Lilith looked at Minisha's shocked expression and said with a smile: "It was the master who gave me a new life and a new form. His greatness and power are beyond your imagination."

When Minisha heard this, her heart was shaken and she fell into silence.

After thinking for a full two minutes, Minisha replied firmly: "What we witches believe in is only the great forbidden door, and we will not bow or surrender to anyone else!"

"You are still very young, don't be too impulsive. You have seen the master's methods now. If you continue to persist, you will only face an endless abyss." At this time, Lilith's tone gradually became colder.

She doesn't have a good temper, and the purpose of talking to Minisha today is more of a warning than a discussion.

When Minisha heard this, she immediately snorted and said: "Lilith, I can tell you clearly! We witches will never surrender to any other existence."

"I! The Pope of the Forbidden Gate, Minisa Arcas, even if I am bombarded to death, bitten to death by monsters, or even jump to my death from a building, I will not surrender to Los Arcas. "

Lilith was not angry after hearing this. Seeing Minisha's determined and paranoid look at this time, she felt very interesting, so she laughed happily.

"Hahaha! You little guy is getting more and more interesting. In the words of the master, you are really strong and strong!"

Minisha snorted coldly: "I am a person with absolute beliefs and principles, which is fundamentally different from a woman like you who surrenders to others at will!"

"I thought you rejected my mother-in-law's invitation because you had the same pride and perseverance as me. I didn't expect you to be like this now!"

Speaking of this, Minisha felt a little happy, because she finally felt that she had caught up with Lilith in some aspects, at least she thought so.

When Lilith heard this, she didn't force her. She knew this little girl very well, so she turned around and said, "Okay, I hope your pride can continue."

"Let those witches come back. The army is encircling and suppressing people from the Dagon Secret Cult and the Tide Pirates this time. They have no interest in your forbidden gate."

Minisha looked at Lilith cautiously: "Do you think I will believe your words?"

Lilith tilted her head slightly, her dark red eyes flashing with sarcasm: "In your current situation, you are not qualified to let me lie to you!"

When she heard this, she immediately touched the back scale that Minisha had always been proud of. The next second, she swung her hands suddenly, and hot flames on one side and biting ice on the other appeared instantly, sweeping Lilith.

Lilith's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw this: "Ice and Fire? The master will definitely like your skills very much."

As soon as she finished speaking, Lilith's long black hair behind her grew suddenly. In an instant, the black hair formed two ferocious monsters, and she opened her big mouth to directly bite these two special powers into pieces.

Minisha was shocked when she saw this: "What kind of ability is this!?"

The flames with a high temperature of 3,000 degrees and the terrifying cold of minus 100 degrees did not cause any damage to these hairs.

This is like a nightmare.

When Minisha was horrified, her dark hair had begun to lengthen rapidly, turning into seven or eight tentacles grabbing at her.

Minisha waved her right hand, and bursts of crystal ice crystals gradually appeared on her arms, making her already supple skin look like crystal gems.

With the wave of her hand, the entire ground instantly froze, and then her body slid across the ice at an extremely fast speed, turning into a black shadow.

"Hahaha! How about it! Look at my speed, which is five times faster than a car!" Minisha, who was moving at high speed, suddenly felt proud.

As she moved at high speed, her left arm gradually became extremely red, and then she held her left hand, and a flaming hammer appeared in her hand.

"Tell you! Now! I am no worse than you in every aspect!"

Minisha whispered, and hit Lilith on the head with a fire hammer.

"Is it!?"

As Lilith's voice came out, Minisha, who was moving, suddenly felt her body stagnate.

When she came back to her senses, she was shocked to find that millions of jet-black hairs were tied up with incomparable precision like countless silk threads.

Immediately, as if they had their own consciousness, these threads continued to tighten on her skin, gradually tightening.

"This... how is it possible!" Minisha's eyes were as tight as nails, and her face was full of disbelief.

She wanted to keep struggling, but found that the restraints were so strong that she couldn't even move a finger now.

The hair moved slowly, and Minisha was brought to Lilith.

"I can kill you at any time now." Lilith said very casually.

Minisha stared at Lilith with her eyes and said without gritting her teeth: "What level are you at?"

Lilith then released her aura.

"Forty...Level 8!?" Sensing the breath of the infinitely approaching new form, Minisha's eyes gradually became blurred.

My mother-in-law has been practicing for so many years and has received so many gifts from the Forbidden Gate, but she is only at level 45 now!

But this woman... was an ordinary person ten years ago, but now she has reached level 48! ?

How can this be? How can this be! ! ?

At this moment, Minisha felt that her world view had collapsed.

At this time, Lilith raised her hand and commented: "Well, it is indeed not small. The master will like it very much."

Minissa, who should have been very angry at her body being molested, instantly had her entire skin stained with red clouds, and her whole body became weak and powerless.

Lilith looked at Minissa's appearance and smiled: "Your body is quite sensitive, not bad. I am more and more satisfied with you, Minissa."

Then she moved in her heart, put Minissa on the ground with her black hair, and then turned and left.

"You! Why don't you kill me!?" Minissa came back to her senses at this time, and asked with a face full of unwillingness, like a cat showing an attacking posture but afraid of the other party.

Lilith said without looking back: "I do intend to kill you, not just you, but also the leaders of all regions."

"But the master said that if you kill everyone, this city will lose its meaning of development."

"The master wants diversity, and because of this, you have not had the opportunity to survive until now."

"Little guy, the master's mercy is limited. The gods only give people seven days to escape when they destroy the world. You'd better make a correct decision as soon as possible."

Two chapters today, and the climax of this volume tomorrow

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