Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 161 Arkham Belongs Only to Me

Los felt very bad at this time. The bones all over his body seemed to be completely broken. As long as he moved a little, he would suffer great pain.

However, these superficial pains were not the real core problem.

The real core problem was that all the blood of the ancient gods in Los' body had been consumed at this time.

As a half-step ancient god who had only one foot into the realm of the ancient gods, if he wanted to become an ancient god, he had to have enough energy and blood of the ancient gods.

As the supreme omnipotent blood, the blood of the ancient gods contained all possibilities. It was the core and essence of every ancient god, equivalent to the blood essence in the immortal cultivation system.

The first step for any creature to take the ancient god form is to produce the blood of the ancient gods that belongs only to itself through its own knowledge and form.

After the first drop is produced, the form of this person will undergo a fundamental change and become a half-step ancient god in the true sense.

The rest of the time is to continuously produce the blood of the ancient gods. Only when all the blood in this existence is converted into the blood of the ancient gods, it is qualified to advance to the ancient gods.

After obtaining the knowledge of Yog-Sothoth, Los, who is at level 85, can only store about 100 drops of blood of the ancient gods at his physical limit, and the amount that can be used at any time is less than half of it.

Now, all the blood of the ancient gods has been exhausted, all consumed in the blow that just crushed the artificial ancient god.

Strictly speaking, the artificial ancient god and Los are both defective products of the ancient gods. They have bodies close to the level of the ancient gods, but they do not have the power of the ancient gods.

The last 300-meter-high wave of the artificial ancient god borrowed the power from the projection of the ancient god above his head.

And Los borrowed the power from the knowledge given to him by Yog-Sothoth.

He can be sure that the form is definitely the ability of a completed ancient god. He doesn't know why this form appears in Yog-Sothoth's knowledge.

But he knows that he has some similarities with the properties of the power of this ancient god, so he can borrow it through this knowledge.

The price is naturally to consume the blood of the ancient gods beyond imagination.

The dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and the colorful sunlight disappeared with the complete dissipation of the ice crystals.

At this time, Los was lying on the ground helplessly. Although he looked in good condition, he was seriously deficient inside.

"After this turmoil, I can get enough time for development. I must speed up the development of blood therapy, otherwise Arkham's advantage will be completely lost."

Feeling the dried blood of the ancient gods in his body, Los felt a sense of urgency and crisis for the first time.

This world is very complicated. At the advanced level, there are alien civilizations with special technologies and abilities, evil gods in various forms, ancient gods imprisoned in dungeon mazes, and foreign gods coveting the material world.

And at the bottom level, there are mysterious organizations such as the Eye of Insight, various dangerous legendary creatures, and strange families and monsters.

"I'm so naughty! Why did I add so many settings here?" Los couldn't help scolding himself.

Although the aliens had nothing to do with him, the other settings were all added by him.

His purpose at the time was very simple, that is, to use various methods to play with those unruly people.

While Los was thinking, the black hair appeared silently and lifted Los up.

"Master, how are you?" Lilith's perfect face came close to him, and she asked with concern.

Los said motionlessly: "Not very good, this transformation is a big loss."

As he said, Los looked at Lilith's crystal clear face and said: "I was planning to pamper you after this matter is over, but unfortunately, I can't get up now."

Hearing this, Lilith's fair face suddenly showed a trace of pink, and then she said with a hint of shyness: "Actually... I can move myself."

Los' eyes lit up: "Good suggestion."

While the two were talking, a loud call came from a distance.




In a chaotic voice, Los saw a large group of people running towards this side.

The leaders were naturally Carrington, Daryl, Murthy and other first group of people, followed by Danny, Sheena, Barlow, Kenneth and others.

Los said with some dissatisfaction: "These guys are really ruining the atmosphere."

Lilith whispered: "I will always belong to the master. Now, you should enjoy the admiration and respect of everyone."

Los smiled and said: "You know me best."

At this time, everyone rushed over with great excitement and admiration.

Los said with a calm smile: "Okay, it's not time to be happy now. There are still many soldiers fainted and injured over there. Let's clean up the battlefield first!"


At this time, no one questioned Los's idea, and then began to clean up the entire front line.

This battle was very tragic. Major General Pigu's army was completely wiped out, and the casualties of the Third Independent Corps exceeded 60%.

The remaining soldiers were almost desperate in the desperate situation just now, their eyes rolled back, and they fainted.

Danny and others were responsible for the post-war handling work, and Los took a car back to the city under the protection of everyone.

Eleven o'clock in the morning.

When the vehicle entered the central area along the intersection on the north side of Peabody Avenue, the entire central area and the houses on both sides of the street were full of people.

These people gathered here from all over the city, waiting for the great mayor's triumphant return with great enthusiasm and excitement.

At this time, after replenishing some energy, Los's body functions have returned to normal.

Seeing these enthusiastic citizens, Los calmly got out of the car surrounded by the crowd, raised his hand and said loudly to all the people: "I said, Arkham will last forever!"

"Arkham will last forever! Arkham will last forever!"

For a time, shouts like a tsunami resounded through the central area, and the deafening sound waves were higher than one wave, filled with everyone's indescribable excitement and pride.

Their mayor is a god who has descended to the earth!

Their mayor will always protect Arkham!

And in such a slogan, it is not only about the city of Arkham, but also Los's surname.

At this moment, everyone has never blindly worshipped a person like now, and believed in a person so much.

Ross smiled as he looked at the citizens with red faces and fanatical expressions. This was his core purpose this time, to completely focus all the people's thoughts on himself and make himself the absolute controller of Arkham.

And now, everything he expected has come true.

"From now on, this will be Arkham that belongs to me alone!" Ross was full of pride.

Today, this chapter will be the end of this part of the story. Tomorrow, the main storyline will be officially entered. The system of the whole world and various secrets will also appear one after another. Please support us.

Starting tomorrow, three to four chapters will be updated every day.

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