Monday, September 18, 1930, bimonthly calendar, sunny day.

Two days have passed since the dreamlike "God's Descent Day", and people's enthusiasm seems to have completely dissipated. The people of Arkham have returned to normal life and work, as if everything that happened in the past week has nothing to do with them.

As for what happened on September 16, no one wants to mention it again. They all regard that incident as the most hidden secret in their hearts, and put it in the deepest part of their memory for worship and treasure.

Although the disaster has ended in Arkham City, it is just the beginning for the province of Massa.

As a port city, Innsmouth has a permanent population of only 50,000 to 60,000, even though it is not large in scale.

In addition to the dead and the sacrificed, according to conservative estimates, at least 30,000 people have turned into those weird and terrifying monsters.

On the way to the artificial ancient god, they followed the various streams of the Miskatonic River and entered the entire province of Massa.

In less than two days, the entire Massa Province has reported more than 5,000 monster attacks, causing at least 3,000 deaths.

The incidents caused in two days are more than all the incidents in the past 20 years in Massa Province combined!

For a while, those terrifying fish monsters hidden in the swamps and rivers became the nightmare of the entire Massa Province, and even the entire provincial government was attacked by no less than 100 attacks.

However, what really gave those people a headache was not only the fish monsters, but also the rumors that came with the fish monsters.

"These fish monsters are all failed products of the Imperial Military's secret experiments."

"All fish monsters are humans transformed by the Imperial Military."

"The Imperial Military deliberately caused this leak this time in order to test the lethality of their new biological weapons."


If it were just rumors, it would not be enough to give the entire Massa Military a headache.

Along with these rumors came the crazy attacks of these fish monsters, and the fact that the killed fish monsters turned back into humans.

And the various reports that have been thoroughly spread in the past two days.

"The military secretly blocked Arkham and seemed to be conducting secret experiments."

"Major General Pigu's army secretly bombed Innsmouth and massacred all civilians to destroy the evidence of their experiments in Innsmouth."

Along with these reports, there were also various bloody and terrifying photos and completely true reports.

Among them were the personal experiences of merchants returning from Arkham, the personal experiences of injured soldiers, and... the true stories of Arkham Mayor, Los Arkham and Municipal Manager, Daryl Klocum!

In two days, the huge storm of public opinion and the anger of the people pointed everything to the Imperial Military.

The events in Massa Province also quickly began to spread to the neighboring provinces. For a while, the entire northeast of the empire was full of complaints and public grievances.

The huge public opinion was approaching the center of the empire.

More than 200,000 people went on strike and marched, pointing directly at the military.

Her Majesty the Queen held a press conference at this time, saying that she would thoroughly investigate the whole incident.

The two Senates then held a meeting and began to discuss.

Because the incident was so serious, the collective strike paralyzed the daily life of the entire imperial capital, and even large-scale looting and burning occurred.

You know, in this stage when transportation and communication are still in the early stages, such incidents can be said to be very fatal.

Therefore, the discussion and decision-making speed of the two houses was very fast.

The supreme commander of the entire military, General Eisen, was temporarily suspended, and all military research work was suspended.

Her Majesty the Queen was personally responsible for investigating this matter and would go to Arkham in person in three days to investigate and collect evidence at the dangerous front line.

A series of continuous operations, coupled with the strong entry of the army into the city, finally calmed the turmoil in the imperial capital.

It was at this time that all the eyes of the empire were on the backward, remote, mysterious and ancient town, Arkham.

Innsmouth has now been completely flattened. This is not fiction, but the real situation obtained by countless detectives, mercenaries, and even killers after investigation.

The large number of monster corpses and civilian skeletons left there fully illustrate that very horrible and inhumane things have been done this time.

While this huge storm was still brewing, Arkham, the center of the incident, was still continuing his past life.

In the early morning, the bright sunshine shone in through the gaps in the curtains, and Los stretched his body comfortably.

When he looked up slightly, he saw a quiet and elegant beauty lying on his chest.

Looking around, the black hair fell down like black silk, and in this hair, the soft and plump, tight waist connected to the plump buttocks, hazy and looming.

Although I could see a little from the gap and couldn't see the magnificent original appearance, there was a different style of holding a pipa and half covering her face.

"It's really a top-notch!" Los sighed in his heart, and his hands began to be dishonest again.

Under the hazy moonlight last night, the simple and holy temperament and the shyness of wanting to refuse but also welcome were mixed together, like a dignified goddess entangled by desire and shyness.

Lilith opened her eyes in confusion: "Master, what's wrong?"

"Get up, there are still many things to do today."

Afterwards, the two people who were extremely satisfied did not continue to waste time in bed, but washed and put on makeup very happily.

At 8:30 in the morning, Carrington said at the table: "According to Miss Clark's message, Her Majesty the Queen will arrive here in about six days. She will be accompanied by the House of Representatives, the Imperial Procuratorate, the Free People's Supervision Guild and the police."

"No army?" Lilith was a little surprised.

Loss smiled and said: "In order to avoid suspicion, the army will not send people here openly, but in secret, the people they send are much more professional than the queen."

"They lost a major general, tens of thousands of soldiers were wiped out, and even the 300 super soldiers they equipped were all dead. They must find out what happened here."

After listening, Lilith smiled and said: "It's a pity, the truth they know, I'm afraid their spirits can't bear it."

"Maybe they will send some aliens that we have never seen before." Los looked expectant.

"The master seems to be very excited about aliens." Lilith asked.

Los took a bite of dessert and said, "People of my generation have been taught all kinds of things about aliens since childhood. In the fantasy world, this world has been destroyed by aliens hundreds and thousands of times."

"Now I am really curious about what real aliens look like."

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