Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 158 Monsters, Police and Citizens (3rd update)

The people looked at the monsters in horror. They looked like fish, with thick scales on their skin, hunched bodies, ferocious fangs and sharp claws.

Their joints and backs were covered with sharp spikes, which were very scary.

Many children were frightened and cried the moment they saw them.

A large number of monsters fell from the sky with heavy rain. This should have been the end of Arkham and a disaster for all the people.

But now, it is different. Because they have the mayor of Arkham, because they have the police trained by the mayor of Arkham.

The people hugged each other as a family, hid behind the house, and watched the battle outside through the window.

They were afraid of those terrifying monsters, because just one look at these monsters was enough to give them nightmares for several days.

But at this time, they still insisted on watching, because they cared about the police who protected them.

Hundreds of battles were staged simultaneously in the nine areas of Arkham.

During the fight, the people clearly saw that the brave policeman punched the monster away, and when the monster fell to the ground, the spikes on its back could easily pierce the stone slabs on the ground, which was enough to show that the bodies of these monsters were sharper and harder than the props in their homes.

"What kind of monster is this!" The people kept thinking about these things in their hearts.

These monsters were extremely flexible in the heavy rain, they were like fish in water, and they were very fast in the rain, so fast that ordinary people couldn't catch their figures.

They had no reason, and it seemed that their instinct was to kill all the humans in front of them.

"Come on! Uncle police! Come on!" All the children watched the fight at this time, crying and clenching their fists to cheer for the police.

Fortunately, their police were not weak.

Faced with such a terrifying speed, the bravery shown by the Arkham police exceeded everyone's imagination.

Facing the crazy attacks of those monsters, the police dodged flexibly, and then flashed behind the monster, casually pulled out a sharp machete, and cut into the weak part of the back of the neck of these monsters with incomparable precision.

Then he chopped hard, and with the dark green blood spurting out, a monster was successfully killed by the police!

Yeah yeah yeah!!!

Seeing this scene, the people were immediately excited. They were extremely happy and excited.

But before they could come to their senses, more monsters fell from the sky and began to rush towards the police frantically.

Soon, the police's opponents changed from one-on-one at the beginning to one-on-two, or even one-on-three.

Faced with the crazy attack, even the strong policemen were somewhat unable to resist, and soon wounds appeared on their bodies.

"No! No! Uncle David!" At this time, a seven or eight-year-old child opened the window and shouted loudly with a nervous face.

This family used to be a relatively wealthy family, but later because the father was attacked by the gang and became disabled, the family conditions plummeted and became poor.

Just when they were about to fall into despair, the mayor of Arkham came down from the sky. They cleared the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce, eliminated the gangs, and opened up more positions. His father became an accountant of Arkham Bank with his talents, and the family lived a rich life again.

David, the policeman downstairs, was the policeman in charge of this area. He had a good relationship with their family, and the children in the family liked him very much.

At this time, David was attacked by three monsters, his whole body was covered with blood, and he was about to be unable to resist.

The clear voice of the child immediately attracted the three monsters. They stopped attacking and looked greedily at the child lying on the balcony on the second floor.

Being looked at by this group of monsters, the family's face suddenly turned pale, but their faces showed incomparable firmness and courage.

"You monsters! You are not allowed to hurt Uncle David!" The child tried to make his childish voice.

And beside him, his parents held the child's trembling body with their big hands.

From hell to heaven, it was all given by the mayor of Arkham. Even the attacks from the remnants of the gang they encountered later were all rescued by David.

Everything he had today was due to the help and kindness of others.

Their family could not stand by and watch their benefactor die because of saving them.

Just as the monster was diverting its attention, David, who was somewhat exhausted, suddenly glared, seized this moment, and flew the machete in his hand up and down, directly chopping off the heads of two monsters.

Then he pounced suddenly and threw the third monster to the ground. His arms lost their strength, and he directly showed his ghoul's hideous teeth and bit the monster's neck frantically.

More than ten seconds later, David, with blood all over his face, stood up weakly and looked at the family on the second floor, but found that the family did not look afraid of him at all, but looked at her happily.

David raised his hand and smiled: "Little York, well done! You saved me."

Although David's smile was a little ferocious, Little York was not afraid at all, with a happy smile on his face. They could finally help their savior.

Similar situations are still happening in other parts of the city.

Unfortunately, the group of monsters will not stop attacking because of their bond with each other.

David, exhausted, picked up the machete with a rolled blade. When he turned around, he found three more monsters falling from the sky.

"Kill!" David roared and rushed forward.

His life was full of boredom and filth. It was the mayor who gave him a new form, a new life, and a chance to live again.

Since this life was given by the mayor, in order to perform the mayor's mission, he could naturally give it back!

At this moment, David seemed to feel that time was slowing down. He could even faintly feel the pain of these hideous spikes and claws piercing his body, but he was not afraid.

As long as his will was firm enough and his goal was clear enough, everything could be overcome.


A dazzling knife light flashed by, and David stared blankly at the three monsters in front of him, lying in the rain with their bodies separated.

He turned his head blankly and saw a middle-aged gentleman in a black suit with a calm temperament standing beside him with a long knife in his hand.

"Carrington...Butler." David was a little surprised.

Carrington smiled and said, "Well done. Go back to Arkham Sanatorium and rest. Dr. Murthy has prepared special food for you."

David saw Carrington's expression and knew that he would be in charge of this area temporarily. He turned around and found that his other four companions were also exhausted and were waiting for him.

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