Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 155 The Incomplete Ancient God

After coming out of the city hall, Elizabeth turned her head and looked at the city hall. From today on, the whole Arkham has completely changed, because the dynasty belonging to Los Arkham has officially begun.

"How long has it been? Just over a month?" Elizabeth muttered.

At this moment, she still didn't understand how Los had gained such great power.

Elizabeth, who couldn't figure it out, didn't think much about it. She looked up to the east and felt that a large piece of dark cloud seemed to be gradually approaching here.

"Whether you can win the favor of the queen depends on your ability, Los Arkham."

After that, Elizabeth took the car back to her own territory, because next, it was a battle that determined life and death.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, the Massa Third Independent Corps, a total of 3,000 people, withdrew to the suburbs northeast of Arkham, and the leaders of the corps, Commander Colonel Kolo and Captain Oyok, took Kingston and others to the city to report the situation first.

In the conference room, the heads of various regions gathered together, and Kingston first made an extremely detailed report.

"According to our recent investigation, a monster with an extremely huge body has crawled out of the inner sea." Kingston's face was solemn.

"It has a body of at least 200 meters long. It seems that due to the incomplete development of the wings behind it and some deformities of its limbs, it can only crawl on the ground. But even crawling on the ground, it is still 40 meters high."

Hearing this, Kulven exclaimed: "This... What a terrifying body size! What kind of monster is this?"

Xina said: "According to my original intelligence, they want to summon an ancient god."

"What kind of existence is the ancient god...?" The question was raised by Daryl's daughter, Little Tracy.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. Lilith, Kingston, Charles and others opened their mouths almost at the same time to explain, but when they opened their mouths, they found that their brains were blank and they didn't know how to describe it.

They only knew that the ancient god was a powerful creature with great power, but as for what kind of existence the ancient god was, they couldn't explain it clearly.

Faced with this question, the big guys in the huge conference room, who were generally in their 30s and 40s, looked at each other in bewilderment, unable to explain.

Finally, everyone turned to look at Los helplessly.

Everyone knew that the great mayor was an ancient god with extremely powerful power.

Los looked at the twenty or so people staring at him with inquiring eyes, like a group of students who were confused about the discussion and seeking help from their teacher.

Suddenly, he felt that these people were a little cute. After a smile, Los explained: "First of all, you have to understand the definition of God."

"Strictly speaking, there are no gods in myths and legends in this world. All beings called gods are high-level creatures."

"Therefore, strictly speaking, the ancient god is an extremely powerful creature. He has vitality and strength far exceeding that of humans. Even today's humans are likely to have evolved from the ancient god."

"Of course, this is a general concept of the ancient god. The definition of the ancient god you know now is just a very low-level and narrow level. The truly complete ancient god has enough power to destroy the entire continent."

Hearing this, everyone's face changed drastically.


This word is really too big. It is not a country, nor a mountain range, but the land that carries all humans and empires!

Kingston's face turned pale and he asked in a trembling voice: "Mayor, then... this time..."

Loss said calmly: "This is just a very low-level defective product. Now we can see from the intelligence that even if he gets enough sacrifices and nutrition, the summoned one will not be a real ancient god, at most a false body of an ancient god."

"As for this defective product, you can understand it as a very powerful superhuman, with a level of about 80."

"Level 80!?" Hearing this number, everyone present felt numb in their brains.

Level 80? What is that concept? Some people spend their entire lives at only level 30.

"Level 50 is already a demigod, what is the concept of level 80?" Barro muttered to himself with a pale face.

And here there are only two people who are very calm, that is, Lilith and Kos.

Lilith said calmly: "It's okay, the mayor is here."

The short six words immediately pulled everyone out of the fear of level 80.

Looking at the calm and composed Los, everyone felt relieved.

Yes, because the mayor is here.

Los said calmly: "From now on, size is not a problem. The core issue is what is its current state?"

Kingston said seriously: "It has a special area with a diameter of about ten kilometers. In that area, everyone will hear strange whispers, which constantly suppress our reason. If reason is completely suppressed, we will become monsters."

"As for other abilities, it is not clear yet."

Los stood up and said: "There is no point in saying this, let's go and take a look!"

"Go and take a look?" Everyone was stunned.

Los turned to Daryl and Lilith and said: "Next, you will be responsible for hosting, I will be back soon."

After that, he pushed the door and left.

Lilith and Daryl took over the hosting very naturally.

After leaving the city hall, Los walked lightly to the roof of the city hall, and then his body suddenly jumped into the sky.

The moment he left the ground, his body changed rapidly. Almost in the blink of an eye, Los turned into an eagle with a wingspan of more than four meters and a length of more than two meters.

The eagle was covered with silver-gray feathers like steel, and its wings spread out like two sharp blades. The eagle's head was streamlined, and its diamond-shaped eyes had five golden pupils each, which was very strange.

The two eyes and ten pupils actually flashed dazzling golden light in the night sky, like dazzling lights, extremely sharp.

The wings flapped suddenly, and accompanied by the harsh sound barrier, Los's body rushed out like a rocket.

During the entire flight, Los was flying at twice the speed of sound, and the distance of 40 kilometers was reached in less than two minutes.

"Oh! The situation is much easier than I thought!" Floating in the air, Los looked down and saw a monster with a human-like body and an octopus head crawling on the ground.

Beside it, there are thousands of deep divers and a large number of mutated monsters.

This huge monster is covered with blue-gray incomplete scales. The whole body is skinny and seems to be not fully developed. A large number of scales are necrotic. A large number of human-like skeletons can be seen struggling on it, which is very disgusting.

"It's so ugly! You are in such a situation, and you can't exert one ten-thousandth of Cthulhu's power at all." Los said in his heart, and his body dived to the ground.

This monster is only level 80 now, and it has no self-awareness. It is just succumbing to instinct and wants to devour more humans to make up for its defective body.

Now Los can get rid of this monster, but he doesn't plan to do so.

Because now, there is no audience.

Two chapters today

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