Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 163: Everyone slides and cuts open the werewolf's belly

After breakfast, Los and Lilith went directly to the city hall.

Today's city hall is very busy, and its main business includes interview applications from major newspapers across the empire, and related personnel reports.

In addition, there are issues related to the reconstruction planning of the East District and the River District, the relocation of indigenous people, core planning, future development, and related investment plans, etc.

Although everyone in the city hall was very busy, no one complained because of this, but they were very motivated.

Because they are working for the great gods and for the bright future of the entire Arkham.

"Mayor, good morning!"

Walking into the hall, everyone saw Los and after saying hello happily, they continued to start the work at hand.

Ross liked this busy atmosphere very much. He nodded slightly and turned around and returned directly to his office.

In the office, Daryl is already waiting here.

"Say it!" Ross sat down.

Daryl first took out a document and said: "Master, this is about the expansion plan of the University of Michigan library. This plan was proposed by Dr. Armitage. He hopes to spread some knowledge about special creatures to the entire Aka." The people of Mu.”

“At the same time, we hope that the entire UM library will become an open library that can be consulted by all citizens.”

Ross took the document, nodded with satisfaction and said, "Doctor understands my thoughts better. I have already had an idea for the Extraordinary Knowledge Library, but I have never had time to plan it."

His eyes quickly scanned the contents of the document. Armitage's plan was to separate the University of Michigan Library in its original location, rebuild it, and assign guards.

In addition, we hope to cooperate with the Arkham City Library to complement each other's content and allow the library's radiation range to cover the entire Arkham.

"This plan is very good, approved." Ross signed readily.

Daryl said: "Master, this repair plan will cost about half a million rosas."

Los waved his hand slightly: "These two libraries are very important and cannot use ordinary materials. You purchase external materials first. As for the internal materials, I will let Morsi prepare them later."


Daryl said and handed over the second document: "This is all the relevant intelligence that Dr. Laban and Ms. Clark handed over regarding the deployment of their personnel in the North District and the wealthy area."

Ross looked down, raised the corners of his mouth and said, "It's much richer than I thought. I'll make a copy of it later and give it to Sheriff Harden."

Daryl nodded, and then handed over the third document: "This is about the re-nomination of the nine municipal commissioners in the nine regions of Arkham. Take a look."

Ross didn't look at it and said, "No need to look at it, they won't let me down."

Daryl smiled knowingly and took out the last two documents: "These are the two special agencies established independent of the police according to your wishes, the "Arkham Welcome Bureau" and the "Community Warmth Group" Preliminary personnel list.”

Los is still a little curious about this. These two organizations are secret organizations independent of the police. The former is responsible for warmly welcoming spies and investigators who infiltrate Arkham, in order to reflect the customs and hospitality of Arkham. Simple and simple.

The latter is responsible for dealing with issues such as mental disorders caused by the ancient gods throughout Arkham, and bringing warmth to the mentally ill, so that they do not have to worry about losing control because of mental disorders, nor do they need to worry about being homeless because of the disgust of their neighbors, because Arkham Sanitarium is their forever home!

The head of the Arkham Welcome Bureau was tentatively assigned to Sheena, while the head of the Community Warmth Group was Danny.

Xina has the foundation of a ghost agent and extremely powerful tracking and anti-tracking abilities.

Danny's gang members are already pervasive. With the complete opening of the nine areas, he can grasp the precise information at the bottom through the businessmen in the gray areas at the bottom.

I opened the list and looked at it. As expected, both of them were robbing Charles, Barlow, Helen, Kenneth and others.

After witnessing Los's divine power, these people all surrendered to that divine power without any surprise, and they naturally became very interested in these two secret organizations.

Finally, enthusiastic citizens such as Kenneth, Mark, Chambers, Hindvall, and Leal joined the Arkham Welcome Bureau.

And members of the Eye of Insight, such as Charles, Barlow, and Helen, have joined the community warmth group. This distribution is just right.

"The only pity is that there is no Kingston and the others to stay." Lose put down the document and sighed.

As the backbone of the Green Covenant, Kingston's team has the power to sweep through most of the empire, and is a very precious combat power.

After witnessing the power of Los, they naturally had the idea of ​​​​surrender from the bottom of their hearts, but they also had their own positions, especially the covenant they had made before.

In addition to reporting, their purpose of going back this time is also to apply, hoping to have their team permanently stationed in Arkham, so that they can not violate their covenant and live under the protection of the gods.

When Los heard this, he did not embarrass them. They had witnessed the gods descending to earth and did not have the courage to tell what happened here.

As veterans for many years, they naturally know what to say and what not to say.

Everyone is naturally skilled in how to tell the truth and lie.

Lilith smiled and said, "They can't live without you in their lives. In less than two months, they will come back here because this is their real home."

After Darry finished reporting the routine things, he continued, "Master, Dr. Murthy seems to have made a new breakthrough. Kurvin wants to talk to you in detail about the expansion of Arkham Sanatorium."

"In addition, regarding the education of supernatural beings, regarding the changes in the textbooks for primary and secondary school students, the head of the education department said that they don't know anything about vampires, werewolves and families. I hope you can provide them with some information."

Los stood up and said, "No problem. I will compile a detailed version when I have time."

Understanding supernatural beings should start from childhood. After experiencing this incident, because the residents of Arkham are still a little uneasy, they were scared by such a small thing.

His goal is to make all residents of Arkham, from eight-year-old children to eighty-year-old old men, memorize the weaknesses and coping methods of all supernatural creatures.

In this way, the citizens of Arkham can, in extreme anger, cut open a werewolf's belly with a sliding shovel or chop off a Byager's wings.

After all, in Los's vision, the future Arkham will become a legendary city that gathers all the extraordinary knowledge in the world, and is the link between people and the ancient gods, evil gods, and outer gods!

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