: "I know you, George Arkham's son."

"Your father should be dead, right?"

Los nodded: "He died a week ago."

The woman said calmly: "This is a good ending for him. His heart is full of darkness and distortion. Even if there is any chance, he will never return on the inhuman road."

"You know my father very well."

"I know each of you."

The woman said, put down the book, put her hands on the wheel, and turned to look at Los.

This is a woman who looks to be in her early thirties, with smooth and elastic skin, a full forehead, and black hair scattered casually behind her.

She has a standard melon-shaped face and very eye-catching blood-red big eyes.

The big eyes are very special, red and crystal clear, and you can even see the crystal-like prisms on them, like a pair of perfect gems, embedded in her eyeballs.

She wears a pair of black-framed glasses on her high nose bridge, and wears a gray-white robe. At first glance, she looks like a mature, dignified, beautiful and elegant female professor.

It's just that she hasn't been out in the sun for a long time, so her skin is frighteningly pale, and you can even clearly see the blue blood vessels under the skin.

Although her upper body is still normal, her legs have been severely atrophied, as if these legs have not grown again since she was twelve years old, which is incompatible with her beautiful appearance.

"Time is really unforgiving! Lilith, you are old too." Facing such a beautiful and well-maintained woman, Los said so.

Lilith was a little surprised after hearing this. She reached out and touched her face and said, "I should look the same as I did ten years ago."

"But you're already wearing reading glasses." Los pointed at the glasses on her nose.

Lilith was stunned, then took off the glasses, and said with a slightly self-deprecating tone: "I once fantasized about having a long life, but unfortunately, only ten years have passed."

Los walked towards her generously at this time, came to her without any taboo, squatted down and looked at her with a smile and said: "You are much more beautiful than I imagined. I have no resistance to a mature, dignified, beautiful and elegant mature sister like you."

Lilith smiled gently after hearing this: "Child, you are still young, don't think about these unhealthy things."

"I'm not young anymore, if you don't believe me, take a look?" Los asked back.

Lilith's very eye-catching blood-red eyes gradually revealed a smile: "You don't seem to be afraid of me at all."

"If I was afraid of you, I wouldn't come here." Los said, reaching out and putting his hand on her skinny and shrunken legs.

The calves were not as thick as Los's wrists, and they were full of wrinkles. They felt like they were not human legs, but the legs of a mummy.

"How do they feel?" Lilith asked with a smile.

Los said, "Not very good, it feels like touching a mummy. I prefer smooth, slender, and elastic legs."

Lilith leaned forward slightly, looked down at her legs and said, "These legs were once my pride. I like to run and jump with them."

"Then when I was thirteen, I was attacked by a jealous classmate and it was completely smashed."

"I know, but compared to your uterus being removed, it's nothing, right?"

Los squinted and looked at her like a demon.

"Especially when it was removed by your own parents."

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