Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 157 Arkham Lives Forever! (Second Update)

The terrifying strong wind swept across the entire Arkham along with the smelly raindrops. Some of the people busy on the streets were blown away and injured, and some were knocked against the wall and became dizzy.

Some people's cars were blown away, some people's clothes outside were blown to the sky, and some people...

For a time, fear, screams, and commotion filled Arkham.

Just when the entire Arkham was about to fall into chaos, a male voice suddenly sounded from their ears accompanied by bursts of electric current.

"Citizens of Arkham, have no fear."

Hearing this familiar voice, the panicked citizens felt a little relieved, because it was the voice of the mayor of Arkham.

They looked around in confusion, but unexpectedly discovered that the radio speaker near their home that had been broken for some time had been repaired.

At this time, Ross's voice continued: "Citizens of Arkham, a terrifying monster has emerged from the ocean and wants to devour all the heroic spirits in the empire, and of course we, Arkham, have become the first target of this monster."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes were once again attracted to the terrifying monster, and they couldn't help but start to tremble in their hearts.

Ross's voice continued: "The empire has abandoned us. They have used their troops to cut off our retreat. They want to make us food for this monster, use our city as their testing ground, and treat the remaining people as miserable beings." "

Upon hearing this, all the citizens suddenly felt an indescribable anger rising from their hearts, gradually replacing the fear just now.

Naturally, they knew about the recent changes. The army surrounded Arkham and prevented the people from Arkham from going inland. At the same time, they continued to send troops to Arkham to deprive the mayor of Arkham of his rights.

A few days ago, they were driving cars and tanks around the city, not allowing their shops to open, raping women at night, and attacking innocent local citizens. They knew all these things very well.

"I knew it! The empire has abandoned us a long time ago. It can be seen from the policies of these years!" The backward and impoverished citizens of Arkham have naturally expressed their dissatisfaction with the empire's policies for a long time.

At this time, Los's voice sounded again: "The empire has abandoned us, but we cannot abandon ourselves. Citizens of Arkham, don't be afraid! As long as I, Los Arkham, am here, I will not allow this monster Take a step into our city! ”

"As long as I, Los Arkham, am here, the empire's evil plan will not come true!"

"As long as I, Los Arkham, am here, I will not allow any disaster to befall our city!"

"As long as I, Los Arkham, am here, our Arkham! will last forever!"

"Citizens of Arkham! Your mayor will never abandon you!"

As soon as Los' impassioned voice fell, the sound of continuous artillery suddenly rang out in the east of the city.

At this time, the hearts of the citizens stirred by Ross' words were surging. The citizens who were extremely moved and excited looked at the situation and saw the monster taking two steps back under the continuous bombardment.

At this moment, the continuous bombardment and the repulse caused by the bombardment suddenly pushed the momentum and authenticity of Los's words just now to the peak!

"Long live the mayor! Long live the mayor!"

I don’t know who was the first to shout such a slogan. In just ten seconds, such a slogan swept the entire nine areas of Arkham.

At this moment, all the citizens, their faces red and full of enthusiasm, raised their arms and shouted.

At this moment, there is only one position left in their hearts that they admire the most.

None of the witches in the Witch House could control their emotions, and unknowingly they raised their arms and started chanting.

Minisha on the side was still calm at this time, clenching her fists did not stop the shouts of these witches.

At this moment, she knew that Ross was now in a state of affairs, and no one could stop him from unifying Arkham.

Elizabeth in the wealthy area also had a very complicated expression. She knew very well that from now on, Arkham would not recognize the Empire, but only Los Arkham.

But she had no choice, because Los was no longer something they could stop.

The same is true for Dr. Laban of the North District. At this moment, the citizens of the entire North District, whether on the streets or at home, were raising their arms and shouting with fanaticism.

What silenced the shouting was a deafening roar.

The attacked monster seemed to be enraged. It supported its body, opened the tentacles around its mouth, and let out an extremely harsh howl of terror.

Everyone turned pale when they heard the cry and hurriedly covered their ears.

Fortunately, the howling didn't last long and the distance was far enough, so the citizens didn't have any other problems except for being in a trance.

This was the sonorous and powerful voice of Loss coming again: "Now listen to my order. All companies and stores in Arkham will stop working today. All people will take refuge in their homes. Those who have no home, or those who think their home is not strong enough." , you can look for patrol police on the street, and the police will take you to the city hall and Arkham Sanatorium for refuge.”

Immediately, Los said loudly: "Arkham police and all forces, now I order you to protect the safety of the people at all costs. I will not allow any people to die because of this!"

As the voice fell, while everyone was still stunned, a team of five people appeared on every street in the city. Some of them were policemen, some were wearing temporary police uniforms, and some were even friends they knew on weekdays.

"That monster has the ability to throw monsters. All citizens hide in the house and try not to come out!"

With these people's reminders and the mayor's order just now, these people woke up as if from a dream. Without any disobedience, they quickly returned to their homes or shops, then closed the doors and windows and waited quietly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The shelling on the east side of the city continued, and this sound made all the people feel a little relieved.

At this time, the people suddenly heard a series of rustling sounds.

With a strange look on their faces, they turned their heads and found that the sky, which was clear just now, suddenly started to rain heavily.

However, what really scared them was not the heavy rain, but the monsters that came with the heavy rain.

Pah! Pah! Pah!

It seemed that the sound of mud falling from the sky kept coming.

When the people looked out of the window curiously, suddenly a hideous monster appeared outside their window and stared at them.

The next second, just as the hideous monsters raised their claws and were about to smash the windows, majestic figures flashed by.

While the people were still in shock, they saw the Arkham police officers wrestling with the monsters.

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