Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 153: Stop pretending, let’s show our cards

Arkham Town Hall. Lose, Daryl, Charles, Major General Pigou, Elizabeth, Dr. Laban, Danny, and Dr. Armitage, eight people were sitting in the conference room.

Apart from the person in charge, the four most powerful municipal representatives in Arkham have already arrived. These four individuals represent more than 70% of Arkham's total wealth.

They had just finished listening to Kingston's report, and the soldiers of Massa's Third Independent Regiment outside Innsmouth would also withdraw to Arkham in three hours.

Major General Pigou said with a gloomy face at this time: "The Third Independent Legion cannot withdraw. They will be the first front to resist those monsters. As soldiers of the empire, this is their obligation."

Elizabeth's eyes suddenly widened: "What are their obligations? In that case, General, the soldiers under your command are also soldiers of the empire. As the army guarding the Province of Massa, matters concerning Innsmouth are originally within your responsibilities. matter."

"The Third Independent Legion's duty is not to protect Massa Province, their mission is to protect the coastline!"


Major General Pigu clapped his big hand hard and shouted in a low voice: "Clark, recognize your position. There is no place for you to speak here."

Elizabeth was naturally not afraid of him. When she was about to speak, she was interrupted by Ross: "Major General, although what Miss Clark said is a bit extreme, her direction is not wrong. According to Kingston's report, that monster has the power to pollute the spirit." , we should gather all our hands first and then think about countermeasures.”

Major General Pigou glanced at Ross and said indifferently: "Not to mention whether the words called Kingston are credible or not, you have no right to speak in this regard. You only need to take care of your citizens."

After hearing this, Ross smiled, looked around and said, "You said you called everyone over for a meeting to discuss countermeasures, and then said that none of us have the right to speak. Isn't this a little too much? After all, this matter is a dangerous matter. The stability of the entire Arkham is even more threatened."

Major General Pigu sneered: "Now is an emergency, so it is natural to take extraordinary measures. Now everything is based on the interests of the empire. I called you here today not to discuss anything with you."

Everyone's expressions changed when they heard this, and Los said calmly: "Major General, if this is the case, it will be boring."

"Oh? Then you can tell me, why is it interesting?" After speaking, Major General Pigu raised his hand. In an instant, the door and the walls on both sides were broken open, and genetic warriors wearing armor rushed in with weird flesh-and-blood weapons in their hands.

These people generally have a strength of level 20 or above, and the weird weapons with squirming flesh in their hands reveal the danger of power.

Also coming in at the same time were two powerful superhumans, Barlow and Helen.

Elizabeth and Dr. Laban's expressions changed and they looked at Los. They came here at Ross's invitation. If it involves him and the military setting up a trap to kill both of them, then they have no room to resist!

Major General Pigu turned his attention to Los at this time and sneered: "I know your methods very well. Do you really think that the empire can't even deal with you, a small mayor? Why do you keep you here now? , I just want to use you to call all these municipal committee members so that I can deal with them at once. "

Ross was still sitting on the chair with a calm face, without even raising his head to look at the domineering Major General Pigu, and sighed: "I thought we had other room for cooperation. Since you said so, then I will continue to lie like this. , which is a bit too unkind.”

"Oh? What other methods do you have? You can use it directly." Major General Pigu had a confident smile on his face.

At this time, his elite troops surrounded the whole place. The whole building was filled with his own people. There were also senior investigators with eyes of insight, as well as Danny who had successfully instigated the rebellion. No matter how much this guy in his early twenties rolled around, There won't be any trouble!

Ross leaned back comfortably on the chair, leaned back slightly, and said to Char next to him: "What are you looking at? Stop pretending, it's time to show off!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, including Pigu. The next second, under the horrified gazes of Pigou, Elizabeth, and Dr. Laban, as Major General Pigou's absolute confidant, Charles nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, Master."

"What! What?" The moment he heard this, Pigu suddenly felt a thunderbolt in the sky and his mind went blank.

Before he could react, Danny, Barlow, and Helen took action at the same time. Three superhumans above level 30 with their own special abilities attacked the genetic warriors in their early twenties at the same time. It was an extremely crushing massacre.

There was a bloody storm in an instant. When Elizabeth and Dr. Laban came to their senses, they suddenly discovered that the twenty genetic warriors in this circle had lost the ability to move.

Pigu looked at the splattered blood, his eyes gradually widened, and he roared: "Then everyone will die together!" Immediately, more than 20 genetic warriors could be seen raising their hands to hit him on the head.

At this moment, countless jet-black hair suddenly appeared, pouring in like a flood from the windows, roofs, doors, and walls on both sides, completely submerging these genetic warriors in an instant.

"What the hell is this!?" Major General Pigu felt that his whole body was completely bound by these hairs, and he even lost the right to move his fingers.

Elizabeth and Dr. Laban stood there sluggishly, their strange hair exuding a kind of coldness, and each strand was like a steel wire.

They moved along their sides, causing friction with their skin. Although they were so smooth and supple, they felt their hearts tremble. When it was all over, the black wave had dissipated.

Elizabeth's eyes returned to focus, and she immediately saw Major General Pigu and more than twenty genetic warriors trapped in countless black silk threads and hanging from the ceiling, like prey entangled in spider silk.

At this time, Lilith had quietly appeared beside Los, and behind her, an unknown length of hair extended to an unknown location along the door.

Ross touched Lilith's cheek with satisfaction, stood up and looked at Major General Pigu who was hanging in the air and said, "If you have something to say, why are you smashing the wall? My city hall is very valuable."

At this time, Char, Barlow, and Helen were half-kneeling on the ground with respectful expressions on their faces. Then Char whispered: "Master, Pigu has a special token on his body. Through this token, he can carry out military operations on his behalf." transfer.”

Hearing this, Major General Pigu had disbelief and anger on his face: "You! You! You monster! What on earth did you do to them!"

Los smiled: "It's nothing, it just gave them new hope."

I ate hot pot yesterday and it seemed like I had eaten something bad. I have diarrhea today! Today, I still want to have a bowel movement. It seems that I have some gastritis. I will start two chapters today. It’s really fucked.

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