Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 156 Disaster Strikes (Update 1)

In the following time, Los, in flying form, used his sensitive body to conduct all-round tests on this artificial ancient god.

First of all, it can be confirmed that this behemoth, which is more than 250 meters tall, can stand up.

Although it has been separated from the cradle, as time goes by, its legs, which possess some of the powers of the ancient gods, are evolving. It is expected that in three hours, it will have a pair of leg organs that can support its huge body.

Secondly, although the skin of the artificial ancient god is a bit ulcerated and disgusting, its defense is still super strong and can easily defend against all current thermal weapon attacks.

In Arkham today, only Los and Kos can cause substantial damage to it.

The man-made ancient god has no consciousness or wisdom, only the instinct to devour life. In addition, since he was just born, he is still unable to truly control his own power.

Third, the artificial ancient gods are similar to Los. They only have partial biological forms of the ancient gods, and do not have the special ability of the ancient gods to connect to the roots of certain types of creatures.

Now the source of the special force field it forms is not on it, but on the huge dark cloud in the sky, where the real ancient god is projected onto the world through the artificial ancient god.

Through this incident, Los also determined one thing, that is, in today's world, those ancient gods and alien gods cannot manifest their bodies normally, and they are all suffering from special imprisonment.

Fourth, the monsters around are now unconscious. They are all mutated from Innsmouth people and humans. Their current form is a variant of the Deep Diver, and they belong to the Familia.

The overall number is about seven thousand, and the general level is only level 12, but if you are in the sea or in a heavy rain, it can be upgraded to level 16.

There are about ten general-level beings among them, three of them are at level thirty-five, and the remaining seven are around level twenty-seven.

Seeing these configurations, Ross nodded slightly, knowing all the strategies and performances.

When Los turned around and prepared to leave, the artificial ancient gods on the ground seemed to instinctively sense the threat of Ross.

Only a low roar was heard from its octopus-like head, and then it suddenly raised its head and sprayed a large amount of dark liquid at Los.

Ross flapped his wings and accelerated instantly, reaching a speed of more than three times the speed of sound, gradually increasing the distance to more than a kilometer.

"Have certain long-range attack capabilities." Loss thought in his mind and turned to look at the ground. After a large amount of black liquid fell, it directly corroded the entire large forest. It was tens of thousands of times more dangerous than the most powerful acid in humans today.

"Be careful with this." Lose thought to himself before leaving.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Los came back and sat in the conference room again, and then told him the relevant information he had just obtained.

After hearing this, Kos whispered: "Its current form is a bit like my mother's old age. Since it came out of the sea, its attribute must be water. In this state, as long as it is separated from the realm of water, its combat effectiveness will increase." greatly reduced.”

Everyone didn't know this and looked at Los with doubtful eyes.

Los nodded: "Cos is right. The dark clouds above the artificial ancient god are following it to rain heavily, and his path forward is also along the Miskatonic River."

Kingston immediately said: "Mayor, if this is the case, we should close the gate as soon as possible to prevent those monsters from entering the city through the waterway."

Daryl shook his head: "This is inappropriate. Closing the gate can certainly prevent those monsters from coming in, but if those monsters attack crazily, the steel plate of the gate cannot support that time."

"And after the steel plate is damaged, the subsequent repair funds and projects are not a small amount."

"It's already this time, how can I still worry about so much? Just delay it for a while longer!" Joseph said.

Hearing this, Danny on the side said calmly: "Mr. Joseph, don't lead us into your anxiety. For us, this disaster is just one of many that Arkham will face in the future. It is a small problem. Although it is worthy of us sitting here and meeting, it is not worth the major sacrifices we have to make because of it.”

Kingston and the other seven people were stunned when they heard this. Then they suddenly discovered that everyone in Arkham sitting here showed a mysterious confidence and calmness. It seemed that for them, as long as the sky did not fall, Coming down is not a big deal.

After a brief silence, Kingston turned to look at Ross: "Mr. Mayor."

Ross said calmly at this time: "Our plan is like this..."


That night, most of the residents of Arkham didn't know what was going on, and were enjoying the quietness of the night and the sweetness of their dreams.

At this time, the entire Arkham city government and the army of nearly 20,000 people were seizing the time to make relevant arrangements and preparations.

At the same time, the top leaders of all organizations in Arkham City, under the coordination of the mayor, cooperated with each other, like a machine that was completely assembled for the first time, and began to operate with precision and speed.

Saturday, September 16th.

At eight o'clock in the morning, I just woke up and found that the sun in the east did not rise as promised today.

It is obviously a sunny day today, but the sun cannot be seen in the early morning.

The confused people turned to look, and then their eyes gradually widened, and their faces were gradually covered with fear. Then they sat down on the ground, at a loss.

Many of them who had poor mental endurance fainted instantly.

At this moment, in the east, a large area of ​​dark and scary clouds covered the sky. The gray-black clouds were like lead blocks, giving people an indescribable sense of oppression.

Under the leaden clouds, heavy rain and strong winds were raging, but the already weird weather was not all they had to pay attention to.

At this moment, under the dark clouds, in the middle of the storm, stood an extremely huge monster.

This monster stood between heaven and earth, like a monster supporting heaven and earth, but it did not have any majestic feeling, but was extremely hideous, and people were terrified at just one look, and dared not look at it again.

A body over 300 meters long stood there, with thick limbs and wings that were trying to open around the skinny body.

The hideous and huge octopus head represented that it did not belong to any of the creatures known to humans.

When the residents of Arkham stared at the extremely terrifying monster in a daze, they only saw the monster's somewhat broken wings slowly open at this time, and then suddenly flapped.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

In an instant, a gale of more than level 9 accompanied by rain and a foul smell came over us.

The raindrops flying at high speeds left bruises on many people's skin.

"Is the end of the world coming...?" All the people thought in despair.

Five more chapters today

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