Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 160 Gods Descend to Earth (5th update) Please subscribe!

The 300-meter-high waves, even from a few kilometers away, could clearly see the constantly fluctuating sea water and the suffocating sense of oppression.

At this time, 90% of the residents of Arkham were already sitting or kneeling on the ground powerlessly.

Such a doomsday could no longer be escaped.

The 300-meter-high waves could submerge the entire Arkham in an instant, and no one would have any chance of survival.

Such a high wave only needed to fall from the sky, and the terrifying pressure could crush everyone into meat paste.

But at this critical moment, Lilith's demonic voice full of incitement came from the radio.

"Citizens of Arkham, don't be afraid. The promise made by our great mayor has never changed. No matter what happens, as long as the mayor is here, Arkham will always stand here!"

"Citizens of Arkham! Don't be defeated by the despair in front of you! Believe in our mayor! Believe in our future!"

"If the devil wants to destroy this place, then we will destroy the devil!"

"If the gods want to destroy this place, then we will kill the gods!"

"No one can stop the rise of Arkham!"

"No one can stop the continuation of Arkham!"

At this moment, Lilith's voice became extremely high, with an angelic holiness and remoteness in her tone, and she said loudly: "Citizens of Arkham! Raise your heads and look up at the sky!"

"Your mayor! Your god! It's there!"

Hearing such a voice, all the citizens who were in despair and had a gloomy heart instinctively raised their drooping heads and looked at the eastern sky with their already dilated pupils.

At the moment of seeing it, everyone's scattered pupils instantly regained focus, and then they became excited, even a little crazy!

A blue beam of light symbolizing deep and distant fell from the sky, breaking through the dark clouds in the sky and shining on the earth.

As the light fell, countless gray mists rose from nowhere, covering the desperate monsters and huge waves.

Under the incredible gaze of everyone, when all the mists gradually dissipated, they saw a giant with a height of more than 350 meters and incomparable power.

The giant was wearing a tight, simple, solemn and solemn silver-gray armor, and the cloak behind him fluttered in the cold wind.

His figure was so grand and so powerful, like a god descending from the sky, bringing purification and salvation to the world.

He held a silver-gray spear in his left hand.

There were totem carvings on the spear that symbolized the ancient mysterious existence, and there was a faint lightning on the tip of the spear.

He held a dark bell in his right hand. At this moment, a deep and quiet bell sound came from it, which immediately soothed the hearts of all the people and calmed their spirits tortured by despair and fear.

The people could not see the face of this burly figure, but they believed that this god standing between heaven and earth was their great mayor.

"Is this... the mayor's true form!?" Kenneth and others widened their eyes, and their shocked spirits were gradually filled with worship and submission.

When Charles, Barlow and other members of the Eye of Insight saw this, they were extremely excited and knelt on the ground, muttering to themselves: "This is... This is the existence we have been pursuing!"

Kingston, Joseph and others saw the majestic back, and Gina murmured: "We actually think that such an existence is an evil god? This is the greatest disrespect and blasphemy in the world."

Joseph directly prostrated himself on the ground, muttering with a pious expression: "Great Mayor, please forgive my ignorance and unreasonableness..."

On a high tower, Hester knelt on the ground with his arms spread out, his face full of morbid fanaticism and shouted: "Come for our Lord and offer our most devout faith!"

In the rich area, Elizabeth's body trembled constantly. At this time, she felt that her brain seemed to have stopped thinking, because all this made her feel too shocked and incredible.

"How is this possible!? How..." Elizabeth was worried that she would not remember it, so she hurriedly took out a notebook and drew the current scene.


When everyone was in worship, a harsh roar sounded

The monster seemed to feel a huge threat, and it let out a series of piercing and sharp roars, then flapped its wings, and the terrifying waves surged over.

Faced with this situation, the mighty god seemed very casual.

With a sharp friction sound, he slowly raised the nearly 400-meter-long spear that was like a giant pillar, and then pointed it forward.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The terrifying cold wind instantly formed a terrifying force that acted on the terrifying tide and the monster's body.

In an instant, the indescribable powerful force directly froze the 300-meter-high sea water and the ferocious artificial ancient god, turning them into an extremely huge crystal ice sculpture.

Then, the mighty existence retracted the spear and slightly raised the black bell in his right hand.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

The low, deep bell sound gradually sounded.

The bell sounded so distant and long, and at the same time so sacred and solemn.

This bell sounded not like an ordinary bell, but a funeral bell that only existed at funerals, symbolizing purification and sublimation.

The sound of the bell did symbolize some kind of evolution.

The terrifying power carried by the bell instantly shattered the terrifying waves, and at the same time shattered the hideous body of the artificial ancient god.

This kind of shattering is an absolute shattering that cannot be explained by common sense.

Even if the behemoth of more than 300 meters high falls down after being shattered, it will cause a terrifying roar.

However, this time the shattering has turned into tiny ice crystals at the moment of shattering.

And these ice crystals continue to split and shatter under the action of invisible forces when they fall.

Finally, accompanied by the colorful sunlight, it completely disappeared between heaven and earth, as if there has never been such a monster in the world.

Everyone saw this, their eyes gradually widened, not knowing what kind of terrifying power this was.

Although they could not understand it, they could clearly see the existence of the god.

The sunlight turned into colorful sunlight symbolizing sacredness and brilliance under the scattering of ice crystals.

It was also in this colorful light that the form of the majestic and powerful existence gradually dissipated, as if riding on the colorful sunlight to leave this world and return to the kingdom of God that belongs to Him.

When everything was over, it seemed that nothing had happened in this morning.

"Mom, was I dreaming just now?" Many children looked up and asked their parents.

Although their parents didn't understand what was going on, they knew that this was not a dream.

So they smiled and told their children: "This is not a dream."

"Then what is this?"

"This is... God descending to earth!"

All parents said in unison.

The fifth update is over, and this climax is over. Please recommend, subscribe, and reward!

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