Major General Pigu had never thought that after becoming famous at a young age and fighting on the battlefield for half his life, he would completely fail in this small town in the most incredible, humiliating and desperate way in the last step of the general position that was already waving to him.

Hanging in the air with the black hair, his skin could clearly feel that each of those hairs seemed to have its own life. They even kept coveting the pores on his skin, waiting for the master to give the order, and then they would frantically drill in and devour everything of the target.

All this was very terrifying just to think about, and it made people feel terrified.

Just this hair made Major General Pigu pale and tremble in his heart.

And the hair outside seemed to confirm his previous guess. When he was worried, the hair on his body suddenly squirmed, like countless nematodes with self-awareness, straightening their bodies and drilling into his body.

This immediately frightened Major General Pigu.

As a core member of the military, although not a senior official, he was still very clear about the military's plan.

He had seen many of his own people use various methods to torture the enemy and conduct related experiments, including similar methods.

Ignorance is bliss, and the more he knew, the more he knew the pain and horror of similar methods.

"No! No! Don't get into my skin!" Major General Pigu screamed suddenly like a frightened little girl.

Elizabeth was shocked when she saw Pigu's appearance. She had some understanding of this relatively young major general. He should have good courage after experiencing a lot of iron-blooded battlefields. She couldn't imagine what kind of means could scare this iron-blooded general so much.

Los was also a little surprised, and asked Charles slightly, "What happened to him?"

Charl explained, "In the military's experiments, there is an experimental method called muscle worm parasitism experiment."

"They can cultivate a muscle worm with instinctive activity through special abilities. This worm is as thin as a nematode. They have a natural obsession and attraction to human muscles."

"The military uses this muscle worm to test the muscle strength and potential of the experimental body, and to perform primary transformation on the target through the fusion of muscle worm and muscle."

"And the transformation method is to let those worms drill into the human pores and gradually eat the flesh and blood under the target's skin. The whole process is very terrifying and painful. More than 99% of the experimental subjects will have a mental breakdown in this incident, and become such a walking corpse, which is perfectly controlled by the military."

Charl said, looking at those gene warriors who never speak and are like robots.

When everyone present heard this, even Danny's face changed slightly, and Dr. Laban's eyes twitched twice, expressing his shock.

Dr. Armitage was pale and seemed to be frightened.

After hearing this, Los smiled: "No wonder!"

When Major General Pigu struggled and screamed desperately, the hair did not pierce his skin, but took out an oval metal object with a special pattern on it from his arms.

Los threw the thing to Charles and said: "Leave the things outside the city to you to lead."


Turning his head to look at the more than 20 gene warriors who were hung, it can be clearly seen from the cross-section of their wounds that the muscles in the blood seemed to have life and were constantly wriggling, constantly performing other combinations, trying to sew the wounds again.

"It's a good idea to completely fibrosize the muscle structure, but unfortunately, you used the wrong method."

"Lilith, send these guys to the sanatorium to see if Dr. Mursi has any relevant transformation methods. After all, this is considered a good combat power."

"Yes, master."

When things came to this, the command of the army was completely transferred to Los's hands, and all threats to the army were completely reduced to zero.

Finally, Los turned his attention to Dr. Laban: "Doctor, what do you think of the current situation in Arkham?"

At this time, Dr. Laban didn't dare to have any other ideas, and then said seriously: "It's all up to the mayor. Although we don't have too many people in the Redemption Society, we also want to contribute our own strength to protect Arkham."

Los laughed happily: "Very good. Please rest assured, Doctor, I just want to take back my rights. I have no other hostility towards the Redemption Society. Your organization can still operate here in the future, but the control of the North District..."

"The North District naturally belongs to your North District. We are just merchants who come here to do business!" Dr. Laban said hurriedly.

At this time, things have completely gone out of his control. This mayor not only easily dealt with the military, but also turned all the members of the Eye of Insight into his servants!

Dare to go against such an existence? That is purely a dung beetle in the cesspool, looking for shit (death).

"I admire your agility and generosity, so please mobilize your subordinates now and contribute to Arkham!" Los said with a smile.

"Okay! No problem!" Dr. Laban turned around and left with a sense of relief.

Then, the only outsider left in the conference room was Elizabeth.

As the first person to form an alliance with Los, Elizabeth was not as afraid of him as others, and she also understood Los' bottom line and goals better.

Elizabeth said casually: "The Queen is very satisfied with your performance. In the future, I will only be the contact person between the Queen and you. The control of the rich area can be handed over to you at any time."

Loss said with a smile: "You are worthy of being the lady who asked me to pour cappuccino personally. Your knowledge and awareness are beyond ordinary people."

When Elizabeth heard the words coffee and cappuccino, she wanted to vomit. She frowned and said: "It's useless to convince me. The largest areas in the entire southern city are the French High and Low Districts and the Lowland South District."

"The Forbidden Gate and the Eye of Alama, if you don't deal with these two organizations, you are destined to be unable to regain control of the entire Arkham City."

Loss said confidently: "I have already started to deal with the Forbidden Gate, and the Eye of Alama, this organization was gone last night."

After recruiting Charles and others, Loss naturally knew about the Eye of Alama, which had secretly become a traitor.

So last night, Kos and Danny were asked to deal with it.

! ! !

Elizabeth's face changed after hearing this. That was a large-scale superhuman organization.

The highest level of the members was 25, and the lowest was 15. There were about 50 people, all of whom were crazy people who wanted to be extraordinary and didn't care about human rules.

Danny on the side said casually: "They are just a group of self-proclaimed crazy people."

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