Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 152 The beginning of the disaster

At dusk, the setting sun shone from the west, dyeing the houses of Innsmouth blood red.

And just above this port city, a huge dark cloud has completely condensed, like the shadow of a huge monster, completely covering the entire Innsmouth.

An indescribable trembling atmosphere permeated the entire city. Every ancient native here seemed to have suffered from some kind of crazy disease. Everyone had red eyes, and the depths of their eyes were fierce and crazy, patrolling the surroundings.

There are no outsiders in this city now. To be more precise, the outsiders here have just been infected by that special wave and become traditional Innsmouth people.

On the road five kilometers outside Innsmouth, Kingston looked back at the huge shadow, his eyes full of worry and fear.

Kingston did not expect that things would be so serious.

Last night, they successfully lured the tiger away from the mountain through tacit cooperation and shrewd strategies.

By attacking the inland sea, they attracted the attention of all Dagon believers, and the rest of the people took the opportunity to successfully rescue the more than 50 people, then fought their way out and left quickly along the road.

The successful execution of the plan made the seven people somewhat proud, but when they heard the indescribable roar, they knew that they had awakened an indescribable terrifying existence in advance.

Just a roar just now made Kingston and the other seven people's brains go blank, and then they sat down on the ground.

When they came to their senses, they found that among the 50 people they rescued, 12 people were directly killed by the roar, and another 15 people went crazy, and then began to mutate rapidly, turning into the existence covered with scales and strange spikes all over their bodies.

The rest of the people were mentally ill and trembling.

Fortunately, Gina and Kama in the team have good mental healing abilities.

After Kingston and others decisively dealt with the 15 monsters, the remaining people tried their best to escape from the range of Innsmouth.

Then, for some reason, it seemed that the terrifying roar caused an inexplicable change to the entire Innsmouth, and the road under their feet seemed to have been greatly extended and twisted.

It took them half a night and a day to barely escape the radiation range of Innsmouth.

Kingston exhaled deeply and said, "Go! There is a military camp not far ahead. Inform them to leave here quickly and withdraw to Arkham."

"Yes!" At this time, Joseph's face was also very pale, and the weaker Gina and others had a little blue face, and their palms were shaking uncontrollably.

The youngest Kama had lost the ritual at this time and was carried on Kingston's back.

"What on earth is this, this... It's too scary. If it weren't for the captain, I'm afraid we would have died in it." Ruger, the trap expert in the team, whispered.

During the escape, they clearly felt that they were getting away from that terrifying existence, but they still felt a kind of dignified existence pressing on their souls, constantly whispering in their ears, and constantly forcing their reason into madness.

Kingston whispered, "Don't think too much. Our goal now is to escape from here and report the intelligence we have to Mayor Arkham."

They really have a lot of terrifying intelligence to report now.

First of all, those monsters transformed from humans, although they are only about level 12 soldiers after complete mutation, once they come into contact with a lot of water, their combat effectiveness can reach about level 15.

Such data can be said to be very terrifying, because the body structure of this group of monsters similar to deep divers is much stronger than that of humans. The scales can offset about 40% of the damage of bullets, and the spikes on their bodies are as sharp as iron knives.

However, these monsters are not the most critical, the most critical is the invisible whisper.

Those whispers that keep whispering in your ears constantly outline the darkest and craziest existence in your heart. The will of these superhumans is still firm.

And the people who escaped with them, seven of them turned into terrifying monsters in these ten hours, and the rest of them have fallen into a trance and are on the verge of mutation.

Fortunately, in the afternoon, they successfully left the range of the weird whisper.

"The whispers have a radius of at least five kilometers, and the source is still unknown, but if nothing unexpected happens, it must be the unknown monster in the sea." Kingston was sure.

As they moved forward quickly, the sound of a car engine came from the front.

Looking up, he saw several military vehicles driving towards this side.

Kingston waved hurriedly.

After the military vehicle stopped, a square-faced, resolute-looking officer came down, and it was Captain Oyok.

"What happened?" Captain Oyok asked.

Kingston hurriedly said: "Captain! The entire Innsmouth has fallen, and there are unknown monsters descending there, and all the residents have become monsters!"

Oyok frowned slightly, and he naturally would not believe the man's words so casually: "Tell me more clearly, what is going on?"

Kingston and Joseph looked at each other, with a tangled face. As an extraordinary oath-taker, he didn't want the officer to know too much, but if he let them go like this, it would definitely increase casualties.

Just at this awkward moment, a steady voice came.

"Captain, he is right, he is the spy sent by the mayor."

Hearing this, the two were stunned and turned their heads to see Zeke and two other Arkham policemen coming from the military vehicle behind.

"Officer Zeke!" Seeing Officer Zeke, who they once suspected was a monster, Kingston and others were as excited as if they saw an angel descending.

Oyok heard this and took Zeke aside and said, "Does the mayor of Arkham want us to pick them up?"

Zeke nodded: "Yes, Innsmouth is extremely dangerous now. They know the intelligence inside Innsmouth. The mayor means to leave as soon as possible after receiving them."

"You also need to abandon the entire barracks and withdraw the troops to Arkham."

Oyok frowned slightly. The retreat of the barracks was a big deal. He could not make the decision on this matter. After all, he had the head of the regiment above him.

Jike said calmly: "Don't worry, your captain should have received the queen's order by now."

Oyoke was startled after hearing this, then nodded in understanding and said to his men: "Take these injured people to the car! Retreat!!"

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