In just one day, the entire East District and River District were subjected to a horrific and thorough cleansing. According to incomplete statistics from peripheral reporters, at least 500 bodies were pulled out of the two areas.

The reporters watched with horror, and the major forces were indeed trembling with fear on this day.

Six o'clock is the time when Arkham gets off work. With the peak of getting off work, the sound of gunfire and artillery in the two areas also stopped, and then only dead silence and the smoke of gunfire remained in the two areas.

People who heard the news gradually gathered here after the meal and watched this scene that could be called a war.

At 6:30, under the spotlight, Ross, Charles and Major General Pigou appeared together to explain the matter.

"Dear citizens, don't worry, all our actions are based on reason."

"According to our investigation, the East District and the River District have now become the home of the notorious Tide Pirates and a cult organization called Dagon. Here they carry out horrific human sacrifices and disgusting practices. Cannibalism, and horrific experiments were also conducted here to produce such horrific vicious dogs.”

As he spoke, the photos taken by the reporters today and the corpses of those vicious dogs, as well as the tools, tableware, and collected human specimens used by these people were all taken out.

When all the residents saw this scene, their faces turned pale, and many even retched, almost vomiting out the dinner they had just eaten.

Daryl added: "60% of the disappearances that occur in Arkham every year are caused by cultists in the East and River Districts."

Seeing and hearing this, the thousands of people watching suddenly let out a burst of exclamations.

"Long live the mayor! Long live the mayor!"

Immediately, the sound quickly formed a hot wave.

Major General Pigu frowned slightly when he saw this, and turned to look at Char.

Char smiled slightly, indicating that everything was under control.

Ross continued: "I have been worried about the issues in the East District and the River District for a long time. After a long period of investigation, I did not have enough power to annihilate these demons in one fell swoop."

"Fortunately, we were able to get help from the imperial army today. Thanks to the selfless help of Major General Pigu, we were able to clean up all the cultists in one day!"

Immediately, the entire crowd let out bursts of exclamations, and reporters from Arkham Gazette recorded the scene one after another.

Raising his hand to silence the call, Ross continued: "For many years, I have been disgusted by the dilapidation and desolation of the East District and the darkness and chaos of the River District, so I decided to take this opportunity to reorganize and repair the East District and the River District. ”

"I will use half of the assets obtained from the original settlement of the Rhodes Guild, focusing on the redevelopment and construction of the East District and the River District."

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked, because at this moment they discovered a lot of business opportunities.

Ross continued loudly: "In the future, Arkham's latest villa area will be built in the scenic East End near the woods and hills. It will be a high-end community comparable to the wealthy areas. It will attract people The investment and residence of many foreign businessmen will greatly promote the surrounding supporting facilities in the East District, Central District, and River District, and promote the overall development. "

"And the river area will be the largest dock and port in the entire Arkham in the future. We will build the largest seafood market and the most advanced shipyard in the entire Massa province here!"

"In the future! When those outsiders who look down on us think of Arkham, they will not only think of Miskatonic University, but also the most developed shipyard and the resort where the rich gather!"

Hearing this, everyone present became excited.

With the development of Arkham, residents like them are the biggest beneficiaries!

All the people believed in Los's words. Judging from the renovation of the slums, the liquidation of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce, and the thunderous cleaning of the East and River Districts, no one would question the mayor's ability to act and execute.

Since the mayor said so, then these things will definitely be achieved!

Standing aside, Charles looked at Los' profile, his eyes flashing with excitement and excitement.

After today's day's battle, he was extremely aware of the backwardness and chaos of these two areas, but at the same time he also knew the stage potential of these two places.

As long as there is a good leader, the future prospects of these two regions can be said to be infinitely bright.

"I, indeed, I saw the right person!" Charles was happy and excited.

After Ross's speech, Major General Pigou also gave a related speech.

But compared with Los Angeles, the responses here were very sparse. Fortunately, the reporters paid great attention to the details of this siege, so they did not leave the major general in the dark.

When it was all over, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

The dusk sunlight covered the entire Arkham with a layer of red sunset glow.

When everything was over and he was about to call it a day, Los seemed to feel something and suddenly looked east.

Char turned his head to look, and then his eyes tightened: "This is..."

Ross said in a calm voice: "The shadow of Innsmouth has begun to spread."

Arkham is a full forty kilometers from Innsmouth.

However, from a distance of forty kilometers, even ordinary people can see the dark shadow in the sky.

The shadow seemed to be composed of countless strange black things, and it looked like a dark cloud, but it was constantly wriggling in the air, which looked very strange.

At this time, Major General Pigu naturally noticed the situation over there, and then his face changed drastically: "Damn it! What's going on? Who interfered with the ceremony?"

Seeing this, Los's mouth curled up slightly, and he secretly said in his heart: "Kingston, well done!"

For this matter, the most perfect development is that the entire sacrifice was interfered with at a critical moment, causing the ancient god to descend in an incomplete form in advance.

The ancient god who descended in this way did not have much self-awareness, and the overall combat power was not strong, but it had uncontrollable terrifying destructive power and diffusion.

And what Los wanted was this uncontrollable diffusion.

In this way, when these things spread to Arkham, he would have enough ability to deal with it, and during the spreading time, he would have enough time to deal with it.

The most important thing is that the dead body of the incomplete ancient god is more useful to the army than the living one. In this way, he can use the power of the army to attack the incomplete ancient god, and then bury all the troops in it, and reap the benefits.

Finally, when the military interrogates, he will invite the queen to come and lead everything to the queen.

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